In Animal Farm, the animals on the farm rebelled and chased the owner of the actual farm out of his own farm. Since that rebellion, the animals have decided to do things their own way. For this week’s essay response, we are supposed to argue if we think that the animals running the farm are better than the humans running it. In my opinion, I think that the animals shouldn’t be running their each other because there isn’t enough trust and no one is experienced.
Trust is very important when being a leader. That’s why Obama served two terms because the people trusted him enough. In Animal Farm, however, the animals couldn’t trust their leaders. “… but Squeaker spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further question”. In this line, the animals can’t trust the pigs because they are being threatened by the dogs. What is the point of having leaders voice their opinion when you can’t have an opinion because you’re being threatened? This is one significant reason why the animals can’t run the farm by themselves.
Another reason why the animals can’t be independent is that none of them have no experience. “It had become accepted that the pigs, who were manifestly cleverer than the other animals, should decide all questions of farm policy, though their decisions had to be ratified by a major vote.” In this quote, the animals decided to make the pigs the leaders. Why? Because they have more knowledge than the other animals. However, the one thing they lack is leadership skills. If you’re going to lead, you’re going to need experience. Right, Donald Trump? Anyways, the animals chose the pigs to lead them because they are the smartest out of everyone. Even smart enough to cheat and lie behind the other fellow animals’ backs. This here is why the animals should run the farm by themselves.
Since there is no trust or any leadership experience within the animals, that basically proves that they are not worthy enough to be independent themselves. Trust is a very important factor when it comes to leadership. People trust you to lead them, to voice their opinions; they trust you to be a leader for them. Experience on the hand is also important. When you have zero experience in leading people, how are you going to react when a crisis happens? If you have no experience in leadership, then how are you going to be a leader? With that being said, having no trust and zero experience in leadership is evidence that the animals on the farm can’t and shouldn’t be running the farm.
“The animals were stupefied. This was a wickedness far outdoing Snowball’s destruction of the windmill. But it was some minutes before they could fully take it in. They all remembered or thought they remembered, how they had seen Snowball charging ahead of them at the Battle of the Cowshed, how he had rallied and encouraged them at every turn, and how he had not paused for an instant even when the pellets from Jones’s gun had wounded his back” (Orwell 80). Through this quote, Orwell made it clear that a discontent and discouraging tone is present because of the tension between Mr. Jones and the rest of the animals at the farm. Overall, the tone in a certain situation or overall novel plays an important role overall, due to the feelings of the author unraveling.
The Lack of Trust on Leadership in Animal Farm, a Novel by George Orwell. (2022, Sep 28).
Retrieved March 15, 2025 , from
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