I came across disturbing article of methamphetamine use among women, some even middle age. One would think a woman in her middle age with children would understand better than to abuse drugs. A tireless single mother of three, a skinny middle-aged mother of two. A growing number of super women who have abused methamphetamines use the drug to be all moms can be only to find themselves addicted and behind bars.
A substance abuse program at the lowa Correctional Institution for Women in Mitchellville, lowa reports 43 percent of women entering prison in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002 said meth was their drug of choice, compared with 29 percent of men. In fiscal year 2000 it was 25 percent of women and 19 percent of men. More than 40 percent of women arrested in the countries surrounding Honolulu and San Jose, California, in 2000 tested positive for meth use, a National Institute of Justice program found, and the figure were more than 20 percent in several other areas studied. Nationally, women made up 47 percent of patients in substance abuse treatment centers who identified meth as their primary drug of use in 1999, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Utah state statistics show 90 percent of women admitted for meth treatment have dependent children. And most female users are between the ages of 18 and 32, typical childbearing years.
According to the article, experts and users say meth appeals to women because its relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain, and it gives them energy to take care of their children or feel more efficient in everything they do. “I don’t think a lot of women are trying it for recreation,” said Angela Smart who surveys incoming inmates at the Salt Lake Metro Jail and state prison each year. “They’re taking it to clean their homes after coming home from working two jobs.” Another attraction for women the article speaks of is quick weight loss. Meth works as an appetite suppressant, similar to “generic speed” diet pills popular decades ago. Some women call meth “Jenny Crank,” a reference to Jenny Craig diets.
Though these super women participate in substance abuse programs while behind bars, the consequences from these poor choices and life styles are almost always irreversible. Although the war on drugs has been going on for many years, as we can see drugs still remain a big problem in the lives of many Americans. Therefore, the so-called drug war hasnt seemed to be as effective as it was intended to be. Its original intent lies in its name, to attack the drug problem in America, to stop drug abuse at the source, the distributors. This solution so far is not working. I believe a possible solution would be education. It is a perfect logical way of at least lowering drug usage. Educating the teachers and community on what to look for and how to report suspected drug activity is a major step in solving the problem. I did not read of any of the super women participating in any religious activities with their children. Churches often have fundraisers and such to raise money to help local shelters of drug addicts. To participate in religious activities one would be less likely to succumb to pressure in any situation, and therefore are extremely less susceptible to drugs and other temptations.
The Issue of Substance Abuse Among Middle Age Women. (2022, Oct 04).
Retrieved March 27, 2025 , from
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