How do you think life during the women’s suffrage was? Do you think it was a depressing time or a sad time? Their life was not easy, it was difficult. They tried and tried to be able to vote and took a very long time till Woodrow Wilson finally said something. The women’s suffrage movement is an organization that argued that women deserve the right to vote because they were patriots, caregivers, and mothers. The women’s suffrage movement had very many pro’s and con’s to it.
There were many cons about the Women’s Suffrage. One of the con’s is that voting was done state by state. It wasn’t fair that way because if one state had a bigger population than a smaller state it wouldn’t be even. I think that they should vote as a whole country because it’s more fair that way. The second con is not really fair because no matter what women were still “properties” of their husband or father. That wasn’t fair because they are a separate person and should be able to be separate from someone else and have their own rights like men. The third con is they didn’t have a right to vote in any election. That’s not right because even the little things to vote for that affect them they have no say in. Men don’t have to do the hard work around the house and take care of families, so they should have more rights to vote.
The fourth con is that the suffrage didn’t cover the fact of racial discrimination and social classes. It was sad that the most noticeable women of the suffrage where middle class white women. That was bad because it left the other races out and that the white people were the most noticeable. The fifth con is that racial discrimination began early into the Women’s suffrage. That was bad because women were already going through a hard time, then it’s like boom, racial discrimination starts. As you can tell already by some of the cons that the women were going through a hard time and it wasn’t easy for them.
There also many pro’s to the Women’s suffrage movement. The first pro is that women kept trying to be heard out and they never gave up. This was a good pro because no matter if you can’t get something as long as you keep trying and working toward something eventually you will get it. The second pro is that women from all states joined together to protest. That was a great thing for them to band together because it shows that together they are stronger and powerful and want a say to be able to vote.
The third pro is Women’s participation in war helped them to be better heard out. This helped them be better heard out because men fought in the war. So if they helped out maybe they would be like them and more leveled out to them. The fifth pro is it was considered the “first wave” of the feminist movement. In that it’s saying that they are making move toward having more rights. Those were some of the positive things about the suffrage, it may be hard to pick those things out but there is always some pro’s even its bad.
As you can tell there were many pro’s and con’s to the Women’s Suffrage Movement. They worked hard towards what they wanted. After awhile of hard work and dedication woodrow wilson spoke up and allowed them to vote. This shows how when you try your better and never give up something good will happen. That’s what happened to these women. This is the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
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