My impression changed though out the number of times I watched this Ted talk. Each time viewing this video it got harder to understand why this type of illness exists. Jennifer Brea is a very strong woman to be open about her struggles and help others become aware of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Jennifer stated that this disease “is a perfect custom prison.” The victims of this disease are truly imprisoned. Not just in their bedroom but in their minds and bodies. They will never be how they were before being diagnosed. The struggle of continuously pushing the body to move and work like it once did just to function in everyday life is something majority of us can’t empathize with.
My understanding of listening to Jennifer, is that the prognosis of this disease varies from person to person. Jennifer states that, “twenty five percent of us are homebound or bed ridden and seventy-five to eighty-five percent can’t work part time jobs.” The statistics are frightening because we see that a lot more people than we think have this disease. Conversion and Hysteria disorder is related to this disease because the symptoms are very similar. Hysteria is described as the unconscious mind producing physical symptoms when dealing with memories or emotions too painful for the mind to handle. When Jennifer was first diagnosed her doctor claimed that was her diagnosis. Missing the flags everywhere and truly not considering how she was describing her symptoms. The incident that occurred in the 1950s was that of doctors missing pieces of the puzzle while diagnosing patients with hysteria. According to the Ted talk, “Nine years later, 12 of them were dead and 30 were disabled.” All because the doctors didn’t check the patients for any other immune disorder. Men and women suffered and still do suffer. I don’t believe the gender bias is a big factor. This disease is so unknown and raises a lot of questions. Since many patients are women I can see why it could be raised in question of sexism. The fact that Jennifer knew of other women with autoimmune disorders and were diagnosed to late because they were told its all in the head, does raise questions of ignorance not sexism.
Changes are being made to give hope to patients. The realization that this autoimmune disease isn’t psychological but biological. That the people that are diagnosed don’t have to keep thinking it is all in their heads. The disease is real and effects a mass majority of people the same way. Different countries around the world are studying more deeply as to what this type of autoimmune disease consists of. Not only the studies and findings are giving hope but the coming together of the patients. They have found their voices in speaking out and helping each other get there is tedious disease.
In conclusion, I have learned a lot from this Ted talk. Opening my eyes to struggles of a disease that many possess but can’t be helped. The story of a strong women helping educating others of this disease. Learning about the struggles and hardship patients that have been diagnosed have to deal with. Doctors not fully understanding the disease itself to help patients overcome the hardness of it. After all the doubt this woman pushed through the pain and taught herself the knowledge she needed to know to better understand and the help others understand. Lastly, learning that you can be as healthy as ever and still be diagnosed with a disease that could change your life forever.
An Analysis of The Autoimmune Disorder. (2022, Sep 26).
Retrieved February 19, 2025 , from
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