Millions of immigrants come the United States from all places for a better life and future, either legally or illegally. I myself am an immigrant from Colombia, and although I obtained permanent residency, I’m still considered an immigrant or alien in this country, There really is no difference between a legal and illegal immigrant besides the paperwork. Both are here for probably the same reason…to obtain a better and brighter future. There is a controversy on immigration, and I believe the concepts to this topic are very important to discuss, as immigration just keeps growing in the United States day by day.
We are this point in time, where one of our presidential candidates is against both legal and illegal immigration. This racism and extreme hate he has for those who aren’t from this country are out of control. Yes, illegal immigrants who are in the United States committing crimes and acting on violent crimes should not be here. But I do believe everyone should be in a place that’s safe. Some immigrants don’t flee just for a better future; they flee if they’re in danger, or if there is something tragic going on in their home country.
As we previously leamed, nature and nurture relates to the importance of an individual’s innate qualities. This to me is very important because they are traits that us humans are born with. I believe this relates to immigration, because we do not choose where we are born. Some are just lucky to be born in a place where there is peace and tranquility, and others of us weren’t so lucky. We had to look for a place that would help better us as human beings, and also the ones who we leave behind.
Its understandable that others see immigrants as a threat because there have been crimes committed by immigrants, but I would like to point out that there have been twice as many committed by U.S citizens. Immigrants shouldn’t have that stereotype. Immigrants shouldn’t be blamed and categorized for something that an American citizen can do just the same. In a more serious manner, immigrants can be considered as a threat to some people because of the terrorism that has occurred in the U.S. Even though it is an understandable way of thinking, I still don’t believe it should come to their mind, because any person is capable of doing anything at any time no matter which city, state, or country they come from. But there are still those people who believe immigrants are a threat to the U.S.
As a society, not everyone has to see eye to eye on everything. But I would like to mention a few things that make me disagree completely with those types of people. More than 1 million immigrants become legal permanent residents in the United States. Immigrants started 28% of all new U.S businesses, immigrants also boost tax revenue and help enlarge the taxpayer base. For this and many more reasons, I believe immigrants aren’t doing just wrong things. I believe that we are actually making America a better place.
These good qualities in immigrants are completely ignored by these people who believe immigrants are a threat. People like this, only go based off of news, gossip, etc. One is quick to assume bad about all immigrants when seeing a certain bad or extreme case of another.
In conclusion, immigration will always be an issue in the United States. But maybe it doesn’t have to be looked as a terrible thing as it will continue to exist. People will each have their opinions, and although I disagree with those who are against immigration, this class taught me, we all have to believe in each other within our society and accept our different races, cultures and BELIEFS most importantly. Therefore, the controversy about immigration will still be occurring, just hope more people will open their eyes and realize that immigrants not only commit bad actions, but also are a huge part of America that helps shape what America is today.
The Controversial Issue of Immigration in The United States of America. (2022, Oct 04).
Retrieved March 25, 2025 , from
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