How Frank Miller Undermines American Black and White Ideologies

Frank miller played a significant role in introducing a new perspective into the existing ideologies held by African Americans and the whites that prompted him to become Nietzches superman. Evidence to the new perspective is depicted in Miller’s Batman: The dark Knight Returns that serves as a comic-book published in 1986. Set in the future, the reader realizes that without the superheroes, criminals run amok with gangs referred to as the Mutants terrorizing Gotham City (Brooker,В 2011). Batman plays a significant role in fighting the existing wrongs that are against the social order of the society.

Miler becomes the new Nietzchean superhero because he brings new ideas about art and life by threatening American black and white ideologies to create a character that transcends good and evil to become Nietzsche’s superman. Frank Miller, an American comic creator, has never shielded from the argument that his art undermines White ideologies and American black. Miller is arrayed Superman and marvelous woman in the Titanic sexual clinch. Frank miller played a significant role in introducing a new perspective into the existing ideologies held by African Americans and the whites that prompted him to become Nietzches superman.

Evidence to the new perspective is depicted in Miller’s Batman: The dark Knight Returns that serves as a comic-book published in 1986. Set in the future, the reader realizes that without the superheroes, criminals run amok with gangs referred to as the Mutants terrorizing Gotham City (Brooker,В 2011). Batman plays a significant role in fighting the existing wrongs that are against the social order of the society.

Previously, the ideas of life were strictly clear and recognized as they varied between the whites and the blacks. The society had preconceived feelings regarding characters drawn from either of the two races. However, Miller deconstructs that notion by introducing a new perspective and confronting the previous Nietzschean ideas regarding life (Dace,В 2007). Other than presenting difference lifestyles between blacks and whites, Miller makes their life universal by portraying that neither of the races had the ability of addressing its problems on its own, but rather, each race encounters challenges in life that are beyond the realm of cultural dimensions.

The fifty-four-year-old man whose art has been aired in the form of a movie Sin City and 300 has infuriated anti-capitalist movement. The fury arose when Miller branded those who were responsible for erecting the tented communities in the interest of the West’s financial districts a pact of louts, rapists, and thieves. Through his blog post, Miller sent Anarchy letter to protesters challenging their damnation on what he termed nonsense Occupy movement. Miller uses infuriated words such as short of a clumsy, unruly mob garbage, and bowel to refer to Occupy movement.

Predictable, Miller’s blog post attracted many reactions from views. For example, through his blog, David Brin termed Miller post as an attack to young citizen’s effort to save their country. Other comic writers so excoriated termed Miler’s post as a portrayal of his fear override by rational thought. Gail Simone further viewed Miller post as an absolute bullshit. In a depth insight, Miller’s rage comes as astonish. However, arguably this is just the same as what Miller in his 1987 comic Batman has written regarding the fledging superhero visits. In Batman claimed that the Occupy had feasted Gotham’s wealth and its spirit threatening to face them. Throughout his work including The Dark Knight Returns, Miller has often been two-fisted in the deconstruction of the superhero.

Miller further serves as a true example in the manner people may confront the Nietzschean ideas about art by deconstructing the initial perceptions about arts of blacks and the whites (Dace,В 2007). Previous artworks of blacks and whites had specific distinction most notably depicted by the dressing code. Additionally, the achievements of the superman while the audience is unable to recognize his racial identity bring a new perspective in looking at the long held racial ideologies. Superman makes significant achievement in saving the American society in general other than focusing on a particular racial group.

Work Cited

Brooker,В W. (2011). Beautiful Things in Popular Culture. doi:10.1002/9780470690994.ch2Dace, P. (2007).

Nietzsche contra Superman: An Examination of the work of Frank Miller.

South African Journal of Philosophy,В 26(1), 69-77. doi:10.4314/sajpem.v26i1.31465

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