Sexism has always been a popular hurdle between the sexes. The idea that females are not equal to males has always existed. We see this in the bible with the story of Adam and Eve. From the book of exodus, Eve’s roll was to be considered as a temptress, a servant, and the sole reason Adam ate the apple. As a result the blame was placed on Eve as to why mankind is not living in a paradise. I believe sexism has survived throughout ancient history and continues to exist in today’s society. Sexism as defined by the Oxford Dictionary is: “prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.”
Language is heavily influenced by one’s culture, and the predominant group in society largely influences cultures. Since males have generally been the more superior group of the sexes throughout history, language has been discreetly yet unmistakably centralized around males. The use of the suffix -man, as in chairman, mankind, congressman and manpower, and masculine pronouns such as he and his to indicate people of both genders is sexist, regardless of whether they are grammatically correct. Phrases that show preference to the sexes is not just accepted, or merely exist in our society; they are used on a regular basis, whether intentionally or unintentionally and this does in fact make a significant difference in our society.
Females have slowly progressed to a more equal position in modern society, particularly in terms of educational and employment opportunities. In the music industry, however, the objectification and exploitation of females in songs and music video continues to grow. Sexism is widespread in some of today’s most popular genre of music; in fact, some of our most popular songs contain lyrics that allude to sexism, violence, objectification of women, and many other aspects that create a negative view of females. Sexist language has been for many years promoted in our music, the use of slang words such as bitch, slut, and whore is not only widely used and justified in some of today’s popular songs, it is accepted among the masses. This practice continues to degrade and create a negative view of our women and girls.
Using phrases such as “dudes” or “you guys” when referring to females creates the problem of gendering groups as males. Gendering groups of people or using idiom may seem harmless because it is commonly done and is accepted as normal to hear, and many may ask, (what is so wrong with asking “what’s up guys?” to a group of females). Try saying “hey ladies!” to a group of men, or some other feminine phrase. It is insulting. This is because the narrative promoted by these sexist phrases is that it is offensive to be feminine, but favorable to be masculine.
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History of Sexism. (2021, Mar 12).
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