The Social Class Parody in The Importance of Being Earnest, a Play by Oscar Wilde

Throughout the play “The Importance Of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde there are numerous amounts of farce, through its exaggerated and unlikely situations; this comedy of manners also parodies the social classes in a witty and intellectual way. This allows for the amount of contribution as a whole.

Throughout the entirety of the play, John or Jack (as he’s known in the country) and his friend Algemon or Earnest (as he is also known in the country) create the persona known as Earnest. The play revolves around the two friends taking on the persona of Earnest; hence the title “The Importance Of Being Earnest”. Wilde uses to his advantage the countryside and the city of London to actually mock late Victorian high society and its social customs. The play also revolves a huge mystery of who Earnest actually is. Although later in the play it is revealed that one of the brothers actual birth name is Earnest; the brothers first have to struggle with being in love while they are under the persona of Earnest.

Earnest affects each character in the play. Although the play is not told through the eyes or ears of the narrator the plot does revolve around the two friends and how they attempt to avoid their social obligations by taking on the persona of the made up Earnest. The play really becomes unusual when John as Earnest becomes in love with a woman names Gwendolen; he eventually proposes to her however the marriage is forbidden since he comes of low birth. The play even then become more unusual when Algernon as Earnest proposes to the heiress names Cecily; whom jack is legally bound to protect.

Throughout the entirety of the play John or Jack drives the plays action along with help from his fellow protagonists Algemon. As such these well educated and well-off men are quite similar, they’re trying to get wives and they have butlers along with imaginary friends. Both do work hard to secure their engagements despite lady Bracknell’s judgement; and both descend on the country essentially in disguise to deal with the problem of “brother Earnest”. The two brothers also arrange for christenings that they think will bring the ‘happy ending of a marriage’. However, although the scenes can become more and more confusing Jack differs from Algernon due to the fact that he is in fact more serious about keeping up his air of respectability.

After several confusing and yet hilarious situations the truth is revealed; the two men are in fact brothers. To accompany that John’s actual birth name is in fact Earnest. Since John’s name is actually Earnest this means that the two couples can be together at last. The play as a whole revolves around the confusing yet mysterious personalities of Earnest. Although the play may seem unusual in every aspect the plays central focus is love and disregarding the social obligations that society gives a man.

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The Social Class Parody in The Importance of Being Earnest, a Play by Oscar Wilde. (2022, Dec 02). Retrieved October 18, 2024 , from

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