Symbol of Birthmark in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story

In spite of the fact that Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘The Birth-Mark’ was published in 1843, the topic and notions can be seen in society today. Hawthorne’s thoughts regarding beauty has a noteworthy influence in our lives, in spite of numerous improvements. The story’s tone is one of sentimental controversy, an issue at its abnormal state. Aylmer, the scientist, his love for his speciality competes aggressively with his love for his significant other, Georigina. Aylmer’s longing to make his wife’s appearance “spotless” and immaculate, was destined to fail since, as Hawthorne proposes, perfection is solely portrayed in the territory of paradise, like heaven, and nothing like that can be found on earth. Even today, people endeavor to play the role of ‘God’ and change things that nature has already set in place. Humans are extremely curious beings of interest.

How much can be changed and make idealized? It is also exceptionally psychological, entirely managing the crude personality of its subjects as though the omniscient, third person narrator recounted the story from inside their head, instead of watch from the sidelines. He depicts the procedures that one may take to achieve a specific level of knowledge and intelligence and discover the remedy of life. As the reader, we did not know whether Aylmer had this level of confidence in man’s definitive authority over nature. The fact that the simple accomplishment of Aylmer’s flawlessness prompting potion may fate Georgiana to death. The craving for flawlessness not just kills Georgiana, it likewise ruins Aylmer since his longing to make a perfect ideal woman turns into an obsession that keeps him from seeing the positive qualities in his significant other.

It is difficult to state that one can be human and impeccable at the exact same time. This story created with intense imagery and damaging incongruity. This short story furnishes us with an ethical purposeful anecdote and subject that is all around essential through imagery. The crimson hand-molded mark place to the idealize face of a lovely lady contains much importance. Through his utilization of imagery and symbolism, Hawthorne tends to the issues of science, humankind’s flaws and how its manipulated, and humanity’s mortality. The skin pigmentation symbolizes the ‘lethal imperfection’ that definitely exists in this present reality. Nothing and nobody is impeccable, yet Aylmer proceeds to gullibly dream that only he can make flawlessness reality. The birthmark speaks to human’s ability to be mortal and sin while speaking to all that is great and significant within a human. The erasing of her one blemish at last frees Georgiana of the capacity to be flawed and thus mortal. She then passes on.“The fatal hand had grappled with the mystery of life, and was the bond by which an angelic spirit kept itself in union with a mortal frame” (Hawthorne 376).

Everything that flaw symbolizes, Aylmer needs to free himself of. In it he sees flaws and imperfection in himself that he fears to confront and when he does, he loses the main individual that was important to him. The story’s take through a romantic tale and demonstration on how humankind’s flaws can be taken a gander at from multiple points of view, challenges the manner in which one responds to the blemish that eventually decides its destiny. Individuals are not equipped for accomplishing flawlessness; if that were to be true, people would quit being people. Commonly mankind is loaded with imperfections, some showing up as we are born. From absconds in the body, to surrenders in the mind, to the mix-ups that one makes in quotidian life, it is difficult to deny that human flaw exists.

To attempt to control people into being unimpaired isn’t just outlandish, yet it takes away the uniqueness of being a human. With blazingly evident imagery, obviously characterized by the writer himself, the reader can take the story for what it is by all accounts, a simply childish investigation gone amiss. The irony in this is that he worked so hard to make Georigina in his image of beauty but as soon as she loses her mark, she loses her life. However, it appears as if Hawthorne was thoughtful to his man of science, leaving open for discourse love existed in this corrupt universe. Despite the fact that it is now and again equivocal, the tone of the story appears to point to only this thought. The birthmark can also symbolize blood due to its crimson, red color. The blood shading could be portray to the consummation where Georgiana dies.

In the story it states, “Alas! It was too true! The fatal hand had grappled with the mystery of life, and was the bond by which an angelic spirit kept itself in union with a mortal frame. As the last crimson tint of the birth-mark – that sole token of human imperfection- faded from her cheek, the parting breath of the now perfect woman passed into the atmosphere, and her soul, lingering a moment near her husband, took its heavenward flight” (Hawthorne 376). The demise hand had a firm grasp on everything that made Georgiana human, so when Aylmer executed that stamp from her, it took away everything that made Georgiana human including her life. The entry says that the birthmark was profoundly weaved with Georgiana’s face, this speaks to the certainties that humanity is defective and it can’t be divided. This could likewise be anticipating to the story’s completion; making it so that the reader knows from the begin that Aylmer will come up short at evacuating something so profoundly engrained in her face and character.

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Symbol of Birthmark in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Story. (2021, Jul 06). Retrieved February 22, 2025 , from

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