The Battle Against Animal Testing

There is nothing that upsets me more, than people working in companies, factories, laboratories, and even in the comfort of their own homes to use innocent animals to test human products. After it has been proven that in almost all cases, animal testing has no benefit for us as buyers or consumers. Laboratories use animals that are considered family pets, such as guinea pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, and even ferrets. Forcefully using them to test perfumes, makeup, hygiene products, and even household chemicals should be illegal. With enough support and awareness around the country and the world, we can stop the abuse of animal testing.

We are killing animals every day for the next big skin foundation, or the next amazing fragrance that every girl must have. By forcefully applying produces to shaved areas of the animal’s skin and eyes, we are risking their lives as if they were not as important as ours.

Animals are forced into fumes upon them, as they are trapped in a confined area for long periods of time while inhaling fumes and chemicals. Animals are forced to eat produce that may or may not be mistakenly consumed by infants, toddlers, and even adults. In most cases, there are some side effects for the animals after products have been forced on them such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, seizures, and bleeding from the nose, mouth, genitals, and more. Animals suffer from infections from the inside and or out, inflamed skin, scabs, swollen and or cloudy eyes, and sometimes even blindness. In a lot of these cases, the animals either die or are killed depending on their condition.

I do not understand how a person believes using an innocent animal to test human products could be beneficial to our health. Guinea pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, and ferrets, all have different immune systems, and skin types than a human do. How does animal testing assure humans that a product sold on the market is actually safe? I do not believe that safety is guaranteed for the customers of animal-tested products, due to the differences between human and animal skin, eyes, fur hair, and immune system. Not only do we have differences, but the animals used for testing all also have differences on their own. Would you buy a product for your precious hair that assumes to be safe after it has been tested on the fur of a rat? Or perhaps not mind if your child had a bit of something that was assumed to be safe after the mouse consumed some and nothing happened, as mice eat just about anything from trash, walls, to the food off the floor. Animals raised in laboratories are becoming more immune to the products we use; therefore, they are becoming less and less efficient to determine our safety.

With enough support, we can stop using animals to test human day-to-day products. People have been becoming more aware of what they are applying to their skin and digesting through their bodies. There are companies and small town shops that are denying all animal-tested products because they have been educated and aware. More people are stopping to read labels on makeup and fragrances for the words “non-animal tested,” before they purchase them. These non-animal tested products around the world are proof that we do not need to use animals to reassure the safety of our next effective sunblock, or bestselling deodorant. Animal testing is not required by any law and makes me wonder why we still use the method instead of a more reliable, efficient, and quicker way. Recently we have been using test tubes with chemicals we already know are safe for humans. Test tube testing has resulted within hours or days, as animal testing can take up to months or years.

We fight for the abuse of cats and dogs, why are we not fighting for the guinea pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, and ferrets used for testing? They are just as important as any other animal. People have seen what these chemicals do to innocent animals; they would not dare to apply them to their own skin, yet have the decency to continue torturing them, and watching some even die. It is proven that we no longer have a use for animals in testing, as more people are aware of what goes on behind closed doors. With more time and explanation I believe that animal testing will be illegal for the better.

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The Battle Against Animal Testing. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from

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