Why Teamwork Is Important

According to (Critchley 2007), when employees work as teams to perform a task, everyone benefits from a shared knowledge and experience. The shared knowledge and experience makes it simple to solve a difficult task with different appearance (Critchley 2007). An employee might struggle to work alone on a project, because of inadequate experience. Nevertheless, in teamwork, he/she can benefit from his colleague’s expertise and potentially increase his own knowledge (Critchley 2007).

The team environment within an organization requires their employees to discuss the project. This generate more ideas to help the team. Sometimes the discussion may drive the team to think of new ideas and encourage greater creativity (Glassop 2002). Deliberating on the project may also be better to find solutions to the problems. When an employee works individually, he is limited to his own ideas on the project without the viewpoint of his colleagues (Glassop 2002). Employees may also identify new ways to approach a more effective task.

We often hear the old proverb that says “two heads are better than one.” For example, sales representatives in an organization, merge unique ideas from each teammate to create an impressive and efficient selling solutions (Glassop 2002). Every time you see your coworkers using a different approach in sales, you also have the opportunity to adjust or improve your methods.

Additionally, working together as teams in an organization, allows employees to build on the expertise of their teammates. The teammates usually depend on one another to bring their capabilities to the table. By noticing the idea behind these skills, you can establish on how to blend your gifts together to build a strong team (Glassop 2002). Sometimes when people work together as a team, it also thrives creativity. They brainstorm ideas as a group to prevent stale viewpoints as a result of working unaccompanied.

Teamwork can build strong relationships among coworkers. In spite of random misunderstandings, relying on each other builds trust (Yang 2011). A very effective team shares a strong bond and enjoys working with each other. For instance, when an employee trusts his/her coworker, it establishes the foundation of a relationship that can accommodate unimportant conflicts (Yang 2011).

It is very important to trust your teammates because it provides a feeling of safety that allows ideas to emerge. It often helps teammates to open up and encourage each other. Without trust, a team does not succeed on tasks and crumbles. When working on a team, open communication becomes a key, it produces effective solutions in difficult group projects (Yang 2011).

According to (Ugwu & Okwuosa 2012), teammates learn that wins and losses affect everyone when working in a team. They have a higher expectation of success and a mindset, where failure is not an option. Teamwork requires confidence in each member’s specific capabilities. They encourage and strengthen each other to create a cohesive group that makes them a great team (Ugwu & Okwuosa 2012).

Team members feel fulfilled when they tackle obstacles and create notable work together. They are encouraged by the team projects, and feel proud of their contributions to make the project a success (Ugwu & Okwuosa 2012). Employees also feel connected to the company, when they work hard to achieve a company’s goals. This builds integrity among team members that leads to a better level of job satisfaction (Oshikanlu 2014), stated in his article that teamwork does not help employees, it also help companies to be more flexible.

This is because when companies bring employees from different departments to work as one team, sometimes issues are more easily resolved. For example, a car manufacturer usually uses this method when designing automobiles. Instead of each new car going through different areas, such as engineering, parts supply and design, the manufacturer will organize one team that includes employees from all these areas to work on each car. If problems arises in one area, the entire team deals with it and proceed with the task much faster (Oshikanlu 2014).

Employees that usually work individually on a project do not seek for ideas from their fellow teammates. (Oshikanlu 2014). As a result, the project might fail and the employee takes full responsibility of the said failure. As compared to working as teams you may get full credit for a successful team project. And also each teammate accounts for a failed task (Oshikanlu 2014).

Teamwork also enhances teammates to take risks since they have the support of the entire team to depend on in case the unforeseen happens. Additionally, teammates experience special bonds when they find success in their task. (Oshikanlu 2014). Once a teammate wins together, their ways of problem solving will result in a great change of idea without doubt. In most cases the riskiest idea in teamwork brings out the best idea.

Teamwork gives employees the privilege to think outside the box. There may be no “I” in teams, and this also help team members on their personal level. Team members in the workplace do not allow competitions to get into the way of their personal growth (Ugwu & Okwuosa 2012). Instead, they trust team members to contribute their best ideas and understand how to resolve conflicts among themselves.

In most corporate settings, teammates learn from each other and build on each other’s skills as well. This helps the team to become more knowledgeable and widens their lines of communication skills, and be focused on the solution than the problem. This way it is easier to create a more powerful results in the workplace as a whole (Oshikanlu 2014).

As we know, behind every great product is a great team. For instance, soccer teammates’ passes the soccer ball to each other in order to find a perfect shot. Each teammate plays a meaningful and specific role. Teamwork at the workplace have exhibited strong communication skills, increased efficiency, and expedited idea generation (Bannister, Wickenheiser, & Keegan 2014). Teamwork distribute workload, and establish a culture in which every employee feels a sense of belongingness and empowerment. As Andrew Carnegie once said, “teamwork is like a fuel that allows common people to gain uncommon results.’

Teamwork makes the dream comes true. This reminds me of “Martians” movie I watched couple of weeks ago. Mark Watney was an astronaut and the main character in the movie. Mark was presumed dead during a mission with his crewmembers to mars. He found himself alone and stranded on an unfriendly planet. With only scanty supplies, Mark drew upon his ingenuity and sense of humor to survive, and then find a way to signal to Earth that he was alive.

Once the crew found out that Mark was alive, they began to monitor his every move and plan to rescue him. He used all his knowledge as a botanist to survive. He used martian soil and the crew’s excrement to grow potatoes. His crewmembers collaborated as teams, brainstormed ideas to save Mark from the hostile planet. Upon several tries of toiling, the crew finally found a solution to rescue their fellow astronaut and brought Mark back on earth. Without teamwork and co-operation, real success is impossible. If the crew had not work as teams, and deliberate on how to save Mark, he would have probably died.

In the healthcare sectors, teamwork is very important to professionals especially those in nursing. These individuals work together as teams to provide a well-organized care for their patients. They experience a pleasant and fruitful workplace when they are able to achieve as teams (Critchley 2007). For example, when a patient’s condition gets worsen, the team looks up to the leader, knowing that everyone on the team will carry out their respective duties and work with others to solve the problem.

Employees take a greater responsibility in decision making when they work as teams. It also allows team members to control more of the work process in the organization (Ludmila & Masadeh 2017). This practice leads to improve the employee’s morale as they obtain ownership and more authority over the projects they have been assigned to work on. The additional responsibility can lead to a more rewarding work environment and reduce turnover rates (Ludmila & Masadeh 2017).

In workplaces where teamwork is consistent, workers continue to pride themselves in their achievements while celebrating their teammates’ contributions. Even if teamwork isn’t necessary, when a dispute arises, the teams would rather resolve the issue than their manager interceding. This type of give and take often discharges into a day-to-day operations and communications (Nancarrow, Booth, & Roots 2013).

Establishing teams in a workplace, allows individual to bring to the table their strength and weakness and skills as well. In a powerful team, individual skills and strengths are used for the interest of the entire group (Ludmila & Masadeh 2017). This practice has a positive impact on the overall efficiency of the business. For example, on a sales team, managers identify individuals based on their intelligence, ability to develop a productive client presentations and close deals. When a team member draws on his or her strength in a demanding environment, it leads to an overall better productivity and outcomes for everyone (Ludmila & Masadeh 2017).

Some organizations have their managers’ travel frequently. This means that they are not always physically in the office. They communicate through email and telephone to keep each other updated with tasks. Teamwork becomes essential in this type of situation because despite being miles apart, technology allows all employees to keep in touch. This type of teamwork shows reliability and trust because employees believe other workers can get the job done in their absence (Klotz 2014).

According to (Glassop 2002) each organization has different departments. These departments often work as teams to accomplish a task for the organization. For instance, the credit department works closely with the accounts department to create products on a budget. Despite the various functions within the company, these departments work as teams to meet the company’s goals.

Teamwork in a workplace has different ethnicities and backgrounds of employees. Each employee has a different culture and experience, which means that they can perform differently on any given task. Teamwork becomes essential as these differences are straighten out, to enable all employees think and work with the same goal in mind (Glassop 2002). It also help employees to understand the methods used to reach these objectives.

Establishing teamwork in a workplace plays an important role in a company’s performance. This shows how productive a company can be in its many angles. This include communicating with investors, and launching new products. Since this may depend on the type of your business, you can rely on different teams to work together, and ensure that the success of the tasks is effectively conducted. This way, a poorly functioning team will be unable to guarantee an organization’s effectiveness (Klotz 2014).

A good teamwork creates synergy and enhance a company’s productivity. When employees work as teams, it provides a structure that increases the capabilities of employees to participate in problem solving, decision making and planning.

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