Mobile Cloud Computing for Reducing Power Consumption in Mobile Devices 


Mobile devices, including smartphones, are becoming an integral part of our daily life. These devices have robust capabilities and useful applications to help us achieve several tasks in less time and effort, especially within cloud services. Considering the fact that these devices are highly powerful, they have some limitations, too, such as battery lifetime, computation power, and storage capacity. Mobile cloud Computing is an emerging technology that helps in overcoming such limitations in mobile devices, mainly saving energy. In this paper, we will review the energy consumption in Mobile Cloud Computing since it is the most paramount design requirement for mobile devices. We will present techniques and prototypes in Mobile Cloud Computing to reduce energy consumption and increase resource efficiency and utilization.


Nowadays, mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, have become abundant and part of our daily life. Mobile devices are becoming more popular every day. Cloud computing is mentioned as one of the top 5 technology trends to watch in 4-5 years by a report from Gartner. The ‘cloud’ is a set of different types of hardware and software that work collectively to deliver many aspects of computing to the end-user as an online service.

Cloud Computing is the use of hardware and software to deliver a service over typically the Internet. With cloud computing, users can access files and use applications from any device that can access the Internet. An example of Cloud Computing is Google’s Gmail. Gmail users can access files and applications hosted by Google through the Internet from any device. The limited battery life is a very important issue for smart devices. However, mobile devices are constrained by their limited storage, processing power, and battery life.

Mobile cloud computing provides solutions to those problems by transferring the processing operations and storage of intensive tasks to the cloud system. Such applications that can run independently on mobile platforms and can also access cloud resources if needed are called Elastic applications. Basically, elastic applications have two features. Firstly, The execution of these applications is divided between a
mobile device and the cloud. Secondly, this division is done dynamically and adjusted during application runtime.


This Architecture consists of three components, namely

  • Mobile Network
  • Wireless Technology
  • Cloud Computing

Firstly the data of the user on the mobile devices is sent through BTS. Base Trans-Receiver Station (BTS) is a radio frequency mobile communication product based on GSM technology. It is a set of equipment that facilitates wireless communication between user equipment (UE) and a network. Then the data from the BTS is sent to Central processors. Here a complex process of Data Id is taken place where the data received is given some particular id, and the time and location of the data entry are noted. This is mainly to avoid confusion about which data belongs to whom. Then the data from the central processors are sent to the servers. The server allows you to connect to the cloud before creating its own replica of the data. Then from the servers, before the data is transferred to the cloud using wireless Technology, this data should go through an AAA block.

This AAA block consists of the following:

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Accounting

In the Authentication phase, it checks the User ID and password to determine whether the data of the user is not malicious and whether the user is perfectly authenticated or not. In Authorization, the services of the cloud are provided based on the rights you possess for using the cloud. It checks whether you are using the services owned by you but not any extra services to which you don’t have any access.

In Accounting, all the queries of a particular user have to be noted down. Any user coming in the middle must be given different time stamps and shouldn’t be executed in the middle. Wireless Technology is the Internet. Whether it is a cellular network or Wi-Fi doesn’t matter, but in this paper, we focus on Wi-Fi. Before going to the cloud, the data goes to the Application Server. The application server is like a connector that connects the mobile device to the cloud.

For the data to go into the cloud, firstly, a request is issued to the cloud, which is then processed by the Application server. In the cloud, it consists of two main components, namely Data Centers and Cloud controllers. Data centers are basically where the data is stored and processed. While cloud controllers are confined to user-related queries, If the cloud wants some information related to the user or the data, the whole process is retraced backward using the cloud controllers.

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Mobile Cloud Computing for Reducing Power Consumption in Mobile Devices . (2023, Mar 15). Retrieved March 28, 2025 , from

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