Black Community

There’s some things I have to constrict to you about being a man in the black community .I want to explain to you my devotion, symbolism, importance and the actual reality of being black in America. When I was around your age the world was somewhat similar. Growing up in Baltimore, Maryland there was a lot of prejudice it was definitely was at its all-time high. Racism is the refulgent culture for the ignorant. Which is needed to narrate our inherited features to people and then humiliate us , reduce our self esteems , and destroy them completely. Its sad that with all the progress human civilization comes, we still respond in the most base and heinous acts of tribalism, stratification and ethnic centrism, still with voices like malcom X, given voices to those ignored, the true greatness of humanity is revealed. Their Stolen Generation grows and lives in disgrace. Sometimes, they die in search for a way of peace to end their suffering and be at ease at mind. In the cold harsh light, live in blind ignorance of their lives and one is left to deplore the middle passage because it’s a way of life. it inevitably follows from the inalterable condition.

Racism Eats you up like a piece of bubble gum, chews on you and sucks out all the flavor and spits you out like your worth nothing. Making you hate your black skin and making you hate yourself in a whole, because it likes to play with your insecure mind. This incurable disease will forever take a toll on you till the day you leave this stimulation. And deep down in my heart it truly hurts me that you have to go through this. I see the sad,mental,and physical damages of racism this sickness that has put black people through a lot within the years . that fact that people treat others like a used napkin absolutely disturbs my soul and my well being. Fairness, Justice and freedom should always be served no matter if your white, black , etc. it shouldn’t be something we have to fight for period. Now don’t get me wrong There’s always going to be some type of anger towards us.Whenever they sense ascendency or sometime type of independence. They’re self-determined to always underrate us and make sure that we don’t have any sovereignty. Son, you need to understand that this is the animation were ordered to live.

But there are ways we can fight back against this way of life, for starters you must Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege.Racial privilege spreads out between social, political , economic, and cultural environments. Using your privilege to dismantle this system being used against you will help you. Another way is by explaining how it is to be black may help you to bring some ease to the comfertation. But Son At the end of the day what they fail to realize is injustice for one is injustice for all.

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Black Community. (2022, Sep 26). Retrieved March 9, 2025 , from

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