World War 1 has several different titles whether it be the first war or the great war. It was very helpful to Germany despite their defeat in batter. This is true because the rise of Nazism is directly related to this war for several reasons. According to United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM): “In the aftermath of World War I, Germans struggled to understand their country’s uncertain future. Citizens faced poor economic conditions, skyrocketing unemployment, political instability, and profound social change. While downplaying more extreme goals, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party offered simple solutions to Germany’s problems, exploiting people’s fears, frustrations, and hopes to win broad support” (USHMM, p.1, 2018). From this quote above, we can certainly see how Hitler manipulated people in vulnerable states to sieve power quickly and abruptly.
Although World War 1 was meant to be the war to end all wars, this certainly was not true, with only 20 years to spare, the second World War would conclude due to Nazism. But how exactly did such a horrific leader such as Hitler get so many citizens to blindly follow him in the slaughtering of millions of Jews? He used fear to lead these injustice occurrences, he used people when they were vulnerable, which is corruption and manipulation all in one. Germany did not respond well to defeat in WW1, they were quite humiliated to say the least. A peace settlement was established in 1919 and also played a leading role to the increase support towards Nazism, not to mention the coming of the second war alike. What unsettled the Germans the most, was that the treaty signed in Versailles, would ultimately give control to this country to dictate the future of Germany (USHMM,2018).
Post ware, Germany had few and far between military significance, and the land territory was reduced some 13%. During World War 1, it was German responsibility to induce the war, which meant they had to pay heavy reparations. To many German citizens, including Hitler, these instances were like a stab in the back, many were left angered by such situations. Betrayed by subversives on home ground and the government as well, since they did accept such circumstances in the first place. The war brought death upon nearly 2 million Germans, and Germany, wanted vengeance, which as we know would be at the hand of Adolf Hitler shortly after. Both veterans and other citizens as well really struggled to grasp a comprehension of this defeat in batter, as well as the unforeseen future of this country (USHMM,2018).
After troops left batter, they entered a bewildering a society, one that no one wanted to be in. The once authoritarian empire, was replaced by a new form of government called the Weimar Republic. This new and unrecognized democratic form of governance was to receive much criticism and horrific challenges to say the least. During the 1920’s, daily life was becoming compromised for the lives of thousands of German citizens. Once, what was a flourishing country, was now dependent on waiting in lengthy lines to receive work and food. Those who were part of the middle class had their entire savings wiped out, however, with the high inflation rates, the currency was deemed worthless anyway (USHMM,2018).
In many instances, this money was burned for fuel, because that was depleted as well. By the 1930’s the German banking system had collapsed and unemployment in this country was some 22% (USHMM,2018). Most citizens became hopeless, they didn’t know where to turn for support and change. Little did they know, Adolf Hitler would be the one they turned to, however, he was far from a rational ruler, and would bring upon even more devastation and war to the country. Many people questioned how Hitler could have so much power over the minds of Nazi Germany, and the answer to that is a mixture of several causations. Infamous Hitler, utilized many tactics to make sure that no one opposed or caused problems to his scheme of things. Hitler knew that to progress in his plan to kill all Jews, and create the perfect race, he would first have to start with controlling military forces (Sunnytim,2005).
According to Sunnytim: “The first method of keeping complete control was through the use of TERROR he gave the Gestapo (German police) complete control so they could just arrest someone and throw them in jail for no reason at all!! He also used the S.S. (shooting squad) these were Hitler’s personal army they stared of as Hitler’s bodyguards but he expanded them so that they could wipe out the brown shirts they wiped them out in just one night this night was called “night of the long knives,” people knew that if they foul-mouthed Hitler they would either end up dead or in a concentration camps (which was meant you were as good as dead) the first concentration camp that was first set up was called Dachaw” (Sunnytim, p.1, 2005). Fear is what enabled such actions and control, however, Hitler did not stop here, he utilized several other tactics to keep people abiding his laws.
The Nazi terror was constructed with impeccable openness to such ideas. The publics approve was given almost effortless, because of such fear. And since bad intent was only wished upon the outsiders, criminals, or ‘useless eaters’, those who did not fit such categories acted as blind sheep. Whether or not they agree with such cruelties or not, they understand any disagreement in Hitler’s plan would result in their own deaths. To protect themselves, and their families, they went along accordingly, with little disrupt. Many, even helped administer such plans by flooding of denudations to the policemen (Sunnytim, 2005).
Hitler also gained support by appearing to be charismatic and reaching out to potential voters through several technological devices, he was shown in several media forums, such as television and radio. This was done, not so much willingly, moreso out of control. Hitler controlled all magazines, newspapers, and radio stations. Content that was only approved by him as suffice for such outlets. These tactics utilized by Adolf can certainly be deemed as mind control. Everything these people listened to was in favor of him, inevitably, making them feel as if it were justifiable in a sense. He was the answer to the prayers for a better and more stable economy, although this was far from the truth. But people really believed this, he promised a better Germany, and no other candidate was making bold claims such as this. The citizens knew that the current standing of the economy needed vast changes, and Hitler was promising just that, however, no one knew what a radical turn this would take (Sunnytim, 2005).
There are several reasons as to why post World War 1 enabled the expansion and acceptance of Nazism as we can see above. The failing economy, military, and political changes are only a few of these. There are certainly several other factors not mention that could be applied. Hitler installed fear and hopelessness into the Germans, and they followed him to avoid punishments or death. Many people argue that there is truth in numbers, and simply, the majority could have stood up to such a horrid leader. However, we cannot make assumptions on the nature of these people. I feel that no one can place blame on those who aimlessly abided by Hitler’s rule. Reason being, is that these people feared for their own lives, and most often that is enough of a reason to stay away from the issue. Hitler was a fearless leader who would stop at nothing to that would be a good thing, who knows what other circumstances would conclude. Maybe even a worse scenario than this.
The Rise of Nazism After World War 1. (2022, Sep 29).
Retrieved March 13, 2025 , from
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