Cassius in 'Julius Caesar'

The play of ‘Julius Caesar’ is believed to have been written in 1599 by William Shakespeare based on true historical events. William Shakespeare was one of the most profound English poets of his time. He was also a play writer and an actor. He was born on April 26th, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. Brutus who conspires against Caesar’s life has a bigger role than the title character. Although the play was essentially a historical piece, some main changes have been made to alter the timing of events into a staged play. William Shakespeare using a carefully crafted play portrays a conspiracy on the rule of Rome based on true historical events.

In this poem, Cassius seems to encompass the rhetorical aspects of the ethical, logical and emotional appeal, in order to convince Brutus that Caesar is not the best fit to rule Rome. This is why he refers to Brutus as a nobleman in the first line of the poem. ‘Well, Brutus, thou art noble; yet, I see, thy honorable metal may be wrought from that it is disposed of: therefore, it is meet.’ (line 1-3). With this words Cassius persuades Brutus telling him of his worthiness. He then says, “I will this night, In several hands, in at his windows throw, As if they came from several citizens, Writings all tending to the great opinion That Rome holds of his name; wherein obscurely” (line 8-12). With these words, Cassius shows further how he plots to allure Brutus in his scheme.

In the first four lines, Shakespeare paints Cassius as a very devious character who is a scheming villain. Brutus, on the other hand, appears to be a political idealist who has the best interest of Rome at heart. However, he appears to be gullible in a way that he is easily tricked to believe that the people of Rome are appealing to him through the letters written by Cassius to save them from Caesar’s regime. Cassius also appeals to Brutus emotions when he says “That noble minds keep ever with their likes;” (line 5). This is to show him of his worthiness. In other words, Cassius uses these words to play with Brutus’ mind to make him fit in his plan.

Shakespeare uses strategic rhetorical devices to emphasize the drama needed to prove Cassius’s point of being the less favorable comrade of Julius Caesar. “From that it is disposed: therefore it is meet That noble minds keep ever with their likes; For who so firm that cannot be seduced?” (I.ii.3-5). Cassius is explaining his point of view of how he believes Caesar treats him as well as how he feels about him. The use of an Erotema is present in the lines by asking an unnecessary question about good me and how they can be influenced by others. Cassius uses the device to emphasize the idea behind Julius’s favored affinity towards Brutus.

In this poem, William Shakespeare’s sophisticated use of conspiracy brings out the character of Cassius and the effect of his scheme to Brutus. Cassius uses multiple devices to emphasize the favored affinity Julius has for Brutus rather than Cassius. Careful analysis of the poem enhances the readers of the Julius Caesar play by William Shakespeare by simplifying the main theme of the poem, which is a conspiracy by one of the characters, Cassius. Also, the paraphrasing helps to put the entire poem line by line into a simple understandable language that anyone can comprehend and can be re-interpreted as a spiel given by Cassius to bring to light the biased affinity of Brutus by Julius Caesar.

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Cassius in 'Julius Caesar'. (2021, Mar 15). Retrieved March 26, 2025 , from

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