Even though the future seems uncertain, the decisions that we made today can affect rest of a person’s life. Abortion is not right and I believe it shouldn’t be legal because we are taking away the rights of that future baby who deserves to be born, who deserves to have happiness in his life, who deserves to fall in love, the one who deserves to make his own mistakes and learn from them. Besides that there’s more to be concern about having the possibility to perform an abortion and it is that we are also destroying the possible social contribution of that unborn child. We won’t know if he or she will be the future president in our country, the person who will make a change in the whole world, the future doctor that will save our lives or our beloved ones lives. Every person in the world has a purpose in life, do not murder that child, he needs an opportunity to show you what he will be capable of. Give a chance to that human being, he has not fault of the decision that you made in the past, give them the opportunity to grow as a human and succeed in life. Think in all the positive factors that will let you to make the greatest decision of your life.
To begin with I would like to mention that abortion contradicts God’s commandments and it is not allowed to do it in any religious culture. According to the bible, life begins at birth when a baby draws its first breath. The bible defines life as ‘breath’ in several significant passages, including the story of Adam’s creation in Genesis 2:7, when God ‘breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Many anti abortionists quote the sixth commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Ex. 20:13), as evidence that the bible is anti abortion. Many people may think that abortion is right is some cases as for example when the mother’s health is in danger, I believe that is a tough situation to be in. In that case I recognize that you may consider to have or not have the baby if it is due to health complications, If that was me I will make the decision of having the kid because I lived and enjoyed my life already but my baby has not experience that yet. Even the ethical theories such as the natural law theory that says abortion is wrong because it is intentionally ending a human life. The natural law theory is a legal theory that recognizes that morality relates to what is right and wrong and what is good and bad. Natural law theorists believe that human laws are defined by morality, and not by an authority figure, like a king or a government. In the other hand virtues ethics emphasizes an individual’s character as the key element of ethical thinking, rather than rules about the acts themselves or their consequences. one of problem for virtue ethics is that virtue ethics is hard to apply in certain cases, because it’s hard to figure out what our moral exemplars would do in some cases. That will lead our society to not knowing what is the right or wrong thing to do.
To conclude with, abortion is not right and it shouldn’t be allowed because we are responsible for the life of the fetus. It is not the fetus’s fault. He did not choose to come in that specific moment, but from us as humans depends the future of that child that may bring light and happiness to our lives. Having an abortion will have an impact in your life later. You can even regret for the decision that you made and It can even lead to cause future physiological problems. There will be no more satisfaction that knowing that you made the right decision and let that innocent kid enjoy the precious gift of life. Children of today are the future for tomorrow, they will grow and they will make feel proud them. You will be proud of your decision, you will be proud of doing the right thing, and definitely and not least, you will be proud of give them a family, even if is not with you. If you’re not prepared to be a parent or have a family, there are plenty organizations that make sure the children will be with a family that will care about them and give the love that they deserve. The decision is in your hands, do not kill the baby, they are a God’s gift and you can not imagine how many families wish that they could have the privilege of being pregnant but they can’t. A baby fills a place that you never knew it was empty. Do not destroy their lives, they deserve to live just like we are doing it.
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My Understanding of Abortion. (2022, Sep 26).
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