The Issue of Feminism in Antigone, a Play by Sophocles

Sophocles’ Antigone displays a wide variety of issues within a government. Comparing these issues with present day issues is an effective way to see how society still struggles with conflicts that were going on as early as 440 B.C. Feminism is defined by Mirriam-Webster dictionary as “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.” Antigone exhibits instances that are parallel to those in which women experience adversity in society due to their secondary place to men.

Antigone shows a few distinct sides of feminism that are still frequent in the present day. The play shows a man’s viewpoint on feminism during their time, a feminist’s view, and a common woman in their society’s view. Creon represents the objection of feminism and the standard belief that men are more superior to women. Creon’s main reason for punishing Antigone is because he doesn’t want to let a women defy his laws and get away with the crime. Creon openly displays his sexism toward females and his belief that men are prominent with his comments regarding women. Creon’s fear to “lose judgment over a women” ultimately overpowers his original reason for punishing Antigone (Sophocles 81). It is important to Creon that he is seen as stronger than a woman. Creon’s sexism toward women reflects the way men treat women today, with derogatory terms being loosely thrown around. A majority of feminists in today’s society fight against domestic abuse, and sexual abuse. Creon’s thoughts about men’s dominance over women is an exact portrayal of the men who physically and sexually abuse and harass women.

Antigone’s courageous act of defiance against the law is a divine example of feminism. Women have actively shown their dedication to gender equality by standing up to men in many protest such as the He For She campaign, a organization pushing for gender equality. Like most feminist, Antigone was passionate about doing what was right, despite the consequences or her inferior gender role. Women were treated more subordinate in their time period than presently, which made it harder for Antigone to stand up for what she thought was virtuous. Antigone accepts her punishment and tragic fate, knowing that she will die with the honor of burying Polynices. Her true dedication to honoring her family member despite being a female is viewed as a heroic act, and an important milestone in feminism.

Ismene’s views on Antigone’s idea to bury their brother portrays a typical woman in their time. Ismene justifies that they are “only women” and that women “cannot fight against men” (Sophocles 54). Her persistence on changing Antigone’s mind shows how absurd it was for women to act against a man at that time. Ismene is more concerned about the act of civil disobedience and following the normal ways of their society, rather than the rightful act of honoring their own blood. Her objection to helping her sister revealed that being loyal to her family is not as important as her loyalty to men and the law. Ismene’s hesitance displays her belief that a woman is inferior to a man. Women and men are practically born into the idea that a man is more dominant, which is a leading cause to the dating abuse and sexual abuse that is so common in our world today.

Antigone shows the different ways feminism is viewed, instead of only showing one side of the issue. Creon’s insensitivity towards Antigone only motivated her further to stand up for herself as a woman. The feminism battle is an ongoing fight that is nowhere near its end. Antigone has great pride about her gender and is adamant about being equal to men. Her courage is similar to feminists who fight for the equality they desire, regardless of the constant reminder that men reign over women. Antigone is an advocate of feminism and a symbol of hope for all women.

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The Issue of Feminism in Antigone, a Play by Sophocles. (2022, Sep 29). Retrieved March 31, 2025 , from

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