Essays on Technology

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142 essay examples found

The Application of Blockchain in Supply Chain and Logistics Industry

In today’s world, managing Supply Chain can be extremely complex. Right from producing goods to distributing them the supply chain can span over several stages, multiple geographical locations (international), have several individuals and entities involved, and a multitude of invoice/payments which could take several months. In 2008 a solution was invented to help solve all […]

Pages: 10 Words: 2904

Blockchain and Bitcoin

Introduction At the point when the bitcoin was first presented eight years prior, it guaranteed to change installments. Individuals would most likely execute specifically with one another, without expecting to put their trust in banks – yet that guarantee still hasn’t emerged and reception of bitcoins is low. We were first told in 2009 that […]

Pages: 8 Words: 2445
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Blockchain Help Companies Keep Their Brand Promise

All companies have a brand, and in a way, a brand is a promise. When customers purchase goods or services, they expect the company to maintain their promise, whatever that may be. In this day and age, customers are becoming savvier of what their favorite companies are up to and where they’re obtaining their products. […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1007

Find a Perfect Fit for Your Position with Blockchain 

Fake it till you make it. That seems to be the mantra for anyone lingering in the job market these days, and the numbers show it. A study conducted by HireRight’s in 2017, shows that 85% of job applicants lie on their resumes. That means more than eight out of ten people reading this have […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1205

Blockchain to Save People’s Lives By Tracing Food Supply 

In 2017 the CDC reported that an outbreak of E. coli was spreading throughout the US. Apparently, the cause was due to romaine lettuce which had been tainted with the dangerous disease. The CDC urged Americans to immediately stop eating romaine lettuce, as the source of the outbreak had yet to be identified. The outbreak […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1003

A comprehensive guide to blockchain games: 2020 and beyond

Why should you care about blockchain gaming? The gaming industry is often on top of leading technologies and pointing out which direction the world is going to go to next. The trend of merging emerging technologies with the gameplay is common practise, and the industry has often pinpointed the exact technology which will boom in […]

Pages: 3 Words: 856

Bringing a More Secure and Efficient Land Registry with Blockchain

There are three major problems associated with land registration at the moment: time delays, fraud, and human error. First, it can take an extremely long time for title registrations to occur. Whether this is due to information being backed up, or just plain laziness, it is clear that land registration currently works on an outdated system. This process […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1268

An Introduction to the Dissociative Identity Disorder and Its Role in the Movie Fight Club

Abstract Dissociative Identity Disorder, previously known as multiple personality disorder, is a unique disorder where the individual suffers from a split personality. Symptoms can include insomnia, anxiety, mood swings and a dissociated identity or split personalities (Web MD 2014). The movie Fight Club is an exclusive movie that includes a character living a dull life, […]

Pages: 5 Words: 1625

A Speech Outline on Self-Driving Cars

Intro: Over a million people die each year from auto accidents. What if I told you there’s a way to drastically reduce that number? Well there is. And the answer is in self-driving cars. How many of you feel comfortable in a car that drives itself? That doesn’t surprise me: only 30% of Americans are […]

Pages: 2 Words: 668

The Pros and Cons of Self-Driving Cars

Roads to the Future: What is to Become of Driverless Cars? Are driverless cars in our future? Is it safer riding in driverless cars or driving ourselves? Is the technology put into driverless cars helpful on all roads? Has the technology become advanced to where it is almost impossible to hack it? The answer to […]

Pages: 7 Words: 2212

Artificial Intelligence – a Boon or a Bane to Mankind?

Humans are beings with intellect. We have constantly strived to make our lives easier by using machines or computers to our benefit. There is no denying the fact that humans have limitations. Our thoughts and imagination are confined to a certain extent. This will have a trouble-free and relaxing life that gave birth to Artificial […]

Pages: 3 Words: 959

Artificial Neural Network Applications in Medicine

Doctors have an extensive amount of medical data at their disposal. However, that data is too large for humans to quickly organize, analyze, and identify patterns. Today, doctors are beginning to use artificial neural networks (ANN) to help catch patterns to aid in the diagnostic process. This research paper will discuss the beneficial applications of […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1105

AI is the Future of the Human Race

Artificial Intelligence in modern-day society has always been depicted as malicious and evil through movies such as the Terminator, Avengers Age of Ultron, and Ex Machina. All of these films depict AI going rogue and turning on humans. However, AI can be extremely helpful when it comes to solving problems in the everyday world and […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1001

Evolutionary Robotics: A Survey of Algorithms and Applications

Abstract This paper reviews the design of autonomous robots that exhibits the given behavior in a given environment by using evolutionary methods. This evolutionary method has been successfully applied to different robots for numerous mannerisms. Evolutionary algorithms consolidate principles from biological population genetics to perform search, optimization, and learning. The control system of the robots […]

Pages: 3 Words: 898

How to Back Up Your Mobile Phone: A Guide for iOS and Android Users

Releasing something new is always exciting. However, in the case of mobile phones, there is a concern that revolves around not losing all the content that we store on our old mobile phone, and that may have great sentimental value for us. Can it be avoided? The answer to this question is a clear and […]

Pages: 3 Words: 797

Best Practices for Mobile Device Management (MDM)

The use of mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones, within BENNEB has become more prevalent than ever. As a result, IT teams have been required to manage purchasing, maintenance, services, and inventory of these devices. In fact, many users have fully incorporated the use of the devices, as well as the applications, into their daily […]

Pages: 3 Words: 967

Software Development and Mobile Devices

Over the last few decades, mobile devices have made the transformation from merely functional and voice communication devices to ubiquitous tools for leisure and work, and at present, these devices have become an integral component of everyone’s lifestyle that many people feel uncomfortable without a mobile phone. Mobile broadband data transfers and remote access are […]

Pages: 3 Words: 1028

Human Activity Recognition based on Mobile Phone Sensor

Abstract: Recognition of human activity on the sensor is used in many aspects of everyday life. Face recognition, fingerprint sensor, GPS sensor, touch sensor, sensor tracker, and many other sensors are used. These sensors give us accurate results, and the results are comfortable for us so that the accelerometer performs various activities such as sitting, […]

Pages: 4 Words: 1071

Mobile Cloud Computing for Reducing Power Consumption in Mobile Devices 

ABSTRACT: Mobile devices, including smartphones, are becoming an integral part of our daily life. These devices have robust capabilities and useful applications to help us achieve several tasks in less time and effort, especially within cloud services. Considering the fact that these devices are highly powerful, they have some limitations, too, such as battery lifetime, […]

Pages: 3 Words: 768

Pros and Cons of Mobile Devices

Throughout the course of history, we have been taught that the growth of technology is always beneficial to our existence. Many believe these advances are what help us survive as an innovative species and often embrace technological advancement. Today in society, we see advancements in many different communicative devices, from our phones to our laptops. […]

Pages: 3 Words: 915

Mobile Phone is Detrimental to Your Mental Health

The ETS GRE incident of accessing my cell phone – iPhone – made me realize I habitually use my mobile phone. This incident made me become aware I use my cell phone a lot, but it’s not what I would call an addiction. Even though this is not a serious addiction, research has shown that […]

Pages: 3 Words: 808

Hotel Industry and the Use of Mobile Techn Guest Experienceology to Enhance the

Introduction Description of the Hotel Industry Structure The hotel industry is one of the sectors in the hospitality industry. It provides its guest’s services like lodging and event spaces for both personal and business uses. This multibillion-dollar industry can be divided into several different classifications. These segments include: Full-Service Hotels- comprised of luxury resorts with […]

Pages: 9 Words: 2800
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