The Great Depression Was an Oppressive Era

Poverty, hopelessness, unhappiness, misserey, these were just some of the terrible characteristics of The Great Depression. The 1930s entertainment played a huge role in helping Americans make it through The Great Depression. It changed the lives of Americans for the better and gave them some sense of happiness. America faced some of the darkest times living through The Great Depression. For not only adults, but children as well, these were very difficult times. All kinds of entertainment from movies, sports, music, films, radio, bands, ect were popular during The Great Depression. Because The Great Depression was an oppressive era, most people’s spirits were low; consequently, the arts and entertainment industry restored happiness in Americans and lifted their heavy burdens.

The Great Depression was a very sad time in which people had to live through. “In the 1960s and 1970s, unemployment insurance, food stamps, and Aid to Families of Dependent Children (AFDC) were enacted” (‘Social Security Act”). This quote shows that people were suffering badly during the great depression. Due to times being so tough, the government stepped in to help for those struggling people and their families. Approximately 25 percent of Americans were unemployed and in poverty (Social Security Act). This is still recorded the highest quantity of United States unemployment ever to this day. It was also very common for families to sell their children because they couldn’t afford to take care of them anymore. This shows that people were suffering badly during the great depression. This is important because it shows how deeply the lives of people were impacted during this time. Parents were left with no choice but to hand over their kids because they simply couldn’t keep them alive. FDR told the public on radio what was going to be done why it was going to be done and what the nexts steps were going to be during the great depression (Levy, David. “Fireside Chats”). FDR gave many fireside chats which were very brief and informal reports. FDR would usually have to give some bad news but he would encourage the country by staying positive. These chats kept people busy, updated, and informed about everything going on each day.

As you can see these times were very had to live through so the government put extra funds towards the entertainment industry during this time. “ Eighty-five million people a week crowded movie theaters across America to escape the emotional strain of their sometimes desperate financial situations”(Kupferberg, Audrey). This quote is saying that not just movies but many other types of entertainment gave americans a break from their troubles. The entertainment was designed to keep them busy and to take their mind off things, which it did very well serve its purpose. This is important because the entertainment restored people’s happiness during this time when they were so depressed. Entertainment made a huge impact on the 1930’s because it gave people something to look forward to and something to be happy about. 1930’s entertainment will forever be remembered in today’s society for the lasting impact it had on people and how we remember the famous works from then, still today. Hollywood expanded filmmaking which made the depression easier for people (“The 1930s: The Arts: Overview.”) Entertainment was highly valued at this time and it was very important. When the great depression went into effect and started hitting people hard, FDR gave a chunk of money strictly for production of entrainment. This then kept Americans happy and busy during such hard times. This is important because it shows that FDR cared about the people and their well being for he knew this would be a good escape for them. This had a very positive impact on not only people but the entertainment industry because the industry was booming and producing works that are still very famous today. It also impacted the people because it helped lower the cost of entertainment so they could afford to go see it.

Movies and Radio had a huge lasting impact on Americans. “Movies offered needed escape for depression weary-audiences, and they created powerful myths to reconcile social tensions and affirm traditional values (Wright, Bradford W.) This quote is saying that movies distracted people and made them happy again. Since people were so sad during the great depression, their happiness had to be restored somehow. Movies did the job, it was something that could put a smile on peoples face or even make them forget about their outside life for a while. Movies and other forms of entertainment such as radio shows, sports, bands, and more, provided the proper distraction and peacemaking for the time being. Movies brought back the happiness in the world that was once lost. This was a huge impact made on people during the great depression, for it turned their lives around completely. Beginning In the 1930s not only superior movie productions but radio programs as well created an era known as the Golden Age (Coletta Charles). Radio programs were very popular during the Great depression. They issued listeners a chance of escape while tuned in. Different shows and broadcasts like Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats offered comfort for many Americans dealing with their troubles. The decade transformed, and several homes had radios in them. They were the talk of the decade and what adults would always come home to and listen to after a long day of work. Overall radio greatly impacted Americans for it kept them happy, busy, and informed throughout The Great Depression and for many more years to come.

Because The Great Depression was an oppressive era, most people’s spirits were low; consequently, the arts and entertainment industry restored happiness in Americans and lifted their heavy burdens. Overall, The great depression was a very weary time where people were beyond sad. Entertainment helped them through their hardships and sadness. Without 1930’s entertainment life would have been very hard and nothing but negative for Americans at this time. Imagine if the entertainment industry wasn’t funded for during the great depression. If there wasn’t any movies or radios in people homes to keep them busy life for people during the great depression would be drastically different.

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