Sexual Re-Victimization and Increase in The Chance of Alcohol and Substance 

I will seek approval of the university and also the ethics Committee and from Hospital’s Institutional Review Board Committee. This is because of the charts that will be reviewed and obtained for admission that will be over 6 months. This will be at an adult behavioral inpatient Unit. The information that relates to demographic, history of sexual assault, substance abuse history, and control of the impulses will also be gathered with the interview done to the respective nurse. The information will be transposed to the patient information sheet. Each of the patient will be coded with four-digit code starting at 0001 and continuing through the research period. Notably, four charts will be excluded because of the clients having documented huge cognitive incapability that includes retardation or dementia. To those individuals with repeated admissions within the period of reviewing, there shall have utilization of their recent admission that contains complete admission. In attempts to maintain cohesion, there will have repeating of the labels utilized by the hospital.

Both the adult sexual abuse and CSA will be assessed as dichotomous variables by admission nurses and as a result, for purpose of this research. Thus, the coding shall be a no given 0 and yes as 1. The ratings on impulse and insight control will be taken from the admission’s papers directly with the hospital defining the rating system which shall be used. In line with this, the hospital has been found to be using a four point rating that, for purposes of this study will be coded as follows: the impaired, the limited, good as and fair as. Both the impulsivity and the insight will be utilized as variables (continuous). The patient’s ratings will be determined when they are admitted by the nurse with assistance of Greenfield’s definition of impulsivity. Most important is that all the identifying information shall be removed with the demographic information which will be transposed to sheet containing information chosen in a selective criterion. This is done in attempts to evade cases of identifying information as laid down by the hospital’s policy.

There shall have a total of 200 participants for review. Their ages will be ranging from 18 to 79 with their mean ages ranging between 38-40. Notably, the results of this study shall be based on the hypothesis whereby hypothesis one will be in group differences with the reporting on substance abuse regarding CSA. In attempts to examine this, a Chi Square analysis will be conducted later to help compare the history of substance abuse of CSA to those not reported history of CSA. On the second hypothesis, a group differences would be present regarding history of revictimization. Again, a Chi Square analysis will be put into use. A further analysis might be examined in attempts to determine whether there is any relationship existing between particular substance and its diagnosis.

In this research study, I utilized data records and documentation and interviews to get information of various patients. I chose the interview because of its many advantages. One of the advantages included its easy correction of the speech whereby I can ask the nurse or the participants questions in case of unheard instances. Any misunderstanding is easily rectified while interviewing my participants of the study. Secondly, interviews favored my research as I developed relationships hence increasing mutual understanding with the nurses and the participants. The mutual relation created will foster future studies in case I intend to return to the same Institution and same participants.

Selecting the participants will be easy in case of interviews and taking data and records on their various information. As I needed participants with history of drug and substance abuse, their records and data plus interviews helped get the most suitable candidate for my research study. Because of the presence of the registering nurse, I did not look any further for information. The nurse had sufficient details of all my suitable candidates which was a success after I posed the specific qualities of my preferred research study’s candidate. I was able to complete my research study as scheduled because of the data collection methods which were hastening the study. This is because after communicating with the nurse and various participants, I only needed to fill the details.

With my low budget, I only need transport costs for travelling regularly to the health center to consult my participants on various issues tied to the research study. Communication process through interview as data collection method is much cheap compared to other methods. There were no labor issues as I could easily cover the interview process on myself. Though have a friend accompanying me, I could easily maneuver through the interview process. The data and document are useful in tracking for changes hence suitable to my research study as they help in my longitudinal research and might get back over time to see the ongoing on my participants.

I am sure that I will get information on the trends exhibited by my various participants even 20 years from now because the records and data at the hospital will not have expired. This is because the inception of technology has made it easy to store and retrieve information whenever one wishes to review. With an example of my study, I saw it fit to use data and records of participants because some of their documents might contain spontaneous data inclusive of feelings and others referring to recorded actions in certain context. There might have confession recorded by my research participants hence helpful by handing out an account of reality on the confessor’s drive towards their accounts.

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Sexual Re-Victimization and Increase in The Chance of Alcohol and Substance . (2022, Aug 22). Retrieved March 28, 2025 , from

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