Imagine waiting on the line at the cafeteria on campus and you notice there are people running because there is a gunman firing not too far from where you are located. As a concealed carry license holder, do you reach for you gun realizing it is not there because it is not allowed on campus, or do you run for safety like everyone else? The founding fathers of America gave the right to bear arms for self-defense with the passing of the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. While every American citizen is within their right to own a firearm, a weapon has no place on campus of any university. Furthermore, although there are advantages of concealed carry permit, concealed weapons should not be permitted on campuses because they contribute to numerous negative effects for students such as increasing the risks that students are exposed to on campus, risk of theft and risk of accidental shootings.
Gun violence in America is at an unparalleled high and because of this epidemic, the ownership of a weapon has propelled alongside this rise. Today, many colleges are faced with a new threat to the wellbeing and safety of faculty and students and that is the fear of some students and teachers who feel the need to “defend themselves” by carrying a firearm. However, bringing concealed weapons to campus brings additional risks to faculty and students. According to a study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, nearly half of all full-time college students abuse drugs or drink alcohol at least once a month (Students For Gun Free Schools). Gun violence are more likely to increase because of the prevalence of drugs, the risk of suicide and mental health issues on campus(Students for Gun Free Schools). The risk of violent conflicts increases when there is stress and alcohol just take a moment to imagine what would occur adding guns to the mix.
There will be an increased risk of theft if guns are brought to campus. Guns that leave the home and into a public place tend to go missing often. For instance, a friend of mine that resides in Florida and has a concealed carry permit has had to report his weapon stolen twice in one year. One time it was stolen from his vehicle and the second time it was stolen from his gym locker. Allowing guns on campus will only increase the number of gun theft that occurs. College dorm rooms are typically small, with few places available to secure a handgun predisposing a considerable number of visitors who could gain unauthorized access to these firearms (Students for Gun Free Schools). A stolen gun can be used to commit heinous crimes on and off the campus that could be prevented if guns are kept out of colleges and universities.
Finally, there will be a huge increase of accidental shootings if guns are brought to the campus. There may be many gun carriers with permits but not all of them are careful and properly trained with a weapon. A student with a gun on campus may end up missing his or her target trying to “play hero” during a shooting, increasing the number of casualties. According to Antony Swofford, police officers have missed their targets more than 50 percent of the time during firing despite their training and the fact that they handle a gun daily (Swofford). If accidental shootings occur among trained professionals whose job involves handling firearms frequently on a daily basis, the average student or professor carrying a firearm would not be any better.
Gun control will always be a controversial issue. Presently, the possible harm that allowing concealed weapons on college campuses will cause, outweighs the good it could do. Colleges and universities are already safe. Our universities are some of the safest places in our country in large part because most campuses have remained gun-free (Students for Gun Free Schools). To avoid risks that add to the gun violence, it is imperative to keep handguns off campus. College students are regularly being pulled in several different directions, possibly having full-time jobs, and coping with the pressures of being an adult. To add a lethal weapon such as a gun into that mix is irresponsible.
Gun Violence and Gun Control in America. (2022, Aug 25).
Retrieved March 28, 2025 , from
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