Humanity’s Dependence on Plastic And, As a Result, Its Pollution of The Environment

Plastic started off as a solution to a problem of using unsustainable and expensive ivory material. This became a great solution at the time due to the fact that the material is durable, versatile, and cheap. However, it manifested itself into a larger problem that there now must be a new resolution to this previous solution. This detrimental issue is primarily caused by “single use” or “useless” items which are products that are created with the intention of only being used once or a handful of times. However, sometimes these products never end up being used and just thrown away. According to Plastics and Environmental Health: The Road Ahead, “Over 300 million metric tons of plastics are produced in the world annually and about 50% of this volume is for disposable applications, products that are discarded within a year of their purchase” (North and Rolf). Since the public has become so dependent on this convenience, they have also chosen to ignore the irreversible effects caused to society, environment, and animals. Although there has always been a worry about the sustainability of plastic due to the fact that it takes thousands of years to degrade, the impacts have become such a big threat that people no longer can choose to ignore it (Plastic: A Convenient Dependence) (Thomas).

The University of Leicester explains that, “Once buried, being so hard-wearing, plastics have a good chance to be fossilized – and leave a signal of the ultimate convenience material for many million years into the future. The age of plastic may really last for ages”. However, once plastic enters the ocean this slows down the process even more (Webb, Hayden, et a). One of the biggest issues is that most of the plastic that people recycled is not actually recycled. Instead it is thrown into the ocean or on the beaches by either. In addition, this has caused plastic to not be not only on the shoreline, but the deepest reaches of the ocean, remote areas, and within the ocean floor (Plastics: Why We Must Act Now). This plastic is then being broken down into smaller particles and then being ingested by animals or the animals or being entangled within the larger pieces of trash (Webb, Hayden, et a). With animals being hurt and the fact that they are digesting these particles it works its way back up in the food chains to humans (Plastics: Why We Must Act Now).

Since this issue has created such a big ripple effect of repercussions, due to the society dependency on convince, society must also play a role in the solution. In order to make a change to society’s behavior and perspective of plastic, it must start with education. Plato once said, “Ignorance is not the greatest evil. The accumulation of poorly mastered knowledge is worse”. Although it is important for the education on the effects of plastic, consequences of littering, and how much plastic is used be taught to everyone, it is especially important to teach those at a young age. In turn, this will allow for the new generation to grow up and already know the effects of plastic and how to be a part of the solution. Without this education people do not realize the serious consequences that plastic brings.

They are unable to keep themselves safe by not knowing what products plastic have, how to lessen their exposure and usage, and to lessen their environmental footprint. Consequently, this will help promote positive changes, awareness, and continual discussion around the topic (Xanthosand Walker ). It is important the public knows about one of the greatest potential the environment, marine life, and themselves so they are not perpetuating the problem.

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Humanity’s Dependence on Plastic And, As a Result, Its Pollution of The Environment. (2022, Sep 29). Retrieved March 31, 2025 , from

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