The Problem of Immigration in The United States

Immigration is typically defined as the global movement of individuals into a destination nation of which they are not inhabitants or where they do not own nationality or residency so as to live or settle there, mostly as permanent inhabitants or enfranchised residents, or to take up job as a migrant employee or provisionally as an overseas employee. As for economic impacts, migration is crucial not only receiving but also to the sending nations. On average, immigration has constructive impacts on the local people, however, mixed as to whether low-skilled immigration negatively impacts low-skilled locals. In general, the paper examines the aspect of immigration basing its argument from the conservative and liberal viewpoints.

Conservative View

The bottom line is regime after regime has had to handle millions of individuals crossing the United States borders unlawfully, with most of them being lone children during the regime of President Obama. Congress, as well as during the Reagan regime, has provided remission to immigrants in the US unlawfully numerous times over the past number decades. For instance, according to Jeremy Peters (2018) the members of the congress wrote to Trump calling for action. The congress indicated that the bible speaks of love and concern for the vulnerable and also challenges people to think beyond ethnicity, nationality or religion when helping a neighbor. In fact, this is the reason why the people keep on coming. Lone children have been put in harm’s way by traffickers. Households put their minors in harm’s way by either sending them unaccompanied by paying dishonest traffickers or taking the risky crossing together.

With the number of individuals flooding over the American borders every day unlawfully, this has been a crisis for years now. Indeed, this is an invasion of the US as well as the right to protect the country’s sovereign borders. As eccentric as President Trump is, he is the first president to have the resilience or rather courage to take on the battle to stop this from taking place in part to secure households from putting their minors in danger. Numerous cases have been reported of migrants travelling with children who are not their own. Neil Gouveia and Susan Edelman (2018) in their article maintain that its legitimate to separate children, to know who they really belong to. A nation cannot have absorbent borders, mainly in this time of drug cartels, criminal groups like MS-13, as well as terrorist mobs such as ISIS. In fact, Americas generous social programs are the major reason the nation is billions of dollars in debt.

Nevertheless, President Trump and Sessions are implementing the rules demanding individual to cross the US boundaries lawfully via ports of entry or be sued. Grownups get processed fast through court and sent back together with household. Shelter seekers who cross unlawfully will go through an extensive court procedure with, because of Flores settlement, will be disconnected from household after a period of about 3 weeks and taken care of by a member of their family or in a government facility as the parent is imprisoned awaiting the end of their court case. For instance, picture of children in cages covered in foil blankets were taken during the mass invasion of unaccompanied children in American during the regime of President Obama, which overawed the structure in place to deal with such a huge invasion.

Moreover, at present US border agents as well as courts are overcome. The nation is spending billions of dollars in processing these cases. Distressed migrants looking for refuge can seek refuge in nations closer to their boundaries but do not want to do so. It is shocking or rather shameful to equate President Trump to Hitler like the media is doing. Hitler unlike Trump was a monster to humanity who needed and did eliminate children, women and men from all through Europe, as well as his own country people.

President Trump loves the American nation and its people. He is determined to keep the US safe and to stop the influx of billions of unlawful immigrants from crossing the boundaries. Indeed, Trump is pro-immigrant, simply not pro-illegal-immigrant, however the media fails to make the distinctions. It is very shameful for the media to distort the truth and manipulate their masses into believing the comparison of Trump and Hitler.

Indeed, the issues with unlawful immigration interfere with the employment idealistic viewpoint. High-salaried US employees willing to work hard are frequently laid off, since unlawful immigrants are ready to work just as hard, but for alot less pay. Unlawful workers actually drive wages down – and finally take jobs away from the US laborers. As most illegals are employed in places that most Americans do not want, most other unregistered immigrants are climbing the ladder of economy even in a hard US economy. This can truly create an issue for INS officers struggling to deport illegal immigrants. With billions of the immigrants gainfully hired and failing to draw attention, their unregistered status makes them hard to find to deport. One of the key causal factors of unlawful immigration is the point that employment rate in Mexico, is reaching upsetting lows.

Liberal View

On the other hand, the liberal case for immigration is simply put. Receptiveness to immigrants is ethically right, financially advantageous and socially advancing. The lack of restrictions to move is essentially critical. It empowers individuals to escape abuse, look for a superior life, be with the ones they adore or just expand their perspectives. For example, Peter in his article claims that the policy of President Trump administration of forcibly separating migrant Latin American children from their parents was a moral barbarity (Peter, 2018).

In fact, the greatest determinant of people’s life chances is not their ability or diligent work but where they were conceived, so enabling an African to move to the US is life-changing. The financial case for relocation is similarly convincing. Similarly, as work versatility is alluring inside national outskirts, so too crosswise over them. Enabling individuals to move from poorer nations to more extravagant ones that have more capital, prevalent advancements and better foundations supports their efficiency and that of the worldwide economy.

Also, in spite of the fact that the greatest advantages go to migrants and their children, nations that get them gain, as well. This is to a great extent since migrants are not the same as locals of a nation, and their disparities will in general supplement nearby needs and conditions. Like Bret Stephens writes in his article, it is true that America is vast, largely empty and often empty. Since more than 80 percent of American are living in urban places, the country can use some more people (Stephens, 2018).

Immigrants are more than ready to do tasks that local people spurn, for example, picking organic product or caring for the elderly. Others have abilities that locals need, for example, medicine preparing or familiarity with Mandarin. Their different viewpoints help start new thoughts. More than seventy-five percent of official documents generated at best American colleges include a migrant inventor. In both Britain and America migrants are twice as prone to begin a business as local people. Around half of Silicon Valley new businesses, including Stripe, Google, Tesla and LinkedIn were helped to establish by foreigners.

Generally, a 1 percent increase in the immigrant share of the populace tend to increase income/wage per individual by 2 percent. It’s not President Trump who makes America incredible, it’s the nation’s receptiveness to immigrants. For instance, his plans to end the birthright citizenship as a way of fighting immigration has generated a lot of controversies. According to Fonner (2018) such an order will be unconstitutional. It will also violate deeply rooted American idea. All the same, migrants’ nations of origin tend to benefit as well. The cash immigrants send home – 466 US billion dollars a year ago diminutive people rich-nation governments’ guide and is frequently better spent. Settlements go straight into individuals’ takes, pay for better instruction and wellbeing, and are utilized to begin organizations. Migrants who return home additionally carry with them capital and new thoughts.

All things considered, immigration is socially improving as well. Alongside regularly giving a more prominent scope of eateries in a region, it likewise prompts greater inventiveness in workmanship and music, all the more energizing football groups and a more extensive scope of companions and accomplices. All things being equal, numerous individuals contradict migration and not all are irredeemably bigot and xenophobic. They might be unmindful; cynics stressed over the size of migration will in general limitlessly overestimate it. They may have veritable misperceptions. It might appear like good judgment that immigrants take nearby employments, until the point when one understands there is no a settled number of occupations, and that migrants likewise make occupations when they spend their wages.

According to Stephens (2018) immigrants whether legal or otherwise – make good people than the local Americans. More business oriented. Less likely to commit crime. It might likewise appear glaringly evident that immigrants extend healing center waiting lists, despite the fact that in nations, for example, in Britain they will tend to pay extra in taxes than they take out in reimbursements and services, see a specialist less frequently and are lopsidedly specialists and medical attendants themselves.


To sum it up, the issue of immigration is quite huge in the US in the sense that it has created division among its people. The conservatives hold an opinion that immigration more so that which is illegal is a hindrance to economic development. On the other side, liberals hold a different opinion as they believe that immigration is benefiting both the locals and migrants. All the same, the effects of immigration can be both positive and negative based on how one reflects it. As much as it can be dangerous to the American economy, it can be advantageous to the economic development of the country as well.

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The Problem of Immigration in The United States. (2021, Jun 14). Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from

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