Essays on Education

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169 essay examples found

Education Begins at Home

Education is commonly referred to as the process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. The process of education does […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1278

The Education System and The Curriculum

Introduction The passage is about a mother who read her daughters passage and found it very wanting of proper writing instructions. The girl had followed all the instructions given in class about writing but the mother found the instructions unnecessary to the work the girl was doing. Additionally, the girl was writing an essay about […]

Pages: 2 Words: 529
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The Education Was Not Given to The Slaves

Her story is very determine we get to know about Linda Brent’s life. She did not have a easy life from the start. After Margaret Horniblow passed away who was her first slave owner. She was passed down Dr. Flint, he was the bad guy in her story because he abused his power. She has […]

Pages: 3 Words: 998

Why Sex Education Is Important

Socioeconomic status can lead into teenage pregnancy that which can affect ones higher education Out of all the things I utterly loathe, waking up and rolling out of bed early in the morning for something I completely have no interest in is definitely on top of that list. I was raised in a small desert […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2042

Is College Education Essential

Growing up college was necessary, often times parents and close ones described it as a privilege you were born into right from the start as a little boy or girl. For a long time and for many of us millennials. There is a limited number of pathways. These pathways consist of either go to trade […]

Pages: 3 Words: 894

Effects of Education

Limitation The present study was based on the assessment of knowledge score and to assess the effectiveness of psycho-educative module on cannabis use disorder. It was found that the psycho-educative module was effective and there was increase in the knowledge score of the adolescents but there was some limitations of the present study. The study […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1079

Linguistic and Education

At the age of two years, Josefina migrated with her parents from Philippines to settle in Australia. Their ancestral home is a town outside Manila in which the majority of people spoke Tagalog. Regardless of that, the official languages which are used in Philippines are English and Filipino. Because of that, she managed to get […]

Pages: 8 Words: 2290

The Chrstian Education Philosophy

There comes a point in everyone’s life that they must start making decisions on their own, it is at this point they choose what lenses they will use to drive their decisions. For Christians that lense is the Bible and the Holy Spirit is the guiding force. Having a Biblical view on the world means […]

Pages: 8 Words: 2349

Homeschooling Way of Education

Envision sitting at home with the same individuals consistently, perhaps in a dangerous situation, not being able to socialize with others. Children may not be secure in their home throughout the day, their family could be unable to afford the cost of the right materials for homeschooling, and above all, they don’t get the appropriate […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1985

Christian Philosophy of Education

Introduction How was the world created? What is life? Is God real? How can you prove that God is real? These are lingering questions that have been around for ages. As a Christian, it is essential to lead a life that is reflective of your Christian beliefs. In the workplace today it is difficult to […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1296

Impact and Power of Education in Human Life

One of the main reasons for our success as a species consists of our keen ability to pass on information and knowledge to our offspring so efficiently. With that being said, no one can dispute the massive importance of proper education on our society. But, why do we still fail to optimize education for our […]

Pages: 2 Words: 560

The Banking Concept of Education

Throughout my writing and literature education, my classes were filled with what Freire would describe as “banking” education and less of “problem-posing” education. This is surprising because writing and literature are creative and typically open-ended. Freire believed that “banking” education “attempts to control thinking and action… and inhibits [the students’] creativity.” Looking back at high […]

Pages: 1 Words: 438

Brown Vs Board of Education

Brown vs. Board of Education was a relatively unimportant motivating factor for the Civil Rights Movement between 1950-1963. The significance of Brown as a motivating factor for the Civil Rights Movement can be evaluated through the importance of the legal precedent it established: pressuring political change and inspiring civil rights activism. Rosenberg views Brown as […]

Pages: 10 Words: 3050

The Importance of Special Education

Inclusivity of special needs students in classes with normal students provide an equal ground to compete but do not make them equal. Disability is not inability, and the disabled children can have high skills that the other students but learning to them are a challenge. The students find it very hard to find friends and […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1416

Overview of The Concept of Education

Education is very important for succeeding in life, and that difference between this family about education. The author gives some information about Rodriguez background. When Rodriguez started school, he didn’t speak English. Being torn between conforming to the public, and private language, he discusses themes of intimacy and language. However, Rodriguez used Spanish, and the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1035

How Does Procrastination Affect College Education

One of the biggest time killers is procrastination. When it comes to doing homework it is like my mind dazes off to Wonderland and Netflix calls out my name. According to Whitebourne, The Paradox of Procrastination, “About twenty percent of adults have regular bouts of procrastination, but as many as perhaps seventy to ninety percent […]

Pages: 3 Words: 761

Gender Discrimination Still Exists in Modern Education

In “The Tokyo Medical University entrance exam scandal: lessons learned”, an article published on Wheeler International Journal for Educational Integrity in 2018, author talked about some actual problems, which caused by gender discrimination, still keep impacting Japanese modern universities education. Tokyo Medical University (TMU) was reported that it kept using ignoble methods to control the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 946

Biblical Worldview and Christian Philosophy of Education

Inside the Christian/Biblical worldview, the question of the source is completely entrenched in God. This belief is that God created all that is there and that he rules over it autonomously. Each person has a worldview, whether we recognize it or not. It impacts the way in which we reason and consequently the way we […]

Pages: 3 Words: 769

The Allegory of The Cave and Education

The “Allegory of the Cave” is a philosophical writing that metaphorically and symbolically explains the relationship between knowledge and ignorance. In my perspective the “Allegory of the Cave” is an accurate metaphor for modern-day society regarding our educational system. The image that Plato illustrates in the cave consists of people chained to the wall, who […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2017

The Psychology of Forgetting

On many occasions, I have found myself forgetting information I have read over and over again. I can relate my forgetfulness to retrieval failure where I have failed to recall certain information about a particular subject. This usually happens because of absence of cues as in cue-dependent forgetting. According to this mechanism, one lacks access […]

Pages: 1 Words: 355

Sensation, Perception, Consciousness, Motivation, Emotion, and Learning

Behavioral theory approach is based on the fact that behavior is learned from the past experiences. It also states that the same way a behavior can be learned it can also be unlearnt or reconditioned. This is a theory based on the fact that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. There are two superior types […]

Pages: 2 Words: 631

Discussion Forum

The contemporary realistic book that I chose is Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. This is a children novel authored by Judy Blume. It was published in 1972 (Blume, 2003). The book is appropriate for children above the age of 7 years and belongs to the discipline of teaching. This is because […]

Pages: 1 Words: 443

In Dante’S Vita Nuova, Who Is The Teacher and Who Is The Student?

Dante’s Vita Nuova represents what could be termed as a text of High Middle Ages. The poem explores literary construction the myth of the contemporary love in the European world. In a late eleventh century, approximately two hundred before Vita Nuova was written, European culture began to experience some re-evaluation of the representation of woman […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1116

Report Evaluation of Two Visitor Information Centres

Introduction Mostly, people visiting a new place may be as normal visitors of even tourists may need assistance on the best way to go especially in their general interactions with people of that country. They may also need guidance on the hotels to visit, the best places to book for accommodations and also different maps […]

Pages: 8 Words: 2392

Independent Project

Question Conduct an observational experiment to investigate how the exam timetable affected the performance of students in sevens exams in a class of eighteen students. Description Divide the student into three groups of six and name them as group A, B and C. Set three exam timetables. Schedule the time of doing the exams in […]

Pages: 3 Words: 871

Language Learning

The journal article, starting language schema for English language learners: teacher composed digital jump stars for academic reading (Rance-roney 2010), illustrates how the digital storytelling supports the ESL learners academic literacy. Revealing a way in which digital storytelling can enhance learning as well as teaching. She describes it as a way of supporting learners. It […]

Pages: 1 Words: 374

Iep Present Level of Performance and Individual Need

Introduction An IEP describes the personalized learning aims of a child learner who has been verified to have learning disabilities.  The IEP is planned to assist children in attaining specific educational goals without difficulty than they otherwise do. Besides, the IEP is custom made to meet individual learners’ needs as recognized through the student observation […]

Pages: 2 Words: 567

Risk Management in Healthcare Information Technology

Question 1 Owing to the fact that HCUP is the Nation’s most detailed and reliable hospital care data, my State, California does participate in this program. It does supply separate emergency department and ambulatory surgery source files. It has an OSHPD that uses patient type indictors to detect the difference between patients treated at ambulatory […]

Pages: 3 Words: 961
1 2 3 6

Using observations, some people argue that all students, regardless of their ability to pay, should attend college. Considering that the educated population is generally more prosperous than the uneducated, there are many strong advocates for the attendance of a college. However, I disagree with this claim because not everyone is capable or prepared enough to attend a college; it might not even be necessary for their future aspirations or careers. Therefore, not everyone should attend a college.

The fact of the matter is, our aspirations may not always turn into a reality due to difficult circumstances. For instance, when describing the trend toward increased college enrollment, “New research reveals a huge gap between aspirations and reality, especially for poor and minority students.” (Source E). Although some students may want to attend a college, they might not be able to because of financial issues, stripping their chances of receiving a higher education. Whether it be because of a lack of effort or a lack of money, it might not be in their control to decide whether they attend a college or not.

Additionally, when discussing the reasons for college dropouts, Thomas Toch admits, “We’re telling kids that they can do it, when we’re not giving them the academic tools to be successful.” (Source E). If they are not being properly taught the things they need to know, colleges will be an extreme struggle for these students. Without the proper tools, colleges are essentially useless, for it will be wasted away with nothing but confusion and regret. Colleges are supposed to help you succeed but if all it is doing is distressing or oppressing you, it now becomes a negative factor in your life, which will lead you to a difficult life. In certain situations, students would actually benefit from skipping colleges because they would only suffer and gain nothing from their experience there; in fact, they would lose more than gain.

Even if students did attend a college, not all of them know what they want to study and aren’t going for the right reasons. Furthermore, when making observations about the purpose of attending colleges, Rob notices that “drifting through a couple of years of classes with no real career direction was a good way to waste ten thousand dollars or so.” (Source F).

He makes note of how not all students are aware of their direction in life, so attending a college would be fruitless in terms of your future, and even burdensome with all the debt piling up from doing nothing. It would be better to go to a college knowing what you want to study so that you wouldn’t waste any money on classes you don’t really need or want to take. Moreover, after realizing that most kids go for the college experience rather than a real education, Rob claims that “Most of them end up starting on the bottom rung of some company, about where they would have started without a degree, only now with a degree and thousands of dollars of debt.” (Source F). Without the right motivation, college students will find themselves achieving little while gaining much debt to be paid. This pathway will only lead to a poor lifestyle that could have been avoided with patience and careful consideration. Going to college is ultimately meaningless for them because they will be at the same position as someone who did not attend college, only poorer. In the end, students will not only be wasting their money, but also their time.

Not only does this have a lot of damage on the student, but it also affects colleges, families, and taxpayers as well. For instance, when explaining the consequences of Remedial needs, Kurtzman claims they strain the student “who might pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for classes that don’t count for a degree,” colleges “which devote instructors, classrooms and supplies to classes that ideally wouldn’t be necessary,” and the taxpayers of the state who pay about $30 million a year in remedial costs. (Source B).

People who go to college unprepared will do more damage than they realize. Ultimately, colleges will be prevented from using theirmaterials effectively and wisely on students who can actually use it for their benefit. Moreover, after establishing the fact that students who require remediation often struggle, fail, and drop out, he concludes, “They lose the earning power of a college degree.” (Source B). A college degree no longer seems worth the price they must pay because students lack the motivation needed to successfully earn a college degree. They are suffering immensely just to earn the degree that it doesn’t seem like an achievement anymore, but more like a burdensome finish. Unprepared students who rush into a college will only create a poorly sufficient environment for those who are actually qualified.

It is important to note that I am not against going to a college, but I strongly disagree with the idea that college must immediately follow your high school career. Every person’s situation is different and despite all the opportunities available for going to a college, it does not fit everyone’s needs or abilities. Industries and leaders must be more considerate of this fact, for everyone has a different story. Ultimately, colleges aren’t a necessity for everyone and essentially depends on their circumstances as an individual.