Essays on Gender

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73 essay examples found

Independence in Jane Eyre

“Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel” (Bronte 123). The Victorian period stereotyped women to be calm, domestic, and submissive to their male counterparts. But Charlotte Bronte developed Jane Eyre’s personality from a powerless child to an independent woman on her journey through Thornsfield in order to […]

Pages: 2 Words: 502

Multicultural Feminist Theory

The feminist theory is not just all about women, but it’s about the quality of life for people and races. The feminist theory also helps men and women understand the roles that they have been given by their social identities and experiences. The four practitioners that have the greatest impact on the feminist theory, all […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1527
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A Feminist Theory of Delinquency

The situation of Donna Hylton is as rare as it is tragic. To hear her voice on the podcast Decarcerated, one knows that she refuses the status of the victim role. At the same time, she was a victim in so many ways. On a sociological level, one can only see the star student reduced […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2247

He and She Is an Avant-Garde Feminist Play

Whose finished version was written and produced in 1920s New York City. They play is one of many of those by Rachel Crothers, who’s heroine is typically “young, sensible” and “equates financial independence with self-respect”. He and She captures the drama of married life in which gender roles are questioned when wealth and success are […]

Pages: 3 Words: 967

The Impact of The Feminist Theory on Society

According to Lay and Daley (2008), Feminism can be defined as the act of advocating for the rights of women when it comes to political, social and economic equality to men. The feminist theory is one which has developed as a part of a large feminist movement which strives to challenge methodologies, priorities and traditions […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2186

An Analysis of The Feminist Theory on “I Stand Here Ironing”

There are a few primary differences between Feminism and PostFeminism. Feminism, is believed to be a response to society’s views of women and their roles. Focusing on the inequality between men and women, Feminist groups try to keep the binary in place to level inequality, specific to white-middle class women. This is different from Post-Feminist […]

Pages: 1 Words: 413

Feminism and The Theory of The Political, Economic, and Social Equality of The Sexes

Feminism, the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes, seeks to rectify past injustices and pave the way for the equal advancement of liberty. Its philosophy touches on such concepts as equality among sexes, justice, affirmative action, equal pay, et cetera. The problem with such actions is that some say that, […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1105

An Analysis of The Feminist Approaches to Sociological Theory

Feminist approaches to sociological theory have developed out of historical sites of struggle for equality. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of four different feminist theoretical orientations. Sociological theory is broadly concerned with structured forms of social inequality. Therefore, sociologists generally attempt to approach human behavior and relations in terms of the particular social setting of […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1019

The Difference of Men and Women in “A Doll’S House”

In the culture of the late nineteenth century, men and women were viewed as having strict gender-specific roles in everyday life. Most noticeably, men were supposed to be strong bread-winners of a typical household, whereas women were significantly more dainty and expected to be homemakers. The play “A Doll’s House”, written by Henrik Ibsen makes […]

Pages: 2 Words: 635

An Analysis of The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin through the Lens of New Historicism

“The Story of an Hour” focuses on Mrs. Mallard, a married woman, and how she reacted to her husband’s death. After experiencing sadness, Mrs. Mallard embraced new freedom for the first time. However, after seeing Mr. Mallard is still alive, she has a tremendous shock and dies. Her story reflected the typical marriage of 1894. […]

Pages: 2 Words: 629

Identity Relating to Social Class in American Born Chinese, a Book by Gene Yang

The book “American Born Chinese” by Gene Yang covers a lot of issues that affect our current society. The topics it covers include family, culture, identity, race, gender, and social class. Although the book mainly is about Jin, it begins with a story about the Monkey King. The book then proceeds to Jin’s story in […]

Pages: 3 Words: 814
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