Progressive Era of The Late 1800S to Early 1900S


The first part of the essay is about how progressive era of the late 1800s to early 1900s was a direct response to the ‘guided age of the mid-late 1800s’. The second part of the essay describes the guided age, outlines the major events, people, and ideas and how the things in question spur on the progressive movement and the changes that took place during that period of time. According to the progressive era (John, 1900 ) by the end of the year 1900th century as the American entered into the first world war, the progressive era came with dramatic variations to the America’s commercial, administrative, and collective sectors. Progressive comprised all humankind from different backgrounds, class hierarchy, and professions who confronted the old way of life of Americans.

The game changers engaged in a war to minimize the poor leadership qualities, embezzlement of public funds and other resources and the deficient lifestyle of the low living classes. They were convinced that setting up of industries and towns would bring about enormous social challenges such as the inclusion of city slums alongside work mishandling by uncaring organizations. According to politics, reform, and expansion (Harold, 1890), the epoch of those years was matched by turning point of American history. On one the side, the ancient America- the one that was mostly in the grass roots and practiced agriculture dedicated its concentration to the downfall of the landform that was happy about the seclusion from the First World War and was approved positive minded in thinking and living in disposition.

The part of America that was mostly industrial, was engaged in world political arena and the world wars experiencing massive changes in a number of people, economy, a level of know-how, and the day to day way of living hence causing many troubles that brought their gumshoe over the commitment in the future days. The cause of progressivism is described to have begun in the mid-late 1800s, when furious and small traders made the Grange and earlier the Populist Party to attack the unethical practices of large businesses. Progressive writers fought the well up the class in series of books and other written materials that condemned the ‘bloated trust’ for motivating and planting corruption and screening wrongdoing. At the end of the century, immoral behaviors were exposed as the big business. The media was directed to wholly expose disgraceful sections.

Social challenges were most for the investigation by magazines. The slum situations attracted the major attention. Some progressives encouraged more views to bring about educated Europeans .although they disassociated themselves from the logical descriptions, they later picked up his thoughts about speech and morality. Fundamental progressive supported attempts to marriages and cheap divorces as they forced programs to educate people on sex and birth control measures. As essential progressives forced to reshape America, a Protestant group ministers controlled the gospel body to bring about religious policies into the trading world.


The progressive era came with dramatic variations to the America’s commercial, administrative and collective sectors by the end of 1900th.According to politics, reform, and expansion, the epoch of those years was matched by turning point of American history. The cause of progressivism is described to have begun in the late 1800s when furious and small traders made the Grange and earlier the populist party to attack the unethical practices of large businesses. Immoral living characters were exposed as the big business.

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Progressive Era of The Late 1800S to Early 1900S. (2018, Sep 25). Retrieved February 25, 2025 , from

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