The Public transport system is a major source of income in developing countries like India. Earlier to reserve a ticket people had to waste a lot of time by standing in a long queue. Bus needs a conductor to collect money and issue ticket to each passenger; it is time consuming, manual error like improper distribution of ticket, passenger travelling without ticket, currency exchange and many other problems occur. To overcome this problem’s we are going to propose a system called Smart cashless ticketing system for bus(without conductor without stop). This system elaborates the installation of Smart Card reader circuit in each and every bus to calculate the ticket charges. Depending upon the distance (number of stations) travelled; the corresponding cost is automatically deducted from the user’s accounts and through GSM module message is send on passengers mobile. This makes the cashless ticketing system.
Nowadays women are being molested, kidnapped and harassed during travelling by such public transport. Using some modification in this system we can solve this problem by sending the message of female passenger journey on her guardian mobile number.
Keywords: IOT, ARM7Micro-controller, RFID module, GPS, GSM.
The public transportation in many countries is being used as a means of bus transport for travelling people would prefer this public transportation to be scheduled properly. As for the SMART CARD application, it’s been a wide spread tool for both tracking the transit Bus transports and for the public ticketing system. It’s already been an outstanding achievement to throughout big cities like London, china, Shanghai, USA, Istanbul, Canada, Australia, UK and many more. Smart assistance for public transport system is an outstanding innovation of a modern technology. Buses are provided by the Government as a public service, quality of which will directly determine the convenience of public travel. It is an important criterion for quality of service standards that bus reaches the station on time and reports which station it is located accurately. As there are dedicated staff members at the start and at the end the punctuality can be guaranteed. So for middle stations, punctuality cannot be guaranteed and find the exact location of the bus. It might be a good idea using the GPS system for monitoring the bus. Using GSM sending message to PMT office, also check person count in bus.
In day to day life we generally face problem of public transport system. It’s like somebody is waiting for some bus for an hour, but when bus arrives at his/her stop, it could be fully loaded and he/she will not even get a chance to enter into it. Sometimes driver would not bother to stop the bus. So that hour is wasted that he/she waited. Hardware module will continuous track its location by using GPS technology and IR sensors will give us count of passengers in bus.
Location of current stop is also big issues for passenger. In public transport they all three factor are important poor reply of customer call, inquires, emergency of bus passengers. The tracking and ticketing systems using Smart Card can be merged to solve the problems. Even though the GPS based system can be designed, we propose the SMART CARD based Eco friendly. Public carrying SMART CARD based electronic tickets will have access to any bus service of the city only entering his current location and his destination on the keypad attached to every bus door. The data will directly be transferred to the server main database and the equivalent credit will be stored in bus account. Also every bus stop will be notifying the passengers, the departure time of the last bus of any route of travelling. This automated system will save time.
The system design is having LPC2138 which will perform all the controlling operations. In this system we had used an RFID module which will perform the ticketing process. When we swap it for first time then it will start the counter of our payment and when it gets swap for second time then it will then the counter will stop and depending on distance travelled the amount will be deducted from smart card automatically. Further with the help of GSM the SMS is send to that respected card holder. GSM will also perform the work of sending SMS in case of any emergency in bus or to any passenger with the current location of bus which we will get with the help of GPS. GPS tracking provides us the information of real time location. The panic switches can also be going to use GPS location and IOT database provide the information to the respective departments that is either to the police station or the hospital. All these operations are going to be performed through IOT. It will contain the total count of the existing passengers in the bus and the current location of the bus. IR sensors will be placed at the entering and exiting doors which will keep the track of the count of the passengers in the bus. The server will have all the information stored about all the buses and their corresponding paths. The output is to be displayed on the 16×2 LCD at the next bus stop in terms of total number of existing passenger.
ARM7 (LPC2138): ARM7 is 32-bit controller which we can use for real time operations and many more purposes. It is having a high speed flash memory from 32kb to 512kb. We are also having a provision of executing a code at high clock rate by enabling unique accelerator of about 128-bit wide memory. Due to small size and less consumption of power we can use LPC2138 for number of applications. It is having two ports for serial communication from 2.0 high speed device, SPI, UART’s, On-chip RAM from 4kb to 40kb, SSP to I2C, etc. which makes the device suited for good communication, protocols and many more. It is also having 10bit ADC, 10bit DAC, timers, GPIO pins, interrupts, etc. which makes it comfortable to use in industrial applications. It also contains RTC which plays an important role in our system.
LCD (16×2): LCD used here is the 16×2 line LCD. Liquid Crystal Display which is commonly known as LCD is an Alphanumeric Display it means that it can display Alphabets, Numbers as well as special symbols thus LCD is a user friendly Display device which can be used for displaying various messages unlike seven segment display which can display only numbers and some of the alphabets. The only disadvantage of LCD over seven segment is that seven segment is robust display and be visualized from a longer distance as compared to LCD. Here we have used 16 x 2 Alphanumeric Display which means on this display. We can display two lines with maximum of 16 characters in one line.
IR sensor: Basically IR sensor is used for an object/ obstacle detection purpose. It consist an IR transmitter i.e. an Infrared light transmitter which transmits an infrared light which is invisible to human eye and IR receiver i.e. Infrared light receiver in which a photodiode is used which detects the reflected light. We can set the distance and sensitivity of sensor by using potentiometer.
RFID Module: An RFID i.e. Radio Frequency Identification is some-what similar to barcode scanning system. Only the difference in both techniques is line of sight which does not matter in RFID system. RFID is a high frequency based technology in which a RFID reader and RFID tags are used. Passive RFID tags are used which does not need a battery source and it consists an antenna which transmits a high frequency which is matched with its reader.
GPS: To detect current location of vehicle GPS is used to interpret the coordinates of the vehicle. A microcontroller embedded with GPS is used to track the location of the bus. A GPS navigation device or GPS receiver is used for vehicle navigation. It is the device that is capable of receiving information from GPS Satellites and then to accurately calculate its geographical location.
After reviewing through the whole system it can be observed that cashless ticket travel has many advantages like people don’t have to waste a lot of time by standing in a long queue bus does not need a conductor to collect money and issue ticket to each passenger, no fight for small change with the conductor, identifying missing/defunct passenger if any from the detailed information stored in database, and greatly beat corruption! And this system also includes modules such as girl’s security, healthcare and emergency alerts.
Smart Bus Ticketing System. (2021, Jul 06).
Retrieved March 17, 2025 , from
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