Andrew Jackson served as the seventh president of the United States of America. The Republic was just beginning to blossom into a full-fledged young nation with great potential. Jackson rose to fame in the world of American government and politics after serving as a major general in the war of 1812. Jackson helped lead American troops into victory against the Indians (“Andrew Jackson”). This, in turn, helped him gain national fame and recognition. The confidence and support of the nation would later inspire him to run for the presidential election of 1828. Andrew Jackson’s time in office would prove to be monumental and bring about many changes to the young nation.
Andrew Jackson’s presidency was dubbed “Jacksonian Democracy” advocating for more rights for the common white man (“Jacksonian Democracy”). One of Jacksons biggest influences while in the White House was the dislike and fear of Native Americans. In 1830, just two years after Jackson took office, he signed The Indian Removal Act. This act was very significant because it gave Jackson the power to relocate Native American tribes. The message that Jackson spread about Native Americans was highly prejudicial, and extremely influential (“Andrew Jackson – Key Events”). This treaty gave the basis for the United States government to easily relocate millions of Native Americans at their disposal. Andrew Jackson gave way for the mistreatment of Native Americans, after failing to prosecute Georgia after they claimed land that belonged to the Native Americans (“Andrew Jackson Biography”). This bias and prejudice against Native Americans would be set in stone within American politics for many years to come.
Jackson’s opposition to the Second Bank of the United States is one of the greatest influences that he had during his presidency. In 1832, Jackson successfully vetoed a bill that if passed would have extended the life of the Second Bank. Nationally, one of the biggest impacts that came with dismantling the Second Bank was ridding the United States of the national debt (“Andrew Jackson – Key Events”). This was such a monumental moment during Jackson’s presidency because it completely altered the banking system in the United States. The United States went from having the Second bank which was chartered by the government, to no national banking system in place. It would take years before a new centralized banking system would be set up in the United States of America.
The Nullification Crisis of 1832 exemplified the immense power that the Federal Government had over the states and its people. During the Crisis, South Carolina issued a proclamation that bypassed the federal tariffs issued. Jackson promptly retaliated and issued the Nullification Proclamation which banned any state from nullifying federal laws and declared state secession illegal. Any opposition against the federal Government would warrant the use of armed forces in those states (Andrew Jackson- Key Events). The Nullification Proclamation served as a crucial warning to other states and made known that the federal government would take swift action against those who tried to bypass federal laws (“Andrew Jackson”). Jackson was credited with preserving the unity of the union. South Carolina was ready to secede from the union, without the strong leadership of president Jackson that very well could have been the reality. Without Jackson, the union could have dismantled into several independent nations. Jackson’s military style of presidency aided in keeping the United States whole.
President Andrew Jackson is regarded as one of the strongest leaders of the union. Although, Jackson himself and several aspects of his presidency can be regarded as highly controversial. Jackson successfully passed the Indian Removal Act which stripped the land away from thousands of Native Americans and encouraged the mistreatment and relocation of Native tribes for years to come through the government (“Andrew Jackson – Key Events”). Jackson, who had long voiced his disdain for the Second Bank of The United States, was able to fully rid the union of a centralized banking system. Finally, one of Jackson greatest achievements as a whole was preserving the union (“Andrew Jackson”). This is such a critical point because without his guidance the union could have dismantled and that could have been the breaking point for a civil war. Andrew Jackson certainly had his flaws as a person, but the leadership and skills he brought to the White House were exemplary and highly influenced government and politics for many years to come.
The 7Th President of The Usa - Andrew Jackson. (2021, Mar 17).
Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from
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