The Effects of Bipolar Disorder on The Human Brain and Behavior

When thinking of a mental disorder, does psychology come to one’s mind? Psychology is the scientific study of consciousness and how those components combine to result in our conscious experience. Psychology has allowed psychologist to form different types of studies. Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorders, including their symptoms and treatment. When a person has a psychological disorder, it is characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Bi-Polar I Disorder also known as Mania or Manic Depression is a psychological disorder which affects the brain (WebMd). Bi-Polar disorder involves emotional dysregulation of the brain functioning. Dysregulation functioning is the emotional response that is poorly modulated.

Psychologist have not yet to determine what causes a person to have bipolar. They have concluded that it can also be genetically passed to offspring. A person with a parent or sibling with the disorder is more likely to have the disorder than a person whose family members does not have the disorder. There are four known types of Bipolar disorder. Bipolar I and Bipolar II are the most common types of bipolar including Cyclothymic Bipolar and Mixed Rapid Bipolar. Bipolar II have been predominately found in women while Bipolar I is equally equivalent in both men and women. During research, psychologist found nearly half of the patients were diagnosed between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. However, there have been some cases where the patients were diagnosed at the age of six or in their thirties. Today, there are nearly 5.7 million people with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder has many effects on the brain and one’s behavior. Bipolar affects the hippocampus, neurotransmitters, and the mitochondrial. Researchers suggest the loss or damage of the hippocampus can contribute to the mood disorder (Healthline). The neurotransmitter is a messenger of neurologic information from one cell to another. The mitochondrial changes the patterns of one’s energy production. In 1980, manic depression became known as mania. Mania is a mood disorder defined by manic or hypomanic episodes. Manic Depression elevates a person’s normal mood with either extremely high moods or extremely low moods. It is then followed by abnormal behaviors, that can be disruptive to one’s environment (WebMd). Those with the mental disorder have at least one manic episode. Manic episode includes a person experiencing inappropriate social behavior, increased sexual desire, and decreased need for sleep.

Hypersexuality is a part of bipolar. Researchers have concluded that hypersexuality is almost always a result from sexual abuse. Among patients with bipolar hypersexuality, women are more predominately prone to have the disorder. Hypersexuality occurs in 25% to 80% of all patients with mania. However, a person suffering from craniocerebral trauma may also suffer hypersexuality. People with bipolar hypersexuality may experience multiple sex partners, think about sex constantly, have one-night stands, and be more interested in pornography. Bipolar hypersexuality can be treated through sex therapy, group therapy psychotherapy, and antidepressants. The disorder can also be treated with medications like Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Risperidone and Clozapine. When bipolar mania is treated properly a person can manage and live a normal life.

Throughout the development of psychology, psychologists have made many discoveries. Through the discovery of psychopathology, psychologists have begun to explain why a person behavior a certain way through the research and study of one’s conscious thoughts, actions, and feelings. Although bipolar have no certain causes for the disorder, it has become widely studied. Psychologists continue to develop treatments and medications to help a person maintain their day-to-day functions.

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