The most controversial topic of the past and even more so today is the right to abort or the right to life. The most important between the two is the right to life and to thrive. However, one of the first arguments that rise to such a controversial subject is that of what defines life? Although some of us god-fearing individuals might argue that the start of life begins at conception, looking at the topic we must understand that not all share the same beliefs. Therefore, must look at it at a reasonable biological view.
One can find the result as to if they are pregnant through a test usually between the third and fourth week of pregnancy. Within that time frame of what is the first trimester (1-12 weeks) “ Two-thirds of abortions occur at eight weeks of pregnancy or earlier; 89% occur in the first 12 weeks”. (Guttmacher Institute, 2019) By the first trimester, it is not just a mere clump of cells but what should be considered a living organism given that by that time where abortion is at its highest the fetus has the basic structures of living such as the major organs. By the end of the 8th week where two-thirds of abortions happen the fetus has “Nerve cells are branching out, forming primitive neural pathways. Breathing tubes now extend from his throat to his developing lungs.”, despite it being only the size of a kidney bean (BabyCenter, 2019). Given such information, abortion is by that point, exterminating life at the time most abortions occur due to the fact that the fetus can now sense pain at the 8th week. Any moral compass within an individual that is informed of the stated knowledge can determine that it is no way ethically and morally correct to then rip the very alert baby of its placement. Unless one does find that the methods of abortion are unharmful in which the fragile fetus is sucked, torn apart, and scraped of the remains from the cervix, ultimately dying. Any ethically stable person should find it repulsing the methods of abortion given the development of the baby can now feel and breathe during the first trimester and onwards.
Of course, there are arguments defying any reason for anti-abortion. Many common arguments are based on the cause of conception or taking into consideration the mother health at stake. Rape is one of the biggest arguments thrown into the already controversial topic. However, it is shown through an AGI study by Robert Johnston that rape and incest combined was only 1% of being the reason for abortions surveyed throughout the U.S. (, 2019). Although there may have been reasons for others that may find themselves in that statistic to such unfortunate events it is far from being the leading cause to abortions. Another main reason the pro-abortion individuals ten to argue that it’s due to the mother’s health and well-being that the abortion should be sought through. But in fact, only less than 12% state that for being the reason (, 2019). Rather that more abortions occur because people feel as they are not ready under various circumstances such as the economic standing or the disruption the baby will cause to the parent’s life. From a more recent study from the Guttmacher Institute in 2014, it was reported that “Some 75% of abortion patients in 2014 were poor or low-income.”, further proving that that was the main causes of abortion in recent years (Guttmacher Institute, 2019).
Although a somewhat feasible argument to have along with statistic logically and ethically speaking we should ask ourselves when did the quality of life become the judge of our right to life? Can one just say to the homeless, the ill, the handicapped to stop living due to the mere fact that their quality of life may not be up to par with what we expect it to be? The quality of life should not determine if such an extraordinary essence called life should be deemed worthy. To further counter such preposterous logic, the U.S. being as successful in comparison to most countries has ways to support the quality of the child. Programs in welfare and Medicaid are exactly for this reason, to support life and the lives who need that extra aide in upbringing the child. Concluding the logical view of the pro-abortion arguments there is very few that they can defend by with the exception of those with rare cases.
Further emphasizing the care we should have for the unborn, some would go back to pointing out that it is not yet considered alive for the fact that it cannot live without the mother. Countering that same logic I would beg to differ that the unfortunate civilians on life support are exactly in the same scenario. They cannot live without the monitors keeping them alive until they can further maintain themselves Wouldn’t that be considered the same scenario, just one is out of the placenta and one is not? Why is it that we consider bacteria and plants living things but they do not have a heartbeat or lungs but the developing ‘clump of cells’ does? Are we less caring for our own kind? We I feel as a majority in this controversial topic feel more for a kitten, puppy, or a dying creature than our own. It is our nature as humans to love and protect our young just as most if not all mammals do. Why do we sadden for those who have lived but do not sadden for those who are living and are thriving in development?
Summarizing all the evidence contradicting the majority arguments thrown by the pro-abortionists, one would clearly assume that the fight for the unborn is the ethical, logical, and caring side of the debate. Children are precious and vital to the future for they carry all bits of the past, present, and future. The right to life is the greatest right that can be freely given. The future shape the world and without the future thriving what would be of the world? One can only imagine, what life would be like without children to care for and them to care for us as our time passes.
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Arguments Supporting Abortion Rights. (2022, Sep 26).
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