Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis in the presidency of Donald Trump

This quote from Sigmund Freud describes how today’s American political divisiveness. Is in the heart of our politicians and its constituents from all sides of the spectrum of the political ideology. There is a connection on the American people’s wants and the current politician of the day. Our president has played to the wants of the masses perfectly. Meaning he has used a psychological approach to his fiery divisiness of vitriol. And hate against people that don’t have his same ideology of America first. Donald Trump does this especially well when he is in front of his supporters in rallies across America. In the film the Century of the Self Transcript – Part 1 – Happiness Machines, we see how Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis fits into Trump’s presidency style. This film demonstrates how Freud believed that all humans had hidden dangerous instinctual drives and that feelings had to be repressed because they were dangerous in the unconscious mind.

Many examples were presented in this film where Edward Bernays, the nephew to Sigmund Freud, was able to manipulate this portion of the unconscious mind and shift the culture of America from a necessity to a wants culture using psychological theories. Mr. Bernays had the power to find the hidden passions and longings of the public at large and guided them to a new way of living as “happiness machines” that promoted the economic progress and the political stability that was needed at that time. He played into people’s irrational emotions by connecting them to a product or a service. In the same way, Donald Trump is able to tap into the deepest unconscious fears of his political base by saying irrational thoughts about so many subjects like: keep Muslim immigrants out as they are associated with terrorists; build the wall to keep the “Mexican rapist” out of our borders–creating fear; the shithole remarks on African countries and Haiti allowing a racist rhetoric to thrive; mocking a disabled reporter (personally very offensive to me); encouraging fights with protesters; name calling women (Pocahontas to Elizabeth Warren, low IQ to Maxine Waters, mocking Dr. Blasy Ford in support of Kavanaugh, etc); and just constantly lying to promote his agenda. In the video of the Century of the Self Transcript it states that, “If you keep stimulating the irrational self then leadership can go on doing what it wants to do.” The President of the United States has shown us he is not slowing down his rhetoric and his style of leadership where he is able to manipulate his followers’ emotions just like Bernays was able to tap into the American people’s unconscious desires. Mr. Trump has given his followers a sense of entitlement where they are allowed to vilify their opposers because of the way he speaks to them directly, using their language, a language that has never been used before by any other presidential leader.

Donald Trump manipulates the mass media like a modern day dictator. Showing his grandiose view of himself: He is the best in business; the best president ever; he’s accomplished more than any other president in two years; he’s the best father, etc. Mr. Trump needs approval and love. This is one of the reasons he continues to go to his rallies (since he won the election in 2016) to get his fix like a drug addict needs his heroin. This is where he transfers his anxiety to the public and also shows his intense narcissistic sadistic behaviors. Mr. Trump doesn’t follow the rules of traditional politics as being the people’s shepard to guide and to protect from the enemies of America both foreign and domestic. So this entitles the public to not have to have to follow rules. Everyone is allowed to express their anger and their desires as its permitted in Trump’s America. Unfortunately it can also cause destruction in the breakdown of our own civilization as people are frustrated with our American politics on both sides.

We are in need of a United America. One that has a leader that is not looking out for himself and a group of bureaucratic elitists, but one that loves America with all its uniqueness. Just like the above quote from Sigmund Freud, the words we use can cause strong emotions to others by provoking positive or negative actions. Edward Bernays was a gifted individual that knew how to tap into the crowd mentality to make them do what he wanted and in the same manner Donald Trump has the same gift. We are living in a world where this quote holds true good or bad.

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Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis in the presidency of Donald Trump. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved October 17, 2024 , from

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