Education is very important for succeeding in life, and that difference between this family about education. The author gives some information about Rodriguez background. When Rodriguez started school, he didn’t speak English. Being torn between conforming to the public, and private language, he discusses themes of intimacy and language. However, Rodriguez used Spanish, and the language was comfortable. The struggles he faced in school, Rodriguez wrote this essay about bilingual education, and show how he fights through his childhood to understand English. Rodriguez’s family and his relationship to it, his conflict of speaking English versus Spanish, and he use the English language. In the story of Cisneros, she describe her experience as an only daughter in a Mexican-American family, and how has impacted her life. She shows how tough it was for her growing up to try to connect with her father. Cisneros tells him that she could make him proud of her.
In the story of “A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood” by Rodriguez, I think that his essay was to tell of his difficult childhood. Rodriguez start a public school and how he knew little English. He was from a Mexican family, and moved to Sacramento. He went to a Roman Catholic school, with my brother, his sister. He knew already from the start that he was different from the other children. He felt a disconnect between Spanish, the language he uses at home he gets comfort, not English. He felt the separation from his English-speaking classmates, as he struggled with the public language. He was taking a course in English, it was challenging. However, with practice he began to slowly take the English language giving him, and his family confidence and gaining a sense of identity among his peers. He had always considered Spanish an intimate language he uses his family. The more English he spoke means the less he spoke Spanish.
At the first time, it was for him to hear his name in English. “The nun said, that friendly but oddly impersonal voice: boys and girls this is Richard Rodrigues. It was the first time I heard the name in English.” He explains that he grew up in a very middle-class family. His parents worked hard, and he was always close with relatives. Because of his parents never comfortable in public to speak English. However, speaking Spanish at home is easy for them, and to enjoy a close with family members.
Rodrigues remember with liking that his family even enjoyed a combination of Spanish and English words in the privacy of their home. After nuns from his school visited his parents, Richard relates that his parents instituted English as the main language to be spoken at home. The conversation became painful with his parents, as they often struggled to understand their children. “Only when I was able to think that myself as an American, no longer an alien in gringo social, could I seek the right, and opportunities necessary for full public individuality. The social and political advantages I enjoy as the man began on the day I came to believe that my name is Rich- heard Road- reed-guess.” Richard grew in confidence in his English speaking skills, and he had always been an American citizen.
In the story the “Only Daughter” by Cisneros. She was the only daughter and has six brothers who looked down upon her for being the only girl in the family. They were ashamed to play with a girl in public. Her father would go around telling people, I have seven sons. Even though this was not meant to hurt her, these words still impacted her. But somehow she could feel herself being erased. Her father constantly told how he wanted her to grow up with Mexican culture. The Mexican culture did not support women working. In culture, a woman’s place was only home. According to her father, her purpose in life was to become someone’s wife. Her father wants her to go to college, and find a husband. She finish college she didn’t find a husband. Her father was very disappointed that she waste all that education for nothing. “After four years in college and two more in graduate school, and still no husband, her father shakes his head even now, and says I wasted all that education.” Cisneros knows that her college education didn’t go to waste.
All her efforts to become a successful writer were to make her father proud, and I think that she never really that satisfaction. Cisneros goes home for Christmas and brings with her a copy of a story published in an anthology of Chicano writing. She watches him read her story, and wait for the reply. If he responds positive or negative to her writing she was worried. “My father punched the mute button on his remote control and read my story. I sat on the bed next to my father and waited. He read it slowly. As if he were reading each line over and over. He laughed at all these right places and read lines he liked out loud.” Tell that her parents were still close to her. He asked her where they could get more copies to give to the rest of the family. She makes her father proud. She proves that women can be successful too.
In conclusion is different between Rodriguez and Cisneros is that both are talking about education and parent are not support but I really like they never give up. Cisneros clearly explains the importance of education, and her father’s reaction to her story is the best thing that happened to her that year because she wrote the story, and she finally did. After he read her story, he asked her where they could get more copies to give to the rest of the family. In Rodriguez life is made a change from Mexican to American culture. He proposes that they should recognize the value of the difference between personal and public identities. Rodriguez argues that learning both languages and using them rather than avoiding one leads to a better sense of identity.
Overview of The Concept of Education. (2021, May 17).
Retrieved March 27, 2025 , from
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