Media Bias and the Current Situation of Reporting News and Facts in America

Everyday millions of Americans plop down in front of their TVs to get their daily intake of news and current events of what happened that day. Sadly, most of the news and facts they are getting have been altered somehow by someone at the news corporation or by the reporters themselves. In the numerous news sources that cover world evens daily there are certain viewpoints that are thrust into the public’s face. This highly opinionated and biased news coverage has been present since there was news to report on. this essay I will review some facts on media bias and where we are today. I will express my opinion and the opinions of those around me by exposing the facts on media bias talking about Tomi Lahren being pro-choice, even though she is a Republican.

In actuality, biases are always present in the society, whether it be on social media or news reports. The first bias report I chose was Matt Walsh speaking about Tomi Lahren being pro-choice. He states in the beginning that him and Tomi worked for the same company and he enjoyed her show and speaking to her as well. He states that he doesn’t understand why she would go on The View and reverse course on abortion. He states that she spoke about being pro-choice after blasting liberals for believing that the unborn have no rights. In his blog he stated that Tomi spoke about being pro-life in her Facebook and Twitter as well.

Biases lay the foundation to such concepts and phenomena as prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. The second report I chose was when Tomi Lahren stated in The View that she was pro- choice. She speaks about being a conservative and someone who loves the constitution. In the video she says that that goes for a limited government and can’t sit and think the government should decide what women do with their bodies. In the interview she said “stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well.” Her tone in the interview is defensive and strong as well.

Manifestations of biases are not always obvious but in the blog one can really notice Matt’s blatant biases. In the first report which is the blog you can see the bias from his choice of words and phrases. Matt uses words as hypocrite, liar, and hater in refrence to Tomi Lahren. In blog he also states “she was pro-choice on The View because it was sure to please the crowd in attendance and attract favorable coverage from outlets like Cosmopolitan.” In his blog he shows a defensive tone and a sort of jealous feeling. He bashes her in every possible way saying she did it for the publicity and that she isn’t a true Republican. In the second report, which is Tomi Lahren being interviewed the bias is her honesty. The choice of words she has and her strong tone can show some of the bias links. In the last part of her interview in a very strong matter she states that even though she’s with the government, she believes that women should still have a choice. If they want to stay out of our guns, they can stay out of our bodies. She strongly agrees that women should choose what they most feel comfortable doing.

The impact of biases on the life of individuals can hardly be underestimated. It is important to place emphasis that biases can provoke conflicts between people because biases imply the existence of differences and prejudiced attitude toward certain individuals, an example being the two articles I spoke about. Both the articles I chose were talking about biases on pro-choice. One was the actual video of Tomi Lahren and her take on pro-choice while another one was Matt Walsh response to her video and his decision on pro-choice. Bias can be noticed in both from the tone they use and the words they choose to express their topics with. The most bias report was Matt Walsh because he was more defensive about her choosing pro-choice even though she is a Republican.

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Media Bias and the Current Situation of Reporting News and Facts in America. (2022, Dec 02). Retrieved March 7, 2025 , from

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