Does Hate Crime Against Lgbt People Affect Society 

The body of a black transgender woman was burned beyond recognition and was found inside an abandoned car in Florida. Dental records were used to identify the victim. The victim, Bee Love Slater was the 18th transgender person known to have been killed in the United States in the year of 2019, accoring to The Human Rights Compaign. The authorities are examining a series of social media posts directed at Ms. Slater before her death, according to the New York Times. In many parts of the world, hate crimes are continuously happening; especially hate crimes against the LGBTQ community.

Hate crime is a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds; in this case, hate crimes that are motivated by the basis of someone’s sexual orientation. FBI statistics tell a powerful story about hate crimes targeting gay people. LGBTQ hate crimes are the third most frequent kind of hate crimes in America after race and religion. Hate crimes are real and often involve extreme violence and overkill that is terrifyingly brutal. For example, As recorded by the police, in England, Walsa, and Scotland the number of transgender hate crimes has risen by 81% since 2016. In only 2019 the current number of transgender hate crimes were 1,944.

In Wales the number of hate crimes have increased in the West and South. This is an issue because numbers are rising in the crimes for the lgbt community, however there is no action taking place. People of the LGBTQ community are usually left feeling vulnerable, unsafe, and afraid. Hate crimes can make gay and transgender people afraid to do their daily life acttivies alone, even if they weren’t the victims of the attacker. People shouldn’t be afraid of being themselves, and doing things they choose to do. That’s how hate crimes against the LGBTQ community is a global significance to society in general. I observed that hate crimes against LGBTQ community are increasing every year, and nothing is being done to reduce these crimes. Hate crimes against the LGBTQ community is an ongoing issue, it has a huge impact on society.

In addition, hate crime affects the whole LGBTQ community culturally by making other members of the LGBTQ community or others with loved ones apart of the LGBTQ community feel unsafe, vulnerable, and afraid. For example, The University of Sussex project used studies, experiments and interviews with a total of more than 2,000 LGBTQ people in the UK to investigate the indirect effects of such crimes; within those people four out of five participants knew someone who had been victimised in the past three years, with about half knowing someone who had been physically assaulted, according to BBC.

Most common responses were out of anger, anxiety and feelings of vulnerability. This is significant because it evaluates how hate crimes against the LGBTQ community affects everyone, not only members of the LGBTQ community. Arguments made by this source is, hate crimes do not only affect the victims, it affects others who learn/know about such crimes. This evidence was retrieved from the BBC; which is very credible, not biased. The authors, Rupert Brown, Mark Walters, are staff from the University of Sussex, and Jenny Paterson, is a staff at Northumbria University. To increase the aspects of this source is that, Mark Walters is a professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Sussex, Rupert Brown is also a professor at University of Sussex, his department is in psychology, and Jenny Paterson is a professor at Northumbria University, and her department of study is psychology. This source explains how the effects of hate crimes are not only limited to the victims: they also affect others who learn of such events. Another example, The body of the 37 year old was recovered by the side of a road on January 1, 2019 and brought to the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital (HTAR) Klang, where doctors notified the police, according to Malaysian publication The Star.

The injuries the woman sustained on the left ankle, left eyebrow and to the nose suggest she either fell or was thrown out of a vehicle. Another trans woman died at the same hospital in December after being beaten by a group of young men. This evidence is very credible, it was retived from a LGBTQ community news site called the PinkNews. We need laws that protect people that emphasize Hate Crimes against gender identity or sexuality. The Transgender community are the easiest target because of our visibility. Hate crimes against the LGBTQ community is an ongoing issue, it has a huge impact on society.

Furthermore, hate crime affects the whole LGBTQ community ethically. Understanding the perpetrators who commit these crimes, plays a big part on this issue. For example, psychologist Edward Dunbar, PhD, is examining from a clinical and forensic perspective what drives hate crime perpetrators. He spent the last year at the Los Angeles Police Department profiling about 550 perpetrators, examining such factors as motivation, childhood histories and levels of pathology. Those who commit hate crimes are not mentally ill in the traditional sense they’re not diagnosably schizophrenic or manic depressive.

However there is a high level of aggression and antisocial behavior. Quoted by Dunbar, ‘These people are not psychotic, but they’re consistently very troubled, very disturbed, very problematic members of our community who pose a huge risk for future violence. People who commit bias crimes are likely to deliberate on and plan their attacks than those who commit more spontaneous crimes. Gay bashers commute long distances to pursue their victims in spots they’re likely to find them, suggesting a strong premeditative component to these crimes. In addition, childhood histories of these offenders show high levels of parental or caretaker abuse and use of violence to solve family problems; those who commit hate crimes show a history of such actions, beginning with smaller incidents and moving up to more serious ones.

Basically, these perptoders act based on what they experienced in their childhood. Unfortunately, events such as this may give the people permission to have and express these feelings; especially, people who have had painful experiences and no opportunities to heal, tend to be more hostile, and they’re easily channeling their hostility toward groups the society is also against. This evidence is retrieved from American Psychological Association; this source is very credible, not biased. This source builds the argument that we need to understand the perpetrators that commit these horrifying crimes, to understand why it happened and how to prevent these crimes from happening again. Unfortunately, hate crimes against LGBQT community continue to rise. Hate crimes against the LGBQT community is an ongoing issue, it has a huge impact on society.

Last but not least, social media plays an impactful role in hate crimes against the LGBTQ community. Online anti-LGBTQ hate speech is any communication or expression that happens online, which advocates, promotes, or incites hatred, discrimination or violence against any individual or group, because of their sexual orientation, or gender identity. Types of online hate speech include: threats to an individual or group, online abuse and cyberbullying, words, images and videos that call for or lionize violence against a group, encouraging others to commit hate crimes, offensive posts or comments, posting offensive, upsetting or inflammatory comments online in an attempt to hurt and provoke a response, and other online communication which could incite hatred towards a particular group or person. According to Galop, there’s a list of criminal offences that someone can commit in being abusive online. Such as The Malicious Communications Act 1988, it is an offence to send an electronic communication in any form that is indecent or grossly offensive, conveys a threat, or is false, with intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient.

The Communications Act 2003, it is an offence to send messages using any public electronic communications network, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, which are grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character. The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, it is an offence to disclose private sexual images online or offline without the person’s consent with the effect of causing the person distress. The Gender Recognition Act 2004, it is an offence to disclose information received in an official capacity about a person’s gender identity or history if the person has, or is applying for, a Gender Recognition Certificate. The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 contains a range of other offences including harassment, harassment when someone fears violence and stalking. Online life is so enmeshed in our daily lives that increasingly the online and offline world are not separate. Sometimes online hate speech is a part of a wider pattern of harassment and abuse that is happening in other areas of our life. People may also experience a link between online communication leading to direct contact violence and abuse. People should not have to just put up with violence or abuse, online or direct contact, because they are worried about disclosing their sexual orientation, gender identity or sexual behaviour. according to Galop. People of LGBTQ community have the right to decide if they want other people knowing their sexual orientation and gender identity, and if, when or how they choose to come out.

Outing someone’s classification without their consent is wrong, and sometimes unlawful.Attacks don’t always have to be direct contact; it can happen in many forms, as long as the perpetrators can gain access to you, agonize you, and find ways to harm you. Harassment is oppressive and unreasonable behavior that causes distress, including repeated attempts to impose unwanted communications and contact upon a victim in a manner that could be expected to cause distress or fear in any reasonable person. It’s very unfoutnate that hate crimes against the LGBTQ community even happends behind a screen. That’s how social media plays an impactful role in hate crimes against the LGBQT community. Hate crimes against the LGBTQ community is an ongoing issue, it has a huge impact on society.

Hate crimes against the LGBQT community is an issue, because innocent people are losing their life, brutally attacked and freedom to be who they are; due to other’s incapability to accept people for who they are. These crimes are being committed on three different perspectives: the cultural, ethical, and social media perspective. The motives behind these crimes are brutal and abnormal. Overall, being hateful, and harmful towards a particular group of people because of their sexual orientation is beyond unacceptable and extremely disgusting. Members of the LGBQT community deserve the same basic respect and human rights, just as any other. More investigations need to be done to at least stop hate crimes against the LGBQT community or limit the hate crimes against them. Officials just need to take hate crimes against LGBQT community more serious, and bring it to awareness, make more laws; punish those who don’t abide to the laws against hate crimes overall, and continue these heinous acts against the LGBQT community. The way this issue is being studied and discussed, changes need to be made.

The potential impact of future study or research on this issue is to continuously watch hate crimes against the LGBQT community rates and compare them with the previous research, and continue to address this issue and find solutions to resolve this issue.

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Does Hate Crime Against Lgbt People Affect Society . (2021, May 31). Retrieved February 22, 2025 , from

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