From Football to War: A Texan's Journey Through Pearl Harbor and Normandy

Texas 1941 December 7th 1:00 I was in my house watching football when I first heard about the bombing in Pearl Harbor. My friend Bennie burst into the room. “Steven! The Japanese bombed pearl harbor!” I jumped out of my seat, surprised. “Are you sure? How did you find out?” I asked him. “My cousin lives up there, and he almost died in the bombing!” He said. “When did this happen?” I asked. “It happened around 7:00 in the morning. They were completely unprepared. He told me two of their biggest ship got blown up! It looks like Roosevelt is going to declare war!” He said. “I thought this was going to eventually happen. After Germany, Japan had to attack the U.S.,” I said. “I was thinking that we could enroll in the army….” Bennie said. “Are you crazy! We would die! I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

USS Texas English Channel June 6th, 1944 6:00 I was on the USS Texas, one of the six massive warships invading Normandy beach. I decided to enlist after my best friend Bennie died as a fighter plane pilot. I was in the quarters with some of my friends, and they were playing stab scotch, and my best friend Zussman was telling a story. I hated Zussman the first week of basic, but now we’re best friends. He was telling us a story of a poker game he was playing. “Anyway, a group of buddies and I managed to muscle our way into a poker game with the football team. My group figured out a way to signal each other’s cards. You should have seen the Qbs face when I took that pot!” Zussman said. Then offered the knife to Stiles. “You want to try?” Zussman asked Stiles. “No thanks, I’m ok. Besides, I need to keep my fingers intact if I want to take pictures of the year. Stiles wants to work for Life Magazine, and he kind of looks like Clark Kent, except when he takes off his glasses, he can’t see anything. We all tease him about that. Then there’s Aiello, the veteran. He is a bit uncivil, if you know what I mean. He shows Zussman a locket he has of Saint Alban.

“Saint Alban got me through Kasserine Pass. If you can do three sets of stab scotch in 10 seconds, then it’s all yours.” Aiello said. “Ok, sure.” He looked at Stiles. “Time me when I say go.” He says to him. “Oh boy, this isn’t going to go well,” Stiles says. “Just do it. Anyway, back to my story.” Sometimes when someone thinks he’s better than you and bet on it. Go!” He told Stiles. And he was able to do it in 10 seconds. “You get flushed! He says. “No freaking way.” Zussman laughs. “Whatever,” Aiello says. “I’ll get something better.” He said. “Shoot, “Davis’ briefing is at 0630, we’re late” We all started to run out the metal door rusting from years of use when Sergent Pierson, a very strict man, blocked us. “What are you boys doing down here? Davis’ briefing is in 5 minutes.”

Zussman hated Pierson because he had embarrassed him in basic training. So when he glared at Pierson, Pierson got mad at him. “Oh, you think you’re special, don’t you? The Nazis will eat your lunch.” He said slowly, but you could tell he wanted to do something to him. “Not my lunch, sergeant. My lunch is secure.” He snapped. Pierson started at Zussman, but I stopped him. “Guys, let’s not fight, or Davis will get all of us in trouble. “Fine,” Pierson said. Then he walked off into the dark passageway up to the deck. Zussman and I start that way, walking up the dented and rusted stairs and passing by the dark control room with all the bright little lights. Then we went up to the deck to hear Davis’ briefing. “This is a day where you go down in history.

People will remember you for years, and you will all be fighters in history….” I write to my brother and wife to tell them what’s going on. I was writing to them on the boat we were on going toward the beach. Davis sure can give a nice speech. It reminds me of the one my football coach gave us on the game against the thunder. If you remember, we lost that game by 44 points. I hope that we don’t lose this fight. In my journal, I had a picture of my wife. Zussman looked at her and said, “I wish I was coming home to her.” He said. “Ha, just wait till we hit Paris,” I said. “We’re 200 yards from the beach.” Then someone got shot. The person was right next to me, and blood spattered on my face. “TAKE COVER”

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From Football to War: A Texan's Journey Through Pearl Harbor and Normandy. (2023, Mar 15). Retrieved March 11, 2025 , from

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