Donald Trump as President? Think again. Donald Trump’s presidency has had many negative impacts on the United States. About 53.5 percent of the United States people disapprove of President Trump as our President. President Trump is an unfit leader for this country because the majority of the United States people want to impeach him due to his inappropriate engagement with women, an executive order for the Muslim ban, and the decrease of refugees who are allowed in the United States who seek entry, and the wall that Trump wants to build with Mexico.
Trump’s inappropriate engagement with women has affected his presidency negatively. Since Donald Trump’s election in 2016, many allegations and misconduct toward women have been disclosed to the public. A video in 2005 has Donald Trump “boasting” about sexually assaulting women, supposedly “Grabbing them by the pussy. You can do anything.” he also said, “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” Donald Trump uses his fame and power to manipulate women and sexually assault them. Since he has been elected as President, this gives him the power to get to any woman as he pleases. Donald Trump also degrades women with many offensive slurs against them, such as “all women are bimbos” and “gold diggers.”
Not only does he degrade them he also shows that women are objects to play with. Since Trump’s presidency and this allegation, no Senator has denounced the President’s behavior that Donald Trump had admitted he’d engaged in. Although Donald Trump admits to taking advantage of women forcibly and grabbing them by their genitals, Donald trump still is the leader of our country, which is outlandish.
Donald Trump’s executive order to ban all Muslims and decrease the number of refugees has sparked protests and has brought many debates within the administration. The administration had aimlessly given the order straight to Donald Trump, and overlooked the power of a court, in this case, is the Separation of Power.
The First Amendment outlaws the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion,” and it vetoes’ the government from criticizing a particular religion. No court should have any justifiable reason to condemn any religion, but we have had a travel ban only against a particular religion, Islam, and have created an order called the “Muslim ban.” Trump felt the need to have “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” Donald Trump stated that “Islam hates us.” Donald Trump banned any immigrants coming from countries that are populated with over 90 percent Muslims. This includes Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. On the same day, President Trump appeared on a Christian tv channel and explained that the order indulges Christian refugees rather than Muslim ones. After the administration found that Trump’s orders were “unconstitutional,” they rejected them within a week.
Trump also reduced the number of refugees who fear violence and persecution and settled it for 30,000 refugees, while about 150 million try to come to the United States every year. Donald Trump decreases the number of refugees because he does not want any illegal immigrants, but he makes it difficult for refugees to enter legally. After the cuts that were made for the refugees, Donald Trump is calling it a “cautious decision” that threatens American National Security and foreign policies. ‘We strongly believe that refugees should receive equal treatment for protection and assistance, and opportunities for resettlement, regardless of their religion, nationality or race,’ the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations refugee agency have stated in a joint statement. Donald Trump’s orders are not only unconstitutional it also shows discrimination.
The wall between Mexico and the United States has created many racial and stereotypical slurs against immigrants coming from Mexico. President Trump believes that Mexican immigrants who come to America illegally come to steal American jobs that have better pay. Besides that, Donald Trump hired 200 undocumented workers to tear down the Trump Tower fast while paying them only $5 per hour. While these undocumented workers did their job, if they were to complain about their pay, they were threatened to be deported. Trump supposedly was unaware that the workers were undocumented. While Donald Trump denies all allegations, he was faced with court and had settled the matters privately. As Trump complains that undocumented Mexican immigrants “steal American jobs,” yet he has provided undocumented workers with jobs and underpays them. The outrageous assumptions that Donald Trump invests in towards immigrants reveal his unacceptable leadership.
These objections show why Donald Trump is unfit to be our President, from the Muslim ban to the wall between Mexico and the United States and the inappropriate engagement and misconduct towards women. Donald Trump’s presidency was ineffective and negative overall. Donald Trump’s actions speak louder than the word, which has affected many people not only in America but around the world. Thus, saying that we need to impeach him for the greater good of America.
Negative Impacts of Donald Trump's Presidency on the United States. (2023, Mar 15).
Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from
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