Andrew Jackson was a King because he passed the Indian Removal Act which led to the horrific Trail of Tears, and he approved and abused the Spoils System. Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States. He was President from 1829 to 1837. He believed in and wanted equal opportunity for everyone. Jackson used to be called Old Hickory because of his toughness. Jackson had a hot temper and was very mean to his enemies. He made the presidency office more powerful than it had ever been. Andrew was a frontiersman, a lawyer, and an army general. Jackson was a very strong leader. He was the founder of the Democratic Party, and he was a very determined person. Was Andrew Jackson a King or a President?
The Spoils System was a term given in the United States to political patronage. It was where people that benefited Andrew were placed into the spots of people who didn’t benefit as much. Incumbents were often removed to make room for the party faithful. The Spoils System lowered the standards of the U.S. Public Office. The spoils System had ancient antecedents. In his eight-year administration Andrew replaced fewer than 20% of Federal Office holders. Andrew fostered the growth of the Spoils System. Andrew believed in self-defense and political party loyalty as conditions for office holding.
The Indian Removal Act was Authorized by the United States president Andrew Jackson to give lands west of the Mississippi River to the Native Americans. The Native Americans moved West into the Indian Territory. This act was signed two days later into law May 26, 1830. The Indians, known as the Five Civilized Tribes, were the Cherokee tribe who was our biggest problem, the Chickasaw tribe, the Choctaw tribe, the Creek tribe, and the Seminole tribe. The U.S. policy gave the president power to give land that was unsettled so that they could exchange for their land in the East. Tens of Thousands Indians were kicked off their Native lands. The U.S. Government tried to negotiate with the Eastern Tribe and pay them for their lands. The U.S. Military evicted about 100,000 Indians in the 1830s. They fought resettlement for 7 years (1835-1842).
In 1838 the U.S. Army got 15,000 Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee Indians had very little food, and no shelter for months. In 1838 there was the expulsion of the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee Indians moved 1,500 miles West to the Indian territory. This tragedy was the most terrible situation that happened in the years following the Indian Removal Act.
Andrew Jackson acted more like a King because he passed the Indian Removal Act which led to the horrible Trail of Tears, and he approved and abused the Spoils System. Jackson was the seventh President of the United States. Jackson created the Indian Removal Act, The Trail of Tears, and The Spoils System. Andrew Jackson was a very strong leader. Andrew acted more like a King than a President.
Was Andrew Jackson a King or a President?. (2021, Mar 16).
Retrieved March 27, 2025 , from
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