Sex Trafficking and Sexual Crimes


Public concerns about sexual offenses have been higher and have called for harsher sanctions and sentences like sexual offender sanctions. Even though there are minimal cases of arrest for sexual offenders, most of the victims report that such crimes are some of the most devastating in their life since they come with large societal costs. This paper seeks to reduce rates of recidivism. Evidence from most of the sexual offenders reports that juveniles commit a good number of such crimes at their adolescence.


The purpose of this research study is to investigate multisystemic therapy (MST) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). As treatment options for juvenile sex offenders to ascertain. Whether they are effective methods for reducing recidivism. This research will synthesize the relevant studies while discussing sex offenders.’ Characteristics related to the two methods of treatment. The general research question in this study will be: How effective is behavioral therapy, MST (multi-systemic therapy) and CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) in reducing recidivism in juvenile sex offenders? The researcher hypothesizes that MST and CBT. Are effective methods of treating juvenile sex offenders and thereby reducing their re-offending. MST and CBT will be the independent variables. In the study that should have an impact on the effectiveness of the treatment that is the dependent variable in this study.

Background of Study

Initially, juvenile sex offenders were not perceived to be causing a threat to public safety but rather typical boys. Most people did not see them as a rapist, and thus they were never charged with rape crimes. However, by 1970 and 1980s, several research studies imposed interviews on adult sex offenders, interrogating them on their sexual history. In research by Brandes and Cheung (2009). Over 70% of the sexual offenders traced their sexual offense histories back in their adolescent stages. Implying that most of the sexual offenders commit sexual offenses at their juveniles. Another research study by Grotpeter and Elliott (2002). Was in support of the idea and stated that sexual offenders. Are psychologically driven to such offenses by their sexual desires at adolescence. But due to their inability to convince their partners, they resolve to rape or assault to satisfy their sexual desires.

Following such research studies, policymakers and medics focused. On juvenile sex offenders with the aim of coming up with strategies that could prevent such offenses during childhood. It led to an extensive concentration on the characteristics. And the likelihood of juvenile sex offenders to commit sexual offenses. From the survey wave of 1992, 50% of the juvenile sex offenders committed sexual offenses more than once (Herman, 1988). It is learned from this survey that it is possible for the juveniles to re-offend even more serious sexual offenses.

In response to the consistent threats caused to the public safety and increased. Number of recidivism among juvenile sex offenders, several options for treatment that never existed by the 1980s have been developed (Weinrott, 1996). Accordingly, the very first program for treatment. Was started in the year 1975 followed by other methods around the 1980s. That included a must treatment policies for juvenile sex offenders. By the year 1992, at least 750 programs for treatment had been developed even though their effectiveness had never been discussed (Herman, 1988).

Literature Review

The most common forms of treatment as identified are cognitive. Behavior therapy (CBT) and multisystemic therapy (MST). Multisystemic therapy applies to serious juvenile offenders, especially those who show the likelihood to re-offend (Letourneau & Borduin, 2008). The method is practiced in natural, community-based environments, commonly in the home areas of the juveniles. It aims at reducing recidivism by focusing on the underlying behaviors of juvenile offenders. Conversely, cognitive behavioral therapy CBT is a special psychotherapeutic. Treatment that gives sexual offenders a better understanding of perceptions or feelings. that influence their behaviors (Reitzel & Carbonell, 2006). The second step in either of the methods is to focus on the real behaviors that lead to the problem.

In recent years, cognitive behavior theory has become popular in treating sexual offenders and has been shown to effectively assist the patients to overcome a wide range of maladaptive behaviors (Letourneau & Borduin, 2008). Through the cognitive behavior theory process, patients are taken through the process of examining their thoughts through shreds of evidence that either supports or refutes such negative thoughts. By so doing, patients can objectively look at their thoughts that in one way contributes to their feelings to commit sexual offenses. Through making the patients aware of the unrealistic and negative thoughts, they are likely to start engaging in healthier thinking direction (Plaud & Plaud, 1998). Being a short term method of treatment that helps patients to deal with specific problems, it is projected to help sexual offenders to refrain from re-offending. According to Looman and Marshall (2005), the common concept of cognitive behavior therapy and multisystemic therapy is that the patients’ thoughts and feelings play important roles in their behavior. Therefore, the aim of the two psychotherapy methods in this research study is to inform sexual offenders that while they may not control their sexual desires, there are other better ways to interpret such desires and conduct themselves positively.

However, McCart and Sheidow (2016) oppose cognitive behavior therapy and state that while sexual offenders may recognize that some of their thoughts are either healthy or rational, just making them aware of their thoughts is never an automatic qualification that they would refrain from such behaviors. Besides, the researchers emphasize that cognitive behavior and multi systematic therapists are not focused on potential unconscious resistance to change as compared to other approaches like psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

In addition to the prior research studies, there is a need to evaluate the existing treatment options and conduct further studies on the recidivism of juvenile sex offenders. It would ensure the development of the most effective method of treatment that would bring down sexual victimization.

Research Design and Methods

This research project will employ a qualitative research method with a phenomenological type of research design. Whereby, phenomenology is an approach to a qualitative research design that considers the commonality of life experience of a specified target group (Hantrais, 2013). The main aim of a phenomenological approach in research studies is to acquire a given description that explains the nature of a given phenomenon or issue. In phenomenological design, interviews are conducted within some study groups who are believed to have factual and first-hand information or knowledge about the situation, event, or experience under study (Hantrais, 2013).

Qualitative research design seeks to address the life experience of specified participants. In the present study, the researcher will employ a qualitative design to address the experience of sexual offenders regarding CBT and MST. According to Roulston and McDonough (2019), qualitative research gives valuable information on behavioral patterns, describes qualities and characteristics of the phenomenon under study, hence it helps to determine the needs and expectations of the target group.

Population and Sample

The participants in this research project will be eligible juveniles’ sexual offense records. Out of 21, 10 will have undergone either CBT or MST treatments having engaged in such crimes. The participants will then be allowed to freely decide whether to take part in the interviews or not since it was entirely voluntary. This research study will involve the use of primary data that will be collected through a synonymous interview. The study will prevent such offenders from committing such sexual offenses.

Validity and Reliability

From Hantrais (2013), the validity of the research project is the integrity of the methods used and how the findings accurately reflect the data while reliability refers to how the procedures for the data analysis employed in the research work are consistent. In this research project, some strategies will be employed towards ensuring the reliability and validity of the research findings. The research will account for all the personal biases that would potentially influence the final findings.

Data Analysis

Thematic analysis will be used in analyzing data for this research project. The researcher considers this method of data analysis since it is simple to use and does not demand theoretical or technological knowledge. Thematic data analysis gives a flexible approach that is easily adjusted for different studies to enhance the collection of detailed and vibrant data sets. Accordingly, in the present study, the researcher will closely examine the data to identify the necessary ideas on sexual offenses in relation to CBT and MST treatments.


Assumptions in a research project are plausible or true by a researcher or the person, people whom the research study targets. An assumption is a fundamental foundation of all the research studies. This research study stays on a fundamental assumption related to the sample and the sampling technique used. The research assumes that there will be an appropriate inclusion criterion for the sample used in the study.

Ethical Consideration

Since the present study will involve human subjects, the researcher considers some ethical issues. The first ethical issue will be on informed consent, which will cover principles of respect to a person. In the present research study, respondents will be provided with consent forms to read before signing acceptance. The consent form will present the objectives, purpose, and procedure of the research study to the participants.

The present study will observe risk and benefits issues. No special arrangements will be put in place for any harm to the participants during the research work. But, participants who will be harmed as a result of other people’s negligence will be required to take legal actions at some payable fees. Limitation refers to potential weaknesses in a research project that is beyond control.


This research study will investigate the effectiveness of behavioral therapy, specifically MST (multi-systemic therapy) and CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) in reducing recidivism in juvenile sex offenders. Therefore, the study will be significant as it will in coming up determine the importance of MST and CBT in treating juvenile sex offenders as well as other measures that support the two methods of treatment. The study will prevent such offenders from committing such sexual offenses. Qualitative research design seeks to address the life experience of specified participants.

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Sex Trafficking and Sexual Crimes. (2022, Sep 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 , from

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