Essays on Culture

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142 essay examples found

Culture During The Great Depression

T.S. Eliot and F. Scott Fitzgerald are two famous writers with exceptional talent, whom both bring something different to the literary world. Eliot was a groundbreaking 20th century poet who found his love for writing by leaving the United States and finding his inspiration in England where he spent the rest of his life. One […]

Pages: 2 Words: 483

Culture and Substance Abuse

The main objective of addiction counseling is to assist the client to maintain and achieve abstinence from addictive behaviors and chemicals. Also, this counseling will assist the client to recover from addiction damages to his/her health. In addition, the current stage of change of is action because the client should take measures for developing a […]

Pages: 1 Words: 310
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Walmart Culture and Values: Leadership, & Ethics (Ce 3)

Introduction Wal-Mart being one of the successful companies whose success was majorly brought about by culture, is being used by learners to evaluate the role of cultures in companies and what it needs for a culture to make a company successful. In this essay therefore, am basing my arguments of the well understanding about the […]

Pages: 7 Words: 1973

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture Define Almost Every Nation on Earth

First, there is E Pluribus Unum, a latin phrase meaning “out of many, one”. This 13-letter motto, adopted after the birth of America in 1776, referred to the 13 colonies unifying into a single nation. Over time, however, this phrase came to be understood as one people from many backgrounds. This seems fitting as America […]

Pages: 3 Words: 954

Sexism in Our Culture

Sexism was a big deal long ago. Am I saying sexism does not exist? Of course not. It always will in some way. I am not to argue the cause of accepting it, but in the current situation people are just willing to argue for what they are biased for, people need to realize sexism […]

Pages: 3 Words: 858

Differences Between Chinese and American Culture

Organizations meet different cultures when expanding their business to various regions around the world. The success of a business in an unfamiliar geographic location depends on their understanding of any local culture, which helps people effectively deal with business partners. China is one of the utmost lucrative markets in the world that have attracted many […]

Pages: 3 Words: 909

The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Culture and on Other Countries

Ancestor worship is a part of the Chinese traditional religion that revolves around the habitual celebration of deified ancestors as well as tutelary deities of the people with a similar surname. They are organized into lineage societies in shrines for the ancestors. To the living people, ancestors are living and present among their lives through […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1441

The Imposition of Us Power and Culture

According to Isenberg’s collection of primary sources from the gold rush era (The California Gold Rush 2018), the imposition of US power and culture on a newly conquered territory in California partially influenced Californian society, prominently shown through Californians’ efforts to prohibit slaves. However, Californian society was unique compared to the other states. In Californian […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1098

Biblical Songs

The twelve disciples By: Bigsy Album: The Bluealbum The song talks about the choosing of the twelve disciples by Jesus. He calls each of them, and some willingly follow him after they heard about the baptism. The song also highlights the roles that the disciples were given to do by Jesus on his behalf. Moreover, […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1756

An Evaluation of Your Own Approach to Learning and Continuing Professional Development

The development of professions now requires individuals to undertake a form of continuing professional development, and this is considered as an integral part of the process. It can be considered as a factor that contributes to the integrity and rigour that now defines a professional activity that now defines professional activity. The current environment has […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2031

Oedipus and Lysistrata Are Fantastic Playwrights

Oedipus and Lysistrata are fantastic playwrights. For instance, Oedipus is one of the characters who seem to portray the traditional Greece. On the other hand, Lysistrata is used to present the modern ways of life. Consequently, both plays Oedipus and Lysistrata have a significant role to beliefs and civilization of the early Greece. Moreover, both […]

Pages: 3 Words: 881

Report Evaluation of Two Visitor Information Centres

Introduction Mostly, people visiting a new place may be as normal visitors of even tourists may need assistance on the best way to go especially in their general interactions with people of that country. They may also need guidance on the hotels to visit, the best places to book for accommodations and also different maps […]

Pages: 8 Words: 2392

How Frank Miller Undermines American Black and White Ideologies

Frank miller played a significant role in introducing a new perspective into the existing ideologies held by African Americans and the whites that prompted him to become Nietzches superman. Evidence to the new perspective is depicted in Miller’s Batman: The dark Knight Returns that serves as a comic-book published in 1986. Set in the future, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 698

The Thin Blue Line

Introduction The thin blue line is a book and a movie that is focused on the life of a police officer whereby a man is wrongly convicted of murder by the Dallas County justice system. The film is created by Ben Elton and directed by Errol Morris. Adam accepts a ride from a teenager who […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1696

Being an American Means to Uphold Values of Independence, Responsibility and Freedom

For hundreds of years, people have been immigrating to the United States in search of freedom, better living and the fulfillment of the American dream. Being an American means to uphold values of independence, responsibility and freedom. Patriotism and unity are main agents for a nation s identity. These values have been forged by our […]

Pages: 3 Words: 999

Many Authors Often Write About American Identity

Many authors often write about American identity. Authors Dwight Okita, and Sandra Cisneros both developed a common theme in their texts, “Response to Executive Order 9066” and “Mericans”. In both texts, the theme of ethnic profiling is present. This is a common issue in American culture today, making these two texts stand out. The authors […]

Pages: 2 Words: 512

The American City and American Identity

When you see the phrase, the American city, what do you visualize? Martin Scorsese, a director, says ‘When I was growing up, I don’t remember being told that America was created so that everyone could get rich. I remember being told it was about opportunity and the pursuit of happiness. Not happiness itself, but the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 786

The Culture-Based Nationalism Finds Its Origins in The American Colonial Tradition

According to social identity theory, one of the key determinants of group biases is the need to improve self-esteem. The desire to view one’s self positively is transferred onto the group, creating a tendency to view one’s own group in a positive light, and by comparison, outside groups in a negative light. Individuals will find […]

Pages: 3 Words: 803

There Is So Much Beauty and Diversity in America

There is so much beauty and diversity in America and its people, we cannot simply have one identity. America cannot simply embrace one identity because “identity” is a subjective term that is very unique and distinctive. With regard to our own personal history and experiences it is not possible to narrow down one identity to […]

Pages: 3 Words: 916

Americans Developed a Unique System of Government Seen Nowhere Else Before

Before gaining independence in 1776, Americans developed a unique system of government seen nowhere else before, along with new revolutionary ideas. This was influenced by finally realizing their rights and to stand up for what they want, this affected the development of the American identity. They developed a representative government with the ideals of a […]

Pages: 3 Words: 902

Margot Lee Shetterly Was Born in 1969 and Grew Up in Hampton

Margot Lee Shetterly was born in 1969 and grew up in Hampton, Virginia. She is an alumnus of the University of Virginia, where she studied business. After finishing college, she worked several years in investment banking, and ventured into other career moves. Her career paths included the media and tourism industry; she was a writer […]

Pages: 3 Words: 836

The Similarity of Our Society With “The Giver”

You might think our society with “The Giver” is way different, but they are still similar in ways. The story is how a community is totally controlled in order to have a perfect world. This applicable to modern society because people are becoming more and more controlled with less freedom. In the story “The Giver” […]

Pages: 1 Words: 449

Essay ‘Harry Potter’

It’s hard to imagine that in a country like the United States there is a book ban, but that has happened. In 2012, the American Library Association received 464 applications for the ban on various books, and according to its representative, since 1990, the number of applications has exceeded 17,700 leaves. Although controversial in terms […]

Pages: 3 Words: 850

Essay on ‘Harry Potter’

It is safe to say that the Harry Potter franchise is one of the most successful franchises in history. The brand is worth about $25 billion dollars, the movies together made about 7.7 billion dollars, and the books have made JK Rowling one of the riches authors in the world with a net worth of […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1166

My Opinion About ‘Harry Potter’

‘Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.’. Throughout the years the Harry Potter series has grown quite a bit of popularity through the years. With several movie adaptations of the books and ever growing fanbase Harry Potter has something for everyone. There is something for everyone in these books. From […]

Pages: 2 Words: 541

Wizarding World and Real Life in Harry Potter

Despite being classified as child literature, The Harry Potter Series reveals a wizarding world that mirrors real life. Whereas Hogwarts is seen as a prejudice-free community, classism takes place in the first two books significantly within the walls of the legendary school. Blood lineages are briefly described in the first book yet concerns in heritage […]

Pages: 1 Words: 442

About J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter)

From my very subjective point of view, British author, J.K. Rowling is the writer of the century. This author is the former English teacher, who achieved her success due to her “Harry Potter” series. She has won a few awards for her “Harry Potter” creations, among others, Nestle Smarties Book Prize and British Children’s Book […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1061

The Inevitable Persistence of Sexism in Society 

“Girl power” has been a popular phrase for Americans to describe the success of women, but could the reality be that women are faced with gender inequalities behind make-believe fabrications of the media? In the article “Everyday Sexism In A ‘Post-Feminist’ World”, written by Hayley Krischer, it seems that the media supports the idea of […]

Pages: 2 Words: 663
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