The Defiance of Man'S Law to Please The Gods in Antigone

Throughout time it has been debated whether or not man’s law is higher than God’s law. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone goes against man’s law to please a higher power, the gods. Creon, the king, had set a law inhibiting anyone from burying Polyneices body. Antigone was afraid of the consequences from the gods so she buried her brother. Antigone’s actions were entirely correct when she chose to break the law and bury her brother Polynices.

Creon believes that Antigone should be executed because she committed treason by breaking his law. Although Antigone did go against his law, burying a dead body did not hurt anyone in Thebes. In fact, burying a rotting corpse most likely helped preserve the public health within the city. Antigone was correct in burying her brother because the god’s have a higher ruling than any human does. She feared the wrath of Zeus when he found out that Polyneices was not given a proper burial.

Antigone was correct for fearing the gods, Zeus has a history of putting harsh punishments on those who break his rules. For example, when Prometheus, another god, went against his wishes, Zeus sentenced him to a life of his liver being eaten everyday. In order to punish humans back on Earth he unleashed Pandora’s box. Zeus is a ruthless god, it is easy to see exactly why Antigone would have been afraid of upsetting him in any way. Although her punishment from Creon is death, her afterlife punishment would have been significantly worse.

Many people in history have broken laws and ended up benefitting more than just themselves. Antigone’s burial of her brother Polyneices is one of those situations. By burying her brother she is supporting her personal interest while also helping her family not have to face the wrath of Zeus. People like Rosa Parks also broke a law for themselves, and others. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man and was arrested for breaking the Jim Crow laws. At first glance her actions appear to be unlawful. But in fact, Rosa Parks was hurting no one when she refused to give up her seat that was already in the blacks section. This is similar to how Antigone broke Creon’s law about burying her brother. She did not hurt anyone in her refusal to follow the law.

Polynices was Antigone’s brother. It is morally right to honor deceased family members, so that’s exactly what she wanted to do. Antigone went against a law that prevented her from being respectful to one of her newly dead brothers. In terms of morals, this was entirely correct for her to do. In terms of the law, it was wrong. But the law itself was created by Creons pride. No one asked for Polyneices to be buried with honor, just simply buried. Creon did not do a good job as a leader by preventing one of his subjects from doing something respectful.

Antigone, from Antigone by Sophocles, was correct in taking action against Creon’s law and burying her brother. It is obvious that her justifications were valid and completely acceptable. Antigone should not be sentenced to death as her actions were not extreme and did not put anyone in danger.

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The Defiance of Man'S Law to Please The Gods in Antigone. (2022, Sep 29). Retrieved March 31, 2025 , from

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