The present study was based on the assessment of knowledge score and to assess the effectiveness of psycho-educative module on cannabis use disorder. It was found that the psycho-educative module was effective and there was increase in the knowledge score of the adolescents but there was some limitations of the present study.
The study could cover only the limited portion of adolescent population due to various constrains. It was a school based study where students from selected schools and selected geographical area were present however an uniform representation from western Maharashtra would make the study more generalisable.
Though the aim of present study focused on knowledge aspect of the cannabis use, a prevalence study along with the assessment of knowledge would have been a better approach.
The knowledge was assessed by a non-standardised structured tool of 20 questionnaire in absence of a standardised tool for knowledge assessment, though the validity and reliability of the tool was done, a standard questionnaire could had been a better tool.
The study needed arrangement for power supply and LCD projector, the timing of the intervention was changed due to power cut-off.
The sample were from different classes, assembling together for tests and intervention was a difficult task.
Strength of The Study
As per the researcher the following are the strength of the study:
The study focused on the preventive mental health of the adolescents who are apparently non-substance users by providing them the knowledge regarding harms of cannabis and its effect on health.
The study was a true experimental study with stratified random sampling, was appropriate for the present study and could make equal representation from each strata.
The psycho-educative module used for the study was designed by the researcher, Found to be effective and hence can be used as a psycho-educative group therapy module for adolescents.
Implication in Nursing
The problem of substance use is widespread across the countries population and ages. The adolescent age is prone for substance use problem. The problem of cannabis use is one of the emerging substance use problem needs to pay attention .The profession of nursing has a wide role in preventive and educative aspect of health. The present study has the following implication in the nursing education, practice, profession and research.
Implication In Nursing Education
The nurse educators have the role not only to prepare the nursing students for the profession but to help them in developing their overall personality, the module on cannabis use disorder will help them to make the adolescent students aware about the harms of cannabis.
The finding of the study can be used as a tool for planning and conducting educational programme for student nurses regarding cannabis use problems, its effect on life, work and personality by nurse educator.
The nursing students play an important role in preventive health by spreading awareness regarding the harms of cannabis through health education.
The education is not limited to the boundary of college or institutes, since cannabis use is a major problem of society, this module can help the nurse educator in planning a mass campaign to spread awareness in community regarding the harms of cannabis and its management.
Implication In Nursing Practice
An awareness of Cannabis use disorder among clinical nurses will make them more aware about its sign and symptoms, and will help them in planning care accordingly.
Structured teaching method is one of the method of teaching in clinical nursing.
The module will help them to provide health education to admitted adolescents in paediatric ward to prevent cannabis use in future.
Since the module is in visual form along with the dialogue from the presenter, it will be more effective for illiterate mass also.
Implication In Nursing Administration
The findings of the present research will appraise the administrator regarding the cannabis use problems
It helps the nursing administration to plan, organize and allocate resources for mass health educative programme in the institute or in the community to make adolescents aware about the harms of cannabis and help them to remain cannabis free.
The initiative can be taken by nurse administers to involve nursing students and clinicians in spreading awareness regarding harms of cannabis.
Recommendation and Suggestion
On the basis of the present study, the researcher suggests and recommends the following points for future-
The present study had one session of intervention and it’s effectiveness was seen, for better assessment a time series assessment of knowledge is recommended.
The study would have been more generalisable if it is conducted covering all the schools as per district with including rural adolescents also.
The module can be compared with the other modules to establish the reliability and validity as compared to standard.
The module can be redeveloped with audio, so that it becomes self- sufficient tool for psychoeducation.
The prevalence study on cannabis would generate more facts regarding the magnitude and pattern of the problem among adolescents.
The present study was a true experimental study with post-test-only control design with the aim of to assess the effectiveness of psycho-educative module on knowledge of cannabis use disorder among adolescents of selected schools of western Maharashtra. Total 260 sample participated in the study, they were randomly allocated to experimental and control group. The pre-test knowledge assessed for both the group and then post-test of control group was taken. Then the psychoeducation was given in the form of Power point presentation and discussion. The post-test of experimental group was done after 7days of intervention. In the present study it was seen that there was a statistically significant increase in the post-test knowledge score in experimental group and hence concluded that the module was effective. Selected socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, level of education, family type, monthly income, substance use by family/friends/ others and the previous knowledge of cannabis were analysed for association with the pre-test knowledge score, it was seen that there was no association of these factors and the knowledge of cannabis use disorder in the present study.
This chapter deals with the overview of the present study, the discussion of major findings in comparison with the similar studies, the suggestion and recommendation for further research, implication of study findings in nursing and the conclusion part of it. it was a school -based study with targeted population of 15 to 18 years old urban adolescent focused on preventive aspect of substance use by assessing and providing knowledge on harms of cannabis. To provide knowledge a psycho-educative module was used.
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Effects of Education. (2021, May 17).
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