Essays on Politics

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533 essay examples found

The American Dream and The Gilded Age

This research paper addresses the influences of the profound discoveries made during the Industrial Revolution on the American Dream, mainly the railroads. It uses a variety of sources. My goal is to comprehend the changes on people’s goals when America’s population, jobs, and opportunities spiked. This research paper is important because it addresses the time […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1697

Railroads of The Gilded Age

The key to a prosperous economy is in a nation’s ability to transport goods in a market. The faster a transport of ordered goods can be made, more sales can occur; therefore, leading to a boost in economy. Railroads, with the invention of the steam engine, were utilized by the United States to increase sales […]

Pages: 3 Words: 831
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Should Obamacare Operate Today

Counter-argument can be defined as the act of going against another person’s argument or an idea by casting out possible claims that support your argument. In short, the author of an essay devotes the whole of his or her article to the work of refuting allegations put forward by someone else. This type of argument […]

Pages: 3 Words: 857

The History of Healthcare in The United States

Health insurance was developed to provide guaranteed coverage for sickness, injury and preventable health measures. Currently, the United States is facing a major challenge in controlling the cost of health care and providing coverage for everyone. This is why it is so important for the government to develop a new health care insurance plan. The […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1369

An Essay on The Roaring Twenties

I choose the topic of the 1920s, more commonly referred to as the Roaring Twenties. This was a time of exciting change and new cultural touchstones. It was also a time in which increased of personal freedom in many areas of society was introduced. The biggest war in history had just ended, and following in […]

Pages: 3 Words: 998

Political Parties and Philosophies 

Political parties were formed due to the contradicting views and opinions of many individuals. One party believed the government should be small and conservative while the opposing party believed the government should be large and liberal. Thomas Jefferson had his Democratic-Republican views and believed states and people should have the power. Alexander Hamilton had his […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1494

Discussion of The Future of Transportation in Ireland

What is the current situation of transport in Ireland and how will it change in the future? Most people still use petrol or diesel cars, which causes pollution that leads to climate change. This also causes health implications. However, this is about to change in the next 10 years, as the government introduced new laws […]

Pages: 3 Words: 992

Superheroes and Comics

“Truth, justice and the American way’- it’s not enough anymore,” (Dixon and Rivoche 500) Superman renounced his citizenship on April 2011 because he doesn’t want to be an American symbol anymore. Chuck Dixon and Paul Rivoche are both graphic novel writers who write an essay using superman to prove how the comic book industry has […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1274

Realism in Russia

Introduction: Realism is one of the strongest theories that apply to international relations. Realism can be defined in a general sense as a theory of international relations where a state’s primary concern is security. The goal is to have the most security within one owns state rather than being concerned with other states issues or […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1285

Socialist Realism

Socialist realism is used through film, art, literature, and music to create a feeling in the audience or to connect with an individual on a personal level and make them feel a connection to the state and show how wonderful the state is. Socialist realism is what the state calls “politically correct art”. It creates […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1839

Susan B. Anthony: Her Vision and Impact

Introduction Susan Brownell Anthony was born on February 15th, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts to Daniel Anthony and Lucy Read Anthony. As a little girl, she witnessed the hard work and skill exemplified by her mother and father. Daniel Anthony manufactured cotton in his self-built factory and gave the opportunity of employment to many young women, […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1534

Why I Believe Freedom of Speech Is Important

Freedom of speech has been an important element in the United States that has set apart this country from others. Citizen’s usually are free to exercise this right, yet there have been cases that show that this right is not always respected. I believe that the Supreme Court is striving to address these issues in […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1280

Why Freedom of Speech Is So Important in America

Human rights are rights given to anyone born on to this earth no matter race, religion or sex. Among these, stands the right to freedom of speech. William Hachten, an author of numerous documentaries and articles about freedom of speech and expression, defines our right of speech as “ The right of the press to […]

Pages: 3 Words: 907

Army and The Military Levels of Leadership

The Army and the Military are constructed of many levels through the method of rank. These ranks are greatly significant in allowing for order and efficiency. They do this by appointing progressively more experienced and educated soldiers to lead those less experienced through the means of effective leadership. However, there are different form of leadership, […]

Pages: 2 Words: 482

Death Penalty Should Be Allowed Across The Country

How would you feel if your mother or father was slaughtered slowly and painfully, should the person that did this to them still have the opportunity to live? I believe the death penalty should be legal throughout the entire nation. There are many reasons for why I believe the death penalty should be legalized in […]

Pages: 3 Words: 923

Issues With Immigration in The United States

America has always been a land of immigrants, a land in which individuals migrate to in an effort to achieve a better life or the quintessential “American Dream”. With Native Americans comprising only about 2% of the United States population as of 2014, the majority of American citizens are not native to the land in […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1853

Effect of Fake News on Social Media Users

Recently, fake news has been a big issue on social media sites. Fake news has real world consequences and it’s oversaturation on social media sites, like facebook, cause people who click on the fake articles to believe them. This can cause people to believe things that are not true and spread the false information to […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1587

Andrew Jackson’s Political Philosophy

During the first years of the United States of America, there were numerous people that helped shape the government and politics as we know them today. Although most of the development of the American Government was slow and conservative, there were certain people who brought big changes, which turned out to be the most important […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1090

History and Effects of Immigration in The United States

The United States laws have had unanticipated changes regarding immigration flows since the 1700s. Everything started in a small island located in the New York Harbor, just off the New Jersey Coast. The now famous Ellis Island, formerly called the oyster Island was habituated only by Native Americans until the beginning of migration. According to […]

Pages: 3 Words: 809

“What to Slave Is The Fourth of July” by Douglass Frederick

Frederick Douglass speech is all about slavery and freeing if African American’s. Frederick is a renowned artist who passionately delivers his speech on slavery, a speech which was termed as “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July” Frederick Douglass constructed his speech effectively a situation which made his arguments reach targeted audience African […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1790

Westward Expansion of America 1860-1890

Whether it was agricultural, industry or railway, the economy of America was emerging. There was substantial growth to west during the late 18th century, especially in the population. There were enormous number of immigrants, ready to start a new life and bring new traditions to the up and coming America. With the increasing population, there […]

Pages: 2 Words: 679

Animal Farm Leadership and Corruption

Power can be obtained by anyone and everyone, regardless of their title or position. When one gains an immoderate amount of power, a form of government where all aspects of decision making are controlled by one leader may arise. In the book “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, the moral he tries to convey in the […]

Pages: 1 Words: 441

Power and Corruption in Animal Farm

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,” is a quote from George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, that conveys a sense of the central themes of class, power and corruption, and language and propaganda that play out in the novel (112). Through the experiences and society created by a group of […]

Pages: 2 Words: 664

Smart Bus Ticketing System

Abstract The Public transport system is a major source of income in developing countries like India. Earlier to reserve a ticket people had to waste a lot of time by standing in a long queue. Bus needs a conductor to collect money and issue ticket to each passenger; it is time consuming, manual error like […]

Pages: 6 Words: 1901

Arguments of Federalist and Anti Federalist

Sometime recently coming into impact the us structure required approval by nine states. It’s was also long complex battle some time recently sudden us confirmation. The states act inquisitive about holding their control and thus they emphatically stood up to the confirmation of a unused solid central government. Those favoring the confirmation came to be […]

Pages: 2 Words: 544

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Analysis

After the discovery of America, many Europeans made it their goal to save up enough money to travel across the Atlantic and start a new life. Long after many colonies had been established, the King of England, King George III, decided that he should heavily tax the colonists because he didn’t like the idea of […]

Pages: 2 Words: 701

Watergate in The Book “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli

In his book The Prince, Niccolo Machiaveli explains how to be a good prince and how to be a good ruler. Machiavelli’s ‘Prince’ has existed for more than 500 years, affecting many great and many terrible leaders, but I believe that the political leader embodying Machiavelli’s principle is the 37th President of the United States […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1405

Military and Professional Bearing 

The military has been an existential part of my life, shaping me into the person I am today. From childhood to adulthood, I was always around military personnel. They guided me and directed me down the right path, teaching me right from wrong and instilling important Army Values into my very being. One of the […]

Pages: 3 Words: 758

Income Inequality As a Positive Force

Income inequality is the unequal distribution of earnings among people in the society. It is no secret that the United states has a growing rate of unequal distribution of earning among individuals, it has been on an increase since the 1970’s. Today, it is often viewed that the gap between the 1% and the 99% […]

Pages: 3 Words: 786

Lewis and Clark Expedition Essay

The Lewis and Clark Expedition is an important part of our history. This informational text talks about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. It talks about how the travelers had a hard time and how they went through the land. There are three important parts in the Lewis and Clark Expedition the important people, the problems […]

Pages: 1 Words: 430
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