Four Important Dimensions for a Leader

My purpose today is to inform you on how leadership styles impact on innovation management. Have you ever been told, “Do it this way or don’t do it at all?” if so, do you know what type of leadership or management style this is.

This essay will tell you how leadership styles on innovation management by setting out the organizational framework of the findings to date in four generic dimensions: people, means, effects, and goals.

People — By its very nature, leadership is a super-individual concept that requires a logical difference between leaders and followers. This difference can be explicit or implicit, temporary or persistent, but without it, leadership is pointless.

Means — The essence of leadership is that leaders lead, that is they carry out certain activities in order to influence followers. these means can include very heterogeneous activities like coaching, empowering, or even servicing. But without such activities there is no leadership.

Effects — The effect of leading is to induce a certain reaction in the followers, that is to make them follow. the effects can include very heterogeneous reactions, like increased enthusiasm or commitment. But without any effect, leadership efforts go nowhere.

Goals — Leadership is ultimately associated with certain goals. These goals can be broad visions of promising future states, but they can also be very concrete targets. In either case, leadership points towards a direction. In the context of this paper, goals are essential as leadership here is always directed towards the goal of innovation — this is what this review is about.


The four generic dimensions in leadership are People, Means, Effect, Goal. These four dimensions are very important for a leader to posses with these leadership qualities they can manage very effectively and efficiently.

Works Cited

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