Racial Segregation As an Integral Feature of Past Generations

Assumption is increasing around the world. Every individual has a different assumption for a certain group of people. That thought is affected by the circumstances that surround us, such as the cultural perceptions, family, and media. The media has one of the biggest impacts on the society and it can shape people’s assumptions; for instance, nowadays people in U.S. and Europe think Muslims are terrorists, after 9/11 terrorist attack on world trade center. The media shaped people’s thoughts. Afterwards, people became terrified of Muslims and sometimes this problem goes further causing Islamic phobia. Once Muslims suffer a lot of discrimination until people isolated them from social interaction, because of their faith only. But some people took the discrimination as a challenge for their future goals or success. We can list various ways of discrimination the media used to shaped people’s assumptions. However, segregation depends on race and sex, stereotyping, and a racial bias was the major consequence of the assumption; on the other hand, overcoming assumptions might help a person that goes through those experiences to face any challenge on their path.

We inherit the practice Segregation based on race and sex from the past generations. In the past generation, a lot of people suffered from this problem; Particularly, Africa Americans and Latin Americans. Racial segregation means restricting people from their rights based on their race. For example, People can be racially segregated from public facilities such as schools, parks, and stores. For example, when young Africa Americans went to the store they will get special surveillance from the store employees and they will not get proper customer services. Especially when they went as a group, because people made assumptions about black young guys as troublemakers, thieves, and killers. There was a perfect example of this problem in our reading, “Black Men and Their Space” by Brent Staples. A black journalist companion of Staples went to do a story on a killer in nearby Waukegan, Illinois. The police mixed up the journalist for the killer and they held him at weapon point. A lot of black people had a similar experience in public facilities. Another type of segregation was gender segregation. This problem is decreasing, but still a lot of women are suffering; particularly, this problem mostly affects people living in developing countries, because of lack of education; for instance, in Ethiopia, people segregate jobs for men and women. Men’s is the household, and the income source for the family. On the other hand, women take care of the home and the kids. It’s the strangest thing when women going to work, and the man is seen in the kitchen. The culture made this problem and people accepted it because they don’t want to interfere with the culture, but it’s changing now.

The stereotype is another consequence of assumptions. People generalize certain groups of people by their religions, race, and gender. Stereotypes can be very harmful and unfair. These thoughts may or may not represent some individuals, that might affect individuals psychologically. Everybody has their opinion on certain races or cultures, that may be correct or not. There is two perfect examples in our reading book from “The Myth of the Latin Woman” when the cofer first formal dance when he kissed her, and she didn’t respond as he expects with Latin girls, he said “I thought you Latin girls were supposed to mature early”. This example shows us stereotyping that’s wrong. Additionally, another example in “The Myth of the Latin Woman” the incident when her first poetry reading the old woman in the audience before the show, she ordered her the cup of coffee, she think cofer was the waitress, the old woman accepted the stereotype, but the overcoming of this situation it gave her the ability to face challenges and hit her goal. As we saw stereotype goes deep through in people thought in certain things in society.

Racial bias is another consequence of assumption. Racial bias this thought or belief of a person on other person or group or race, and religion beliefs, biased person doesn’t want to listen to other opinions, belief and viewpoint or the fact, they listen or support a person who thinks and believe like them, not the fact. Family, the media and religious leaders may be the cause of these problems, because those groups or organizations they are always around us and they can influence a person thought, a lot of people struggle with these problems; especially the minority groups of the society, such as Muslims and Africa Americans. For example, bias in the workplace is a very huge problem, let say in one company finding employers and two people applied for the job one of the two people was Muslim and the others individual and the Muslim guys may have better experience and education background than the other individuals, but he might not get the job. Even if he got the job he may losses a lot of incentive that he deserves and workload, because only faith, those peoples have this bias they don’t want to listen to the truth or facts of the religion. This bias is this very popular in the country and various Muslims suffers this issue; Additionally, we can be bias in the classroom. the teacher may have favorable and unfavorable students, because the student may be the same race or ethnicity as teacher and the teacher creates the test and teaching style to make their favorite students get a good grade. for example, in the classroom there were black and white students, the teacher assumes the white students are smarter than the black students and the teacher makes a good a learning environment for those students. In general, bias in school is very dangerous more so than other places, because the teacher may transfer their opinion for students and the student accepted as a fact, and the bias will expand.

In conclusion, people have different assumptions about certain things and certain ways based on race, gender, and religion; however, making an assumption without knowing the facts has a lot of consequences in society, that may affect individuals. cultural perceptions, family and the media were the biggest influencers on person though. There are a lot of consequences of assumptions, but segregation based on people’s race and sex, stereotyping, and a racial bias were the major consequences of the assumptions. The overcoming of assumptions may help the minority groups or people goes through this issue to face their challenges and to hit their aim.

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Racial Segregation As an Integral Feature of Past Generations. (2022, Sep 29). Retrieved March 26, 2025 , from

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