Illegal Aliens Argumentative Essay

In the United States, illegal aliens have been a major controversial topic. Many citizens have their own opinions based on accepting or declining illegal alien’s stay in America. Not much information that citizens bring up about this topic is factual based, which is not backed up by real facts and data. Are illegal aliens welcome in the United States why or why not? Many people state their many opinions about this question alone. The ranges between whether or not illegal aliens should be welcome here in the United States, have either majorly increased or decreased throughout the years.

Illegal Aliens Should be Welcome in to the U.S.

Illegal Aliens are something that the United States have been concerned with over the years. Whether they should be welcome or not is one of the major questions asked or talked about when it comes to illegal aliens. “Since 2001, the share of Americans who favor increased legal immigration into the U.S. has risen 22 percentage points (from 10% to 32%), while the share who support a decrease has declined 29 points (from 53% to 24%)” (Doherty, Kiley, & Johnson, 3). With people accepting illegal aliens into the United States it is a great start to lead a train reaction. Although the statistics are there what are people who vote on these actually saying about illegal aliens? “Most immigration, regardless of the source or destination, is permitted for one of three reasons: family, connections, employment needs, and pure humanitarian concern” (Krikorian, 13). This shows that illegal aliens are of, no harm. Illegal aliens are here just like how most American citizens are, freedom. According to Krikorian illegal aliens just come to the United States for better lives for themselves and their families.

Banning Illegal Aliens is Hurting our Economy

Illegal aliens have been apart of America’s economy for quite awhile. As they do what most citizens do, they are either helping America grow economically. According to Davidson, “President Trump’s immigration crackdown already is crimping economic growth as undocumented workers fearful of deportation stay home and reduce their spending”(1). With illegal aliens doing what most Americans do it helps grow America’s economy. However, with the immigration policy it frightens illegal aliens to continue working according to Davidson.

With illegal aliens not working it brings out companies with low employment, also illegal aliens will not be able to go out and buy products or supplies that help grow our economy. “Trump’s crackdown on both illegal and legal immigration is likely to reduce net immigration to the U.S. from about 1 million to about 750,000 annually, estimates Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s analytics. He says that will hurt the economy chiefly by limiting the size of the workforce, as well as by hindering consumption and productivity”(Davidson, 7). With the number of illegal aliens in the United States, banning them will definitely hurt the economy.

Illegal Aliens Fit Along With the Most of the United States Citizens. Illegal aliens work and support themselves for their needs and wants while also paying taxes. “Most Americans do not think undocumented immigrants are more likely to commit serious crimes. Large majorities of Americans say that undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. are not more likely than U.S. citizens to commit serious crimes (65 percent say this) and that undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs citizens don’t want (71% say this). These opinions, which also are divided along partisan lines, are virtually unchanged since 2016”(Doherty, Kiley, & Johnson,11). According to this article illegal aliens are equal to American citizens when it comes to crime rates. Illegal aliens are also taking on the responsibilities of working and paying their taxes just like Americans. According to Krikorian, illegal aliens are like most Americans in the United States just wanting better lives for their families and themselves. “Most immigration, regardless of the source or destination, is permitted for one of the three reasons: family connections, employment needs, and pure humanitarian concern”(13).

Immigration policy

The immigration policy must be followed at all times and willing to help illegal aliens as much as possible. “The starting point of immigration policy must be adequate capacity, and willingness, to actually enforce the law, whatever the content of the law happens to be” (Krikorian, 6). No matter the law of the immigration policy, it is important to help out illegal aliens as much as possible, while still following the immigration policies. “Immigrants facing deportation do not have a right to legal counsel, and about 60 percent of the deportation cases in New York and New Jersey do not have adequate representation, experts say. As a result, 97 percent of these immigrants are deported, even though they had legal options available to them”(Bruinius, 9). Since illegal aliens are illegal, they are entitled to few rights whereas, if they have options available to them, most of them are not aware.

Not All States Agree with Illegal Alien Policies

Not all states agree with the immigration policies, such as New York. “New York’s new measures are designed mostly to benefit undocumented immigrants with families. Since last year, New York has already been experimenting with a pilot program to help any immigrant avoid deportation, earmarking $500,000 for the New York immigrant family unity project”(Bruinius, 8). New York is doing as much as they can to help illegal aliens gain citizenship or have a legal identity so they can be able to stay in the United States and together with their families. According to Bruinius, New York is providing lawyers to the low income families and illegal aliens to help them fight to stay in the United States or for assistance. “On Wednesday, the New York City Council earmarked $4.9 million of the city budget to give legal assistance to foreign-born New York residents facing deportation. This makes New York the first city in the US to provide lawyers for low-income immigrants detained by federal authorities. The city will provide such aid both for undocumented immigrants and for those with legal residency”(2).

Illegal Aliens are Harmful

Many people believe that illegal aliens are harmful and criminals. “President Donald Trump on Thursday referred to what was perhaps his most notorious comment during his 2016 campaign: calling Mexicans rapists”(Mark, 1). While even the President of the United States thinks this way about illegal aliens it begins to make you think, are illegal aliens harmful to this society? Are they safe to stay here as American citizens? “We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we’re stopping a lot of them, but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are,’ Trump said. ‘These aren’t people. These are animals’”(Korte & Gomez, 2-3). After many comments about illegal aliens and seeing facts based off of reliable articles, still the question is left unanswered with new information that states illegal aliens shouldn’t be welcome because they are harmful to have in America. Looking at illegal aliens as “animals” and “rapists” why should the United States give them citizenship and allow them into the country?

Illegal Aliens are Not Harmful

With many people looking at illegal aliens as being harmful to this country they are wrong. Considering the people who state that illegal aliens are “rapists”, “drug dealers”, and also “animals” are wrong. According to the Pew Research Center many illegal aliens are taking jobs that American citizens are not willing to do. “Most Americans do not think undocumented immigrants are more likely to commit serious crimes. Large majorities of Americans say that undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. are not more likely than U.S. citizens to commit serious crimes (65 percent say this) and that undocumented immigrants mostly fill jobs citizens don’t want (71% say this). These opinions, which also are divided along partisan lines, are virtually unchanged since 2016”(Doherty, Kiley, & Johnson,11). Also According to this article illegal aliens are just as equal as U.S. citizens are when it comes to crimes.

So if that being said, if illegal aliens are considered these names then American citizens should be called the same when they do these crimes. Also illegal aliens just want the best for their families and themselves, freedom and their rights as well.


  1. Krikorian, M. (2003). A Stern Face and a Warm Welcome. National Review, 55(20), 42. Retrieved from
  2. ADAMS, T. H. (2013). Back to the pesky illegal immigrant problem? ColoradoBiz, 40(7), 12. Retrieved from
  3. Jenkins, N. (2018). Justice Department Says Undocumented Immigrants Should Be Called “Illegal Aliens.” Time.Com, 1. Retrieved from
  4. Dunn, A. (2018, September 24). Shifting Public Views on Legal Immigration Into the U.S. | Pew Research Center. Retrieved from
  5. Clark, M. P. (2018, September 24). Most Say Immigration Policy Needs Big Changes | Pew Research Center. Retrieved from
  6. Bubar, J. (2013). Here to Stay? Scholastic News — Edition 4, 75(19), 4. Retrieved from
  7. Paul Davidson, @Pdavidsonusat, & USA TODAY. (n.d.). Dallas Fed chief: Immigration crackdown hurting economy. USA Today. Retrieved from
  8. Bruinius, H. (2014, June 26). New York to provide free legal aid, IDs to undocumented immigrants. Christian Science Monitor, p. N.PAG. Retrieved from
  9. Enforcement holds the key to latest immigration plan. (n.d.). USA Today. Retrieved from
  10. BACON, D. (2017). Migration, Labor, and U.S. Policy. Dollars & Sense, (332), 21. Retrieved from
  11. Korte, G., & Gomez, A. (2018, May 17). Trump ramps up rhetoric on undocumented immigrants: ‘These aren’t people. These are animals.’ Retrieved from
  12. Mark, M. (2018, April 05). Trump just referred to one of his most infamous campaign comments: Calling Mexicans ‘rapists’. Retrieved from
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