Immigration As a Solution to Poverty

Lastly, The economic need and extreme poverty in Central America should not lead parents to migrate to United States children can suffer from emotional damage without their parents. The article “Parent-Child Separation, Trauma, PTSD and Recovery in Children” by Alissa Jerud states that, “The separation of children from their parents can cause stress and emotional pain for the children. In the absence of parents, children can spend the whole day crying rejecting food and prying to be with their parents” (Jerud). When I was in Middle school I had a class son of a single mother leave him with his aunt because she went to Canada to work. He was quiet and serious. Literally, he never spoke. My classmates use to buying him and tell him things as; “the mute”. One day the teacher changed us of seats and I seated with him. I started to be friendly and try to talk with him and resulted easily to him to trust me. We start sharing thoughts and experiences of the life. He told me that he was happy because his mother was coming back from Canada and he would eat delicious again. He said he lived with his auntie but she does not give the same love as his mother does.

The auntie had more children and she gave more attention to his own children. Also, his cousin does not share the toys with him and the auntie does not bay toys to him. The physiologies of the school talked with him every Friday, he told me the principals was waiting for his mother to come back and talk with because when they tried to do with his auntie she yelled at him and told him to snitch. She said only women can open their Maud and snitch. In addition, Children who are separating from his parents can fall in depression and have a mental disorder. The article“What separation from parents does to children: ‘The effect is catastrophic’” by William Wan states that author that, “Their heart rate goes up. Their body releases a flood of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Those stress hormones can start killing off dendrites, the little branches in brain cells that transmit mes­sages. In time, the stress can start killing off neurons and, especially in young children”(Win). This explains how to be a part of their parents can affect to a child and what damage can cause on their brain.

However, there still some argue that People living in extreme poverty should migrate to the United States and leave their children behind to get out of poverty and give them a life without economic complications. Enrique sent money to his girlfriend Maria Isabel and his little daughter Jazmin to cover their necessities and be able to return to Honduras with them. Maria Isabel took care of their daughter while Enrique was In North Carolina working to give them a better life. Maria Isabel and her daughter had a mouthful of food every day with the money that Enrique send to them. Also, he sent money for a party for Jazmin’s birthday (Nazario 203-208). Nazario points out “ Maria Isabel spend most of the money on Jazmin” (Nazario 205). Maria Isabel and Jazmin would not have what they have if Enrique were with them. Furthermore, according with the article,”Life Happens in a Flash; Memories are Forever” by, Pranav B, Haruki Murakami said, “no matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away” (B). this states that the most important thing that a person can have its a memory. A memory and their absence of their parents it’s something that their money cannot substitute.

Overall, Parents living in a extreme poverty in Central and South America Should not migrate to the United States and leave their children behind because parents will lose the love of their children and they can not recuperate those lose moments. Also, Parents can buy anything for them but they cannot send love and the love of a parent is very important for a kid because they will remember it for the rest of their life. Also, Without the advisement of their parents, children can fall victims of the violence more easily. When a kid does not have their parents with them they can be able more easily to taste drugs or to be a victim of de violence in their country. And children can suffer emotional damage without their parents, the possibility of fall into a depression is high when a kid is apart of their family. The solution of this is that parents should carry their children with them wherever there be because their safest place for a kid is to be with their parents or stay with their children on their Country. I predict that in the future people will immigrate together us a family in order to have a better life together.

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Immigration As a Solution to Poverty. (2022, Sep 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from

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