The Impact of The Results of The World War 2 on The Development of The United States

The victory of World War II made more and more Americans feel more confident. As the world’s most powerful country, the United States has an obligation to maintain world peace. Rebuild the world’s economy, and provide moral leadership so that it can be achieved worldwide Universal values ​​of the United States. The actions of successive the U.S. governments after World War II were carried out under the guidance of ‘American nationalized globalism.’ The ultimate goal was for the United States to take the leadership role and promote more countries in the world to follow the American model. Achieve democracy and freedom under American rule.

The Second World War became a new turning point in American history. The unique, comprehensive strength has freed the United States from the embarrassment of trying to arrange the world order after the First World War but without success and began to dominate the international law in a way that is conducive to itself. The main reasons for post-war U.S. economic growth are; First, The U.S. federal government has stepped up its intervention in the economy. Second, The militarization of the national economy strengthened in response to the Cold War has dramatically stimulated economic growth. Third, The post-war technological revolution has promoted rapid economic development. Fourth, The use of post-war China’s economic advantage, expand the export of commodities and capital, and make full use of cheap foreign resources, especially oil resources, thereby significantly obtaining high profits. The domestic political situation in the United States after the war is quite stable. The United States relied on its unique geographical environment during World War II. Its own substantial economic, industrial foundation. And developed technology to rapidly expand and expand its influence after the war, making the United States a pivotal country.

Large companies are the product of modern industrial development. The core of the new economic structure, and a focal point of the new nationalist economic reform. Roosevelt has repeatedly stressed that mergers are an irresistible trend in the development of the modern economy. A huge economic union, if properly managed, can create wealth for society. However, large companies often misbehave, leading to many technical and ethical issues. So they must implement management and supervision. In his view, strengthening the administrative functions of federal government agencies and amending antitrust laws are the leading measures to achieve this reform. He requested that the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission be further strengthened to make it more effective in managing rail transportation. For example, if a railway company wants to merge or reach a transportation agreement. It must first obtain the consent of the Interstate Commerce Commission. And then publish the details of the merger or transaction to the world for public supervision.

In the face of the monopoly of big corporations. Wilson and Roosevelt have the same approach. That is, continue to increase the intensity of cracking down on the monopoly of large companies.

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The Impact of The Results of The World War 2 on The Development of The United States. (2022, Sep 27). Retrieved October 18, 2024 , from

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