Racial Segregation As a Cause of Racial Tension Between Ethnic Groups of People
Racial tension refers to the underlying or overt hostilities that exist between two or more ethnic groups. In other words it is just a deep hatred for one or more ethnic groups that is different from your own. Things like racial tension and racial discrimination have always been a serious problem in our world, it is still a problem to this day. While people have hypothesized why there is racial tension, saying that this can be the result of numerous factors, such as feelings of persecution and oppression, societal injustices, cultural disparagements, and social/political inequalities. I believe that most of these reasons are things of he past. While I will not deny that there is still racial tension in our world, I believe that there is a considerably weaker level of tension now than in the past.
In the past there were serious acts of terrorism happening on a regular basis all due to racial tension. The 16 Street bombing was a truly tragic event in history and a clear act of terrorism caused by racial tension. It happened on September 15, 1963 at a Church in Birmingham, Alabama, on this day four young African American girls were killed in a bombing. In the 1960s Alabama was known for having some of the worst racial tension in all of America at the time. The Church on 16 Street was a well known meeting place for civil rights leaders, so the racist organization the KKK chose this church as its third target in there series of bombings. The KKK also know as the Ku Klux Klan which is an American white supremacist hate group.
A small group of KKK members bought over 100 sticks of dynamite and planted 15 in the girls bathroom of 16 Street church basement. The bombs were detonated at around 10 o’clock in the morning, injuring over 20 and killing four young African American girls. The men responsible for these horrific acts were later found and all sentenced to life in Prison. I believe that now due to the efforts of outstanding political leaders the level of racial tension in the U.S has significantly decreased since the 1960s. But as I have already said racial tension is still a problem today, and I believe the reason behind this is our President who feeds the racial tension in our Country. Our President constantly promotes segregation and the banning of immigrants, and belittles people by slandering them on Twitter. It is due to the actions of people like him, are why racial tension is still a serious problem in our country.
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Racial Segregation As a Cause of Racial Tension Between Ethnic Groups of People. (2022, Sep 29).
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