Sweet and Low: What Life Is Like for Those Living with Diabetes

The day starts with waking up and getting out of bed. Followed by heading to the bathroom to check the blood sugar. If the reading is too high, then an injection of insulin is needed to lower the blood sugar. Once breakfast has been eaten, then check the blood sugar again to make sure the blood is in a normal range. One can check the blood sugar up to 6 – 8 times a day. Technically has improved over the year so that it is a little easier to check blood sugar. This is repeated daily as this is the life of a person with diabetes mellitus, also known as type II Diabetes. I know because this has been my daily routine for over twenty years. I was first diagnosed with type II Diabetes over twenty years ago, and to say I did not take the disease seriously at first is an understatement. But through the year, I have slowly managed the disease and come to terms with this disease. However, every day is always going to be a content battle with the disease. It is something that one must learn to live with.

Type II diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide every day. Type II diabetes mainly affects adults. However, with the rise of childhood obesity, you people are developing the disease as well. There is no cure for the disease, and the disease can be managed. There are two main types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. The essay will only cover type II diabetes. To understand diabetes, one must first find out what is the cause of the disease. Type II diabetes is when the body has unusually high blood sugar. This is caused when the body stops making insulin and using insulin correctly. The pancreas produces insulin, which regulates how much glucose (which is a type of sugar) is passed from the blood into cells. Insulin is used as an energy source.

What are some of the signs and symptoms of type II diabetes? These will vary from person to person. One common symptom is always feeling hunger (No matter how much a person eats, the feeling of hunger is always there). Another common symptom is always feeling thirsty (drinking a lot of water) and continuously having to use the bathroom. Weight loss and being extremely tired can also be attributed to the onset of type II diabetes. Sores that don’t heal quickly and constantly having an infection is a signs of type II diabetes. In some cases of diabetes area in the skin can become darker, and a person can suffer from blurred vision. One of the rarest signs of type II diabetes is loss of consciousness. Some people get all the above symptoms, and some may only get one or two. The important thing is to pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you.

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Sweet and Low: What Life Is Like for Those Living with Diabetes. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved March 26, 2025 , from

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