It Came From a Real Life Story Since in The Beginning of The Movie

While Katherine talks to Al Harisson and asks if she can go with him in the briefings and Al Harisson includes Katherine in his meetings. Katherine makes Al Harisson’s subordinates impressed as she explains how the capsule re-entry is possible. As the final arrangements for John Glenn’s launch, Katherine is informed that she is no longer needed at Space Task Group and has been sent back to West Area Computers. Before John Glenn’s launched he requested to Al Harisson to have Katherine checked the calculations. Katherine quickly does so and hurriedly delivers the results to the control room. The door is shut in her face after she hands over the paper but Al Harrison brings her into the control room so they can relay the results to Glenn’s launch together.

As I watch the Hidden Figures in the first place I know that it came from a real life story since in the beginning of the movie they stated that it was a true untold story and so it is not totally cliche. I can’t really predict how the story will flow since I didn’t research for it before I watch so that I will not catch some spoilers. The plot is really unpredictable and it catches my attention and let me understand and focus on watching the movie.

The themes used in the Hidden Figures movie according to my research and also in my own point of view are racism, sexism, and the drive to achieve something. The movie shows the untold lives of African American women who was working at NASA as ‘human computers’ who do difficult math by hand and in their heads. For me, I think racism is actually the major theme in the movie as it points out that white people found that colored people are impossible to work in jobs in the scientific community also because they believe that one of the lowest represented people were the colored people. When the three African American mathematicians has to work at NASA, they weren’t even able to work in the same place as the white people workers at first because of segregation that was in their Law. As time went on, segregation was overturned but prejudices remained. White people saw them as less capable and less likely to achieve because of their skin color and as if they had a contagious disease. Next is that sexism from which is another prominent theme in Hidden Figures.

The three African American Mathematicians who are the main characters in the movie are all women and that’s another thing that causes people to underestimate them like what Lieutenant Colonel Jim Johnson did to Katherine Goble when they first met. It was unlikely in the beginning that they would even get their jobs because of their gender and skin color and also because women just weren’t very likely to get jobs in science or math. And the another theme is that because of the sexism and racism the three have faced, it would have been easy for women like Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Goble to give up or find other ways to live their lives. Instead, they pushed back against hardships and worked to make major achievements at NASA. Despite the advances they made in the West Computing Group, the people who worked there were largely uncelebrated because of their skin color. Still, those achievements stood on their own and the movie brings those achievements to greater attention and helped show the contributions of the three African American colored women in the history of NASA.

The movie exposed some important lessons for science, technology and society. As mathematics is a language of science it shows us how can math really useful in everything we do specially to those who worked at NASA. Mathematical methods old or new are all useful once it is proven effective also when it is applied on the experiment. Science and Technology is related to each other and it is both expressed in the movie include its proper usage and importance. The movie also shows us the lessons about the society specifically about teamwork. One of the most powerful messages from Hidden Figures was that teamwork doesn’t care about our differences. The three African American women featured in the movie were very different from many of the employees at NASA in the early year 1960s. Culture, race, gender nor economic status prevented them from working with others to achieve a common goal which is getting the first U.S. astronauts to space. Once characters in the movie overcame their own biases about who ‘belonged in the room,’ the shared talents of all flourished to achieve their goals. This is a great lesson as we move forward within our broader society today.

The film’s visual appearance is totally good for me from the camera angles, shots and even the locations and costumes that they applied and used. It is all natural that you can’t even see flaws also in the acting abilities of each and every ones characters in the movie. I couldn’t even tell how much time was spent in designing the set and costumes. The sets are so realistic that I felt transformed into that time period. I loved looking at the small details added to each set. I have researched that Renee Ehrlich Kalfus is the one who designed the costumes which are so colorful and suit each character perfectly. It is so interesting to see how different the clothes were back then. The costumes helped add to it being in the 60s.

In my own opinion, Hidden Figures is definitely one of the great movie I have watched and people who are into math, science and technology could then watch it and sooner they will love the movie like me. The movie will taught you a lot not just about science, mathematics and technology but also on how you should deal with all the circumstances that may become a great barrier in showing your talent and making your dreams come true. My favorite scene in the Movie is when Al Harrison who was the Director of STG or the Space Task Group breaks down the colored woman’s bathroom sign to show Katherine Goble and all to all the women there that everyone can share the same restroom. This is my favorite scene because I loved seeing someone who looked beyond the color of people’s skin and appreciate someone no matter what but during my research I have found out that it is not Katherine Goble who experienced to walk half mile away just to relieve herself but most likely it was Mary Jackson.

I have done a lot of research and I also found out that there are more scenarios and characters which are fictitious but it all adds on the flavor of the movie and it makes the movie more intense and somehow I loved it. I will rate the movie with 9 over 10 since it is a great movie that was about the three African American women that has a great contribution at NASA. The reason why I didn’t gave it a perfect 10 rate was that there is one part I don’t like in the movie and that is when they just simply inserted Katherine’s love story because I didn’t see some chemistry about the two and also my focus was on the struggles they have encounter in their life and on how can they make the go/no-go worked. The other reason is because there are some scenarios that is somehow different from the original ones which made me feel a little disappointment but a little amazed on how the author inserted those fictional character to make the movie more intense.

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It Came From a Real Life Story Since in The Beginning of The Movie. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved March 29, 2025 , from

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